When the ball was going into the basket. she catches the ball before it gose into into the basket and run towards the basket fast and throws the ball into the basket in the last one minute. Janet won the match and said Senior max, is missing. They teased max and he went from there.
At the class everyone appreciates her for her daring challenge. After the class finished she went to meet her principal and asked about recruit the basket ball team. No problem in recruiting the ☽𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫☾ ball team but the players will not come again because of their coach. I will recruit them for my father said Janet boldly. And went from there.
Next day morning, In the college entrance she was advertised about the college basketball recruit. She give the advertisement paper and selling the papers like selling vegetables in the market. but no one take it serious and moved from there. She was standing there for an hour but no one was interested about basketball game. Next day also she did the same and the days passed no one gave the name. At the last Mira and Janet decided to go to boys dormitory. They slowly moved into the dormitory and by hiding her face with a mask. she went to every room and knocked the door and said them to come for selection. Suddenly the warden came inside the dormitory Janet run outside to the boys garden. A boy was standing there wearing a mask and he asked who are you why are you here. Janet run and closed his mouth and said don't talk. A sudden voice who is there he catched her hands and hide her behind him. The warden asked who is there. It's me Mrs Williams said the boy. Lucas did anyone came here asked Mrs Williams. No one Mrs Williams I am alone here said Lucas. If anyone pass by here just call me said Mrs Williams and went from there. Thank you Mr mask boy it's a big help for me I will give you chance to play basketball game come tomorrow to the ground. But said Lucas. don't think about talent your hight is perfect and everything is perfect but you are weak if you eat some meat and vegetables it will be okay I will train you said Janet. excuse me Ms crazy said Lucas. Okay I understand you don't believe me take my number show your hands take my number said Janet. Who is there a voice again from the dormitory. She written her phone number and run from there.
Next morning, again she went to the dorm with Mira. She went to ben's room and asked him to join the team. It's you legendary basket girl who defeated our senior max said Ben. Yes its me can you do favour for me asked Janet. What is it I will try my best said Ben. Can join basket ball team asked Janet. No I can't said Ben. But you are the captain if you join every one will join said Janet. I can join but no one will join for me said Ben. Why not your the captain who leads them said Janet. I may be the captain for the team but the team only listens to the coach and Lucas said Ben. Okay I will meet him soon as possible don't worry said Janet and moved to next door. No one opened the door. Then they went their room to sleep and talked there life and backgrounds. Next day morning again they went the college and published about recruiting team. Principal called her to her office. Janet if you didn't recruit team within one month there will be no basket ball ground we will make it as a football court said her principal. but said Janet. Stop you can go now said Principal. Call Lucas said principal to a teacher. May i come in asked Lucas to the principal. Yes you may come in said principal. did you called me principal is there anything important. Yes it is important for you said the basketball ground into foot ball court.
In the ground, I must do something to recruit the team said Lucas to Aidan. Are you going to join the team asked Aidan. No i going to use an trick. What is it asked Aidan. You will see it soon said Lucas. What are we going to do now for the basket ball ground said Mira sadly. I am going alone to meet Lucas today and ask him to join the team said Janet. They went meet ben in the dorm and asked him room number of Lucas. After getting the number they knocked the door. Lucas opened the door. Are you Lucas asked Janet. Yes it's me who are you asked Lucas. She removed her mask and said I am Janet. Who is there asked Mrs. Williams dorm warden. He pulled her into the room. Asked her to keep quit. She looked at once he was like a god with feather who helped her. Mrs Williams knocked the door. They went inside the toilet and asked Aidan to open the door. Aidan opened the door. Is there anyone inside asked Mrs Williams and entered the room. In the toilet suddenly a spider appeared Lucas looked at with a weird eyes and closed his eyes tightly. Janet took tissue and covered the spider with it. When was putting it into the dustpan she realized that he is afraid of spiders. And took the spider near him. He said through it away with afraid. If I want to through it away you just put a sign for joining the team. No I can't said is it because of the coach even if he is here he allow you play basketball said Janet. It's non of your business said Lucas. You don't have love and respect for your coach. I said its non of your your business said Lucas. If you love and respect your coach you must chased your coach dream and fullfill it. He pushed her outside the room. And thought about the words she said and cried. Aidan asked why are you crying. She was right i was wrong. what are speaking about asked Aidan...