(Chapter 11) Day 86 - Evidence of a Virus

I made landfall two days ago, though it was more like land-crash. The island I had been aiming for remained as it had been at one time, surrounded by fog. Partway through my arduous journey, it became obvious that there was a fair amount of electrical damage done to the ship, though an investigation of the wires and components showed nothing out of the ordinary. It might've had something to do with that tower in the town square, some sort of satellite array that messed with my head when I got too close. Electrical disruption? Anyway, the controls gave up and all I could do was vaguely steer and go accelerate. The choppy sea saw to it that I slowed down enough to avoid killing myself on impact, the sloping hill didn't hurt either.

I suppose I'm avoiding the main topic of this diary entry because I'm...well I'm scared to write about it; even with the dawning realisation that I may be the only one to read it this time around. Something did a lot of damage to humanity, rather than the earth, or at least alongside it. Something very specific, very targeted and seemingly very man-made.

A virus.

All dramatic prose aside, I have found overwhelming evidence that a virus was released across, potentially, all of living mankind. Intentionally, although it may have been targeted with benign means in mind, possibly another form of weather control. I traced a number of news articles and police reports to a local hospital in the area, though when I arrived it looked more like a fortress. Barbed wire atop concrete walls, iron bars on the windows and guard towers with large spotlights stretched equidistant around the boundary. Multiple military vehicles and supplies lay unused, but there is evidence of fighting here too.

The rainfall hasn't managed to wash away a lot of the evidence, including large patches of blood, bullet holes on multiple surfaces and vehicles that had been piled up near the gated entrance, in what I can only assume was an attempt at a civilian mass-exodus. While the outside of the hospital looks like a warzone, the inside looks like something from a horror film, a horror film with a large blood budget at that. Picture the scene from any zombie film and you will be able to see what I do now. Windows smashed, trollies overturned, lights hanging from the ceiling, flickering as they still gently swayed, blood streaks coating the floors and walls...and the bodies. Oh, the bodies.

Hundreds, if not thousands lay strewn about the corridors in various stages of rot and decay, but all had large pieces of their flesh missing or what look like teeth marks embedded in their putrefied flesh. A tour through the hospital, a careful tour it was, led me inevitably to one room, the room of what appears to be patient zero. Or 'Subject 221A' as the note on the chart said. The name of the patient seems to have been redacted, but the body was still there. Hooked up to more machines than I'd ever thought would be suitable in a hospital, a lot of them looking for signs of things that should've been eradicated by now.

You can find the notes about the patient and what most likely happened here in my appendices section, but needless to say, I do not like where this is leading.

Hopefully there's still something of humanity left, waiting to be found.