(Chapter 20) Day 222 - Multiple human groups found

After my close encounter with the scavenging group of humans and their new companions, I knew the rest of my research had to fall by the wayside until I could discern where they were living and what their current situation was. Even following them for as short a time as I did, I could tell they were organised and more than capable of looking after the newest additions to their little group. My initial guess was correct, and there were over two-dozen of the adults in total, from what I overheard they were multiple scavenging parties that had merged together before returning home. I watched them disappear over the horizon and could see a small collection of structures in the distance, eventually, that's where they ended up once they had left the town.

That wasn't the only group I managed to stumble across, however. Evidently there are two functional groups within this new town, hunters and scavengers. The scavengers head to the ruins that have been scouted ahead of time, plundering every piece of useful material as they can carry. Some have specialists with them if they need specific equipment, such as electricians or engineers. Mostly they find food, medical supplies, clothing and various other every-day goods that presumably keep their town running.

The other group are comprised of hunters. They do exactly what you'd imagine them to do, they hunt wild animals. Some are hunted for their meat, while others are hunted to apparently ensure the safety of the human settlement. If a pack of wolves ventures too close to the town, or a mutant is spotted roaming in the wilds, they are hunted down or, when possible, scared off. These hunters take little joy in what they do, never merely hunting for sport as is the coward's way, but hunting out of necessity.

Not to say they are weak, however. As far as I have been able to observe, these are the elite, simply the best at what they do, so they do it. This new human society seems to be very utilitarian, but it looks to be working very well so far. They are decked in the best equipment, with camouflage gear when appropriate, hunting rifles, and composite bows. Their aim is always true, seeking to kill the beast in the quickest and most humane way possible before they retrieve their kill.

A third group came to the fore sometime later, the scouts of the town. These are always in pairs, never out of eye or earshot from one another. As I said previously, it's their job to scout ahead in the ruins and ensure it's safe for the scavenging teams to do their job. The move as quietly as I have seen, and rarely leave signs of their passing. Until I had seen this team, at least. Two human females were scouting a section of the city that I was currently hunkered down in, though they could not find my even if they wished to do so. They were too preoccupied looking for signs of wolf packs or roaming mutants, or signs of valuables to use.

They had their backs turned to the huge, grey and white wolf alpha that was stalking them slowly from the brush. Its nose twitched at the scent of its prey, ears down and back as it crept forward ever so slowly. Not one to stand idly by, almost always contradicting my policy of non-interference, a small piece of stone managed to find its way to the ground from my perch, falling right in-between the two parties. The two women instantly turned at the sudden sound, and the wolf chose that moment to charge.

I was preparing to do something slightly more drastic as I heard one of the women, a tall redhead, call out. At first, I took the words for alarm or fear, until I heard a faint word on the breeze.


Absolutely stunned by the turn of events, I could only watch slack-jawed as the wolf slowed its run to a sheepish jog to stand before the woman, who scratched the massive beasts head as if it were a lap dog! With the animal, Connie such as it was, in-tow, the pair resumed their search with their latest companion sniffing the air occasionally, wary of intruders in her space or close to her master.

I made a mental note to interview this pair especially, and find out how they managed to tame a beast such as that.