(Chapter 1) Day 0 - Today is the end of the world

Now I know that's not the most optimistic diary entry, especially the first page but do try to stick with it.

My name is Alix, and the following is my account of the end of the world. Though perhaps 'end of the world' is quite misleading, or downright dramatic in this context. The planet itself still exists, many forms of flora and fauna still grace its numerous lands and seas, the clouds move and the earth spins on its axis as it always has. What has really ended is humanity, or at least, civilisation as it was once known.

I know not why, how or when it started exactly, though the purpose of this diary is to chart my journey across the globe to find out the cause. I may be rambling a tad and drawing more attention to myself than is entirely necessary, but forgive an old man who has just awoken from a very long sleep. Longer than it was predicted as a matter of fact, but I'll get to all that later.

From my initial observations, I can see that something terrible definitely happened here. The land has changed, and not just due to the passage of time. Buildings that once towered above one another have toppled, crushing the ground beneath them. Great waves have swept across the land, destroying towns and villages indiscriminately. I think the water would have swallowed the land whole if it weren't for the colossal cracks and chasms that I can only assume were created by devastating earthquakes draining the water away.

A series of abnormally large natural disasters perhaps, but I shall discover more on my travels, being careful not to disturb any natural processes on the way. The city in which I was 'resting' seems to have grown since my time there, however any progress that had been made toward growth and prosperity have been neatly halted. The remains, or perhaps initial construction, of a wall surrounding the town can be seen from my hill vantage.

In the distance I can see the skylines of other cities and towns that seem to have faced similar devastation, no skyscrapers stand any longer and columns of smoke are still being belched into the clear, blue sky.

It seems I have found my purpose once more and I am in the process of preparing for my journey. My goals are simple, survey the damage to the planet, discover the cause of it all, observe nature as it re-asserts itself and, if it's still possible, survey what remains of humanity.

Travel, discover and observe.
