Next morning, Atharv asked Reya, if she wanted to come to his place. He saw that Reya was a bit reluctant. He touched her cheek "Firefly, you have been there before. No need to be nervous and always remember that I would never let anyone hurt you."

Reya relaxed and agreed. She asked Atharv to pick her up around 9 Am. Reya didn't go to college. Zoya wanted to ask her to come with her but decided not to. She knew that Reya wasn't happy with her already.

Meera also didn't object, she had seen Reya being restless from some days. Atharv took her to his place, Reya didn't see anyone around, maybe Atharv knew that she needed some time to get used to.

Atharv took her to his floor and they settled down . "Ask" Atharv knew that Reya wanted to ask a lot of questions.

"What powers do you have?" Reya asked.

"Vampires have extra ordinary speed, vision, hearing. We don't need food, air or water to survive. We don't need to sleep. Some Vampires have special abilities also " Atharv said.

"Then what do you do whole night ?" Reya asked surprised.

"We do different things to pass the time, but when I am with you, I usually spend my night looking at you or playing with your hair. After all, someone doesn't feel at ease if I am not around her when she is asleep " Atharv said the last line teasingly. Reya also blushed.

"Can .. Can all Vampires do what you did on Hill ?" Reya asked biting her lower lip. It had scared her, but it was cool also.

"No , I can control all five elements of earth. That's my special ability. Adira can see the emotions surrounding her " Atharv said with a smile.

"What.. what do you survive on ? Do you kill humans ?" Reya asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

"We drink blood, its true " Atharv said and she felt her breath stopping "But we don't kill human, we drink Animal's blood. We can go hunting, but we usually get our blood supplied. And here I was telling you about my family. Not all vampires are like us, there ARE vampires who kill humans for blood " He explained.

"Why don't you? "She asked relaxing and moving closer.

"Because we don't want to be those monsters Raghav made sure we stayed in control, when he turned us" Atharv said and Reya nodded. She asked many questions and he answered them all patiently.

"Show me a display of your ability, but nothing scary " Reya said.

Atharv pulled her in his lap and agreed. He placed his one hand infront of her with palms up. A ball of ice appeared above his hand. It wasn't even touching his palm. Reya's mouth hung open in surprise, Atharv smiled and changed the ice into fire ball. Reya was looking at it mesmerized.

When Atharv closed him palm and the ball vanished into the air, Reya got out of the trance. Beautiful smile covered her lips. "How? “she asked.

"It's all present around us, we just need to control the molecules and make them work as we want " Atharv said and nuzzled her neck.

"It was awesome " Reya said kissing his cheek.

Atharv took her down to eat something. Meera was already sitting there. Her behavior towards Reya also assured the latter.


Adira was returning from college, when a car came infront of hers and she had to apply a break. She got out to see who had lost his mind. When she went near, the Mercedes door opened and Kiaan got out.

Adira was shocked for a second, but then anger took over. She came infront of him and placed her hands on her hips "What's your problem ?"She asked with anger in her eyes.

Kiaan stifled his smile, seeing her all worked up "My mate isn't ready to accept me, that's my problem" He said with faked sadness.

"And she won't ever accept it " Adira said and tried to turn around and leave. But Kiaan held her hand and pulled her towards him before she could do it.

He held her hands on her back due to which she was pressed against him. She felt herself losing, fight leaving her body. His closeness, his hot breath on her face, the feel of his body against hers was affecting her badly.

Kiaan noticed it and held her both hands in one hand and caressed her cheek with the other hand "My Fiery Kitten" He murmured but Adira heard him.

She got back into her senses and pushed him away, his hold wasn't that firm anymore, due to his focus on her beauty instead of holding her.

"I haven't forgotten your yesterday's behavior. Stay away from me " Adira said referring to his words for vampires.

Kiaan also got serious and said while seeing her leaving "Don't push it. You are leaving because I don't want to force you for anything. The moment I lose my patience, you will be in my home, as my mate, as my queen !!"

Adira halted in her movement listening to the cold in his tone, but then moved forward.

Kiaan also sat in his car and left. He was fuming with anger. He called his beta and asked him to arrange a fight for him at night. It was his way of letting his anger out.

Reya returned home in the evening, she was feeling a lot better and at ease after talking to Atharv.

She decided to talk to Zoya as well. She went to Zoya's room and hugged her. " I was just shocked yesterday" Reya said.

"I can understand. I was shocked myself, when Ishaan told me about it." Zoya smiled remembering that time. She had started hitting the wolf with her shoes when Ishaan came infront of her in his wolf form.

Ishaan had to shift back and calm her down.

"I can't stay without Atharv" Reya said on a whisper.

"Are you ready to become a Vampire ?" Zoya asked and Reya shaked her head in no.

"Its okay ! I was not ready to turn into a Werewolf as well. I asked Ishaan for time and he decided to give me that " Zoya continued " You can also do that. It will also give you more time to decide if you want to really do that. After all it's a big decision of your life "

Reya nodded and got relaxed . She decided to talk about it with Atharv later.