Battle God, Battros

"Is that true?" a god in his black sleeveless robe, golden leaves crown, and a golden belt hammers the armrest of his chair. Three of his crest holders kneeled before him, with a golden leaf in their hands.

"Yes, your holiness." one of them responded.

From the look of his equipment, he's likely the leader. But the other two are still counted as heavily-equipped warriors, with two swords, a dagger, and a set of full-body armor. The leader even had a four-bladed mace on his back.

"Continue with what you're doing. Don't disturb me unless there's something important," the black-robed God instructed. With a wave of his hand, they entered the Holy Sanctuary, where he altered some of their statuses before leaving.

In return, their equipment was taken away as the tribute.

"Thank you, your holiness. We'll return to the Heavenly Dungeon," the leader, now look like everyone else, gives an excuse and left with the other two.

"Boss, are we going to the Micos Trade Shop again? Can't we shop for equipment somewhere else?" one of the rankless subordinates complained. They're now lightly clothed, barely enough to cover their private parts.

As the crest holders for the Lower-Tiered Battle God, Battros, they're required to present a tribute of 10 vaults dropped armaments per person each month to receive his grace.

The grace of [Crushing Stroke] allowed them to hits harder with the more protection they have. That's also why they're heavily equipped with various kinds of protective armor. But in exchange, they'll have to visit Micos' shop once a month to replace what they presented.

Luckily, Micos' product, which mainly comes from Aiolos, is counted as a part of the Vault Dropped Armament. Or else, they'll lose their life for the sake of getting the drops they want.

But still, paying again and again for the equipment cause them to lose their patience. Because Battros provides nothing except for his once a month grace, his crest holders are required to support themselves.

Aiolos provides accommodation to his crest holders. As for Tetros, her place gives out a meal for anyone that exchanges some food product with her. But Battros gives nothing out, only take.

That's because a Battle God like him is only capable of fighting. Producing materials to be exchanged into crystals and selections of tribute are somewhat impossible for him. To compensate for this disadvantage, Battros participates aggressively in the twice a month exploration to the Heavenly Dungeon.

Also, because of this, he's attracted to Tetros, the angelic-looking goddess who owns the grocer.

If he managed to persuade Tetros to made an oath together, that means her skill will be his to use. This shows how essential is the ability of God.

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Aiolos huffed. The assimilation process with the Orb of Skill (God) took him half a night to complete. But instead of something like Battros' Battle Grace, Tetros' Food Grace, or Micos' Mental Grace, he obtained something known as "Enhancer."

The [Enhancer] allowed him to provide a unique one time grace to a piece of gear, turning it into Grace Relic. The grace given varies according to the Giver's cultivation or expenditures he/she provide.

[This is my new ability... It sounds similar to the power of Creation and Star]

Aiolos turned both palms facing upward. The action release two types of crest hovering above his palms. This action also meant that his cultivation has just increased by a level or two. With two graces instead of one, it allowed his cultivation to improve rapidly, but also his expenditures.

After his self-cultivation, Aiolos continued with his usual work. The expedition not only gave him plenty of corpses to process, but there's also Ores and Herbs, and the three Lord's drops.

The repairing of their gears can be done tomorrow.

After all, they mutually agreed with a day of rest each time they complete a Dungeon Expedition together. It was the same for all of them for two whole years.

The Lord's Leather, which is enough for a cloak, is made according to Pharcis' stature. As this lass is known best for acting protective on her gears, making a cloak for her meant it will be preserved well for years to come.

As for Alrune, Aiolos took two pieces of ores out from today's loot. He's been hiding them in secret because both stones revealed a brilliant white flash when Godhood Power is injected within.

It is one of the rarest Elemental Stones that could be found inside Heavenly Dungeon, the Holy Stone. When embedded into armor, it protects the wearer with a mental barrier. And if it was inserted into a weapon, it will be able to execute holy elemental damage.

Hansen is the first to obtain new gear, followed by Yesha. With the Lord's Leather and Holy Stone in hand, it covers what he needs for the two remaining lasses.

The Lower-Heaven Starry Ether will be given to Pharcis as compensation for giving her only a fashionable cloak. And because a fighter like her requires better Magic points to performs better, using Starry Ether on her will be the best choice he can make.

Using Swift Wolf's hair as decoration, Aiolos patiently sews the hair he bleached white. The outer gives a hue of white and brown, and inside, a piece of green silk is sewn to provide warmth.

"I'm sure Pharcis will love this cloak a lot," Aiolos smiled. He folds the cape nicely aside and placed the bottle of Starry Ether on top before moving on to Alrune's gear.

After further consideration, Aiolos made his choice.

The lass, Alrune, is outspoken and a born leader. But she's often felt excluded from the others because of her position as a healer. A misunderstanding is bound to happen if Aiolos did nothing about it.

If he tried to compare, perhaps Aiolos is counted as one of the weakest gods in the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary when it comes to manpower. Even Tetros, who rarely perform well inside the Heavenly Dungeon, had close to 50 crest holders.

But that also means all of Aiolos' attention can be given to his four crest holders.

Two of the Tianyuan Iron is melted in intense temperature. They're poured into multiple molds with a unique shape like Chain, pendant, circlets, and more.

Once again, Aiolos will shape the metal using his fingers that impenetrable to heat. It takes him less than an hour to complete what he was doing, but the effort he put into this gear will undoubtedly make Alrune happy.

[I'll follow them out tomorrow. Let's order an Unfaltering Potion from the Medicine God, and also check out the Puppeting God's stock]

Aiolos placed Alrune's gear into a box and went to rest.

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"Oh my! I love this!" Alrune took her gears and returned to her room. As for the timid Pharcis, she quietly put on the cloak from Aiolos and grabbed his pinky finger.

"It looks beautiful on you, Pharcis." Aiolos rubbed Pharcis' head as he always did. The brown-haired lass with a braid now looks even feminine with a cloak covering her figure. A hint of green made it even mysterious, with a modest v-line on her chest. An emerald gem brooch sits there as it holds the two ends of the cloak together.

When Hansen came closer to Aiolos with only a simple top and short pants, Aiolos gets slightly irritated and give him a flick on the forehead. That sneaky brat finally gets his bitter medicine for sneaking outside yesterday night.

"Aww..." Hansen growls from his pain, but keep himself quiet. What if Aiolos tells others about his little journey to the sexual paradise?

The atmosphere of Aiolos Sanctuary changed the moment Alrune walked out of her room. The gear Aiolos just gave her matched with her silver hair perfectly, especially when it was tied into a ponytail.

Two Holy Stones dangles just a little below the starting of her jaw, revealing a sparkling white brilliance.

It was a pair of golden earrings with Holy Stone as the final touch. And on Alrune's beautiful, not too thick, and not too thin lobes. Since she has a pair of beautiful ears, to begin with, putting on the earrings only enhances her beauty further.

Hansen drooled for his first time when looking at Alrune. Luckily, he's still leaning on the wall. The drool of his falls on his cloth, waking him up from all types of perverted fantasy.

"Am - Am I looking - Good?" Alrune asked shyly. The blush on her cheek already appeared even before she speaks. A button that she usually fastens around her neck was released just for today, to accompany her as she wears the earrings.

"My... Alrune looks like an angel right now." Aiolos smiled. Even Yesha and Pharcis are jealous of how she looks. Are they just plain unfashionable, or the earring is just that important?

"Let us go out. I'll need to pay a visit to the Medicine Shop and Puppet Shop today. Shall we have our lunch at Hestius Restaurant today?" Aiolos asked. Yesterday's result of two Xuanwu Shells is something worth a celebration.

"Yay! We're going to have a meal at Hestius!" the crest holders cheered. Who would complain about a meal in Hestius Restaurant, the only Middle-Tiered Food God in the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary? Unless it was a table booked by a god, the mortal is not allowed to even come inside.

But in exchange for the eccentricity shown, the food that was served by Hestius and her crest holders is unbelievable. Most of them can only be obtained from the 4th and 5th layer of Heavenly Dungeon.

"Let us go. We'll meet outside of Hestius Restaurant in the afternoon." the door opened as the four mortals and one god steps outside.

"Huh? - Huh?" the eyes of two gods lands on each other.

For no valid reason, Battros' random strolling brought him here to stumbles across Aiolos, who's getting ready to run his errands.

"Hahaha - Hahaha - Hahaha!!! It is our first meeting today, Craft God Aiolos!" Battros stared at Aiolos with the ferocity of a lion and the power that only a Battle God possessed.


Aiolos is speechless. This was their first time seeing each other. But from Battros' aggressive energy, he felt an extreme manifestation of jealousy and anger.

"You are?" Aiolos asked. If they really have to fight, he's ready to do so at any time. His Sanctuary, Hexaltheim, is just behind him!

"Battros, Battle God. And the one that will make an oath with Tetros." all his intention was said.

"Ah! That's you." Aiolos remembered.

"Hahaha - So you know," Battros proudly laughed, but before he finished his sentence...

"Tetros told me you're quite a crazy god, so stop bothering her." Aiolos' words are like a bolt of thunder that hits him.