Mountainous Peak

The process of Holy Sanctuary surprised Aiolos, but it is understandable to him because of Rochelle's participation. The cultivation point just for today is comparable to when he joined the party. But instead of leveling them, he replenishes the number of their skills usage.

Once the Sanctuary closes, the youths returned to continue with their own activities, except for Hansen.

Since he's obliged to wait for the girls to finish their bath, he should talk to Aiolos until the girls are done. But before he speaks, Aiolos' finger came to his forehead for a flick. This has been something occupying his mind for some time.

"Aiolos, why?" Hansen rubbed his forehead. Although he controlled his strength, the force from 120 points is nevertheless devastating on a human forehead, especially someone with 12 points in Vitality.

"Why? Do you think I have no idea someone sneaking outside my place and coming back with the scent of a woman? If one day, Alrune caught you, don't you dare to ask for my help," Aiolos whispered beside Hansen's ear, warning him to be careful.

As for his reason to whispering, of course, it is because he's afraid of Alrune too! When that girl is angered, both god and man will have to face her wrath.

"Then, we'll sneak outside together?" Hansen replied in the same way.

"You! Fool!" Aiolos gave Hansen another flick on the forehead.

"If Tetros found out... We'll have nothing to eat!" with his fist on Hansen's head, Aiolos gave him his drilling of love.

"Then..." Hansen patiently stares at his one and only supporter.

The god.

"We'll find the way. I've noticed something special from the loot today. You guys killed two Spirit Foxes today, correct?" Aiolos replied seriously, but in a whisper.

"Yes," Hansen nodded.

"The Spirit Fox's Tail can be used to cover our presence as we sneak around. That way, we'll be able to sneak outside without getting caught. But we'll need something else to cover our return because we'll be full of perfumes by then." Aiolos continued.

"Ah! I remembered something!" Hansen suddenly raised his voice. This lad literally forgets everything as long as something came up in his mind.

"Quiet! Do you want the girls to found out!" Aiolos flicking of love came to his forehead once more.

"The dispeller mist from Micos' store. It can remove all external matter from the target." Hansen whispered. The girls almost bought the item but didn't do so because it's too expensive.

To the girls, this Dispeller Mist is a must-use product after a battle. A spray removes everything from smell to impurities, especially after fighting against monsters that drooled all the way as they fought.

"You want my life? That damn bottle of thing cost 50 Copper Crystals! For both of us, it's a Silver Crystal in total." Aiolos twist Hansen's ear for suggesting something so expensive. If it was used on him, one spray is hardly enough!

"What cost a Silver Crystal?" Alrune suddenly appeared behind them, along with Pharcis. The girls changed into their sleepwear, which came in a lacy design from shoulder to leg and fit well to their white-clothed sandals.

"No - Nothing!" Hansen immediately betrays Aiolos and removes himself from the suspicion.

[Where the hell is his backbone? This lad...]

Aiolos chuckled. Luckily, he's well prepared.

"The item you guys brought back, it probably worth around a Silver Crystal after I processed them into sellable products." Aiolos smiled as he answered the girls. As he patted their head, Rochelle appeared last, wearing decent nightwear that hardly capable of covering her two humongous peaks.

[That's a reason, man and male god went crazy. Can't deny at all...]

Aiolos controlled his jaw from dropping with all his might. Although Tetros' decent body always made Aiolos lust for, there's no spoken rule that a god can't ogle another pair of breasts!

[I'm a damn pervert. This is torturing...]

Aiolos continued gently. While the three lasses are busy sharing more things with him, Hansen escaped and entered the bath. Although Rochelle didn't get too comfortable with Aiolos, it did not stops her from adding in a few remarks whenever there's a chance to do so.

Soon, only Rochelle accompanying Aiolos after the girls returned to their room. She's somewhat nervous, with an irregular heartbeat jumping tensely.

"Don't tell me he's waiting for them to fall asleep? This is too torturing for me!!!" Rochelle's face turned red. Although she's very disturbed by the indecent thought, she has no idea why she's wearing white nightwear without an undergarment.

Luckily for her, the chest part of her nightwear is topped with some slime paddings. It was said to rejuvenate its wearer's accentuated chest section due to stressful activities. But today, the paddings found another reason for its existence.

To prevent the two shy "olives" from peeking outward.

"Rochelle, I'm glad you're willing to help. In fact, it was something we should learn ourselves, but luckily, you're here with us." Aiolos gently starts the conversation, worried that he went on too quickly.

Of course, it wasn't a requirement for a god to speak this way. But because he's a lower-tier god after all. Perhaps speaking this way would be better if he's going to ask for a favor.

"US???" Rochelle's heart almost stops beating. She's getting worried that Aiolos' fetishes are not one to one, but many to one. What she's worried about is not numbers, but how much can she take it. From her fellow crest holder, god's stamina is outrageous, to begin with, and doing the deed for days wouldn't be a problem to them.

News about how hundreds of mortal crest holders collapsed under the crotch of a male god and hundreds of victims sucked dry by a female god is normal in Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"Perhaps this is the test from Hestius to me. I'll do it, for the sake of armor in Lower-Heaven Tier! I will get stronger and pass the 5th floor!" Rochelle took a deep breath and gazed intensely at Aiolos. She would thread across mountains and sea to achieve her target.

"Wait, why are you showing me your bare shoulders?" Aiolos confusedly asked. Although he has no idea why Rochelle's gaze turned intense, he felt even weirder when Rochelle started to unfasten two of the uppermost buttons on her garment!

Although Aiolos tried to control his jaw, it still dropped. The cleavage as deep as Tetros' mountainous peak bares itself to Aiolos sight. Hansen, who's already half-asleep, blurry walked past them without noticing anything different.

Aiolos shuts his pairs of eyes tight, trying to clear this misunderstanding.

"Please calm down!" he said. The situation between them gets even heated to the point they're both embarrassed.

Not between body, but cheeks. Aiolos embarrassedly lowered his head to reduces their misunderstanding, while Rochelle quickly fastened her buttons. Her entire face blushed even redder than a monkey's buttcheek due to all the blunder.

"I actually mean my crest holders. I hope you'll do me a favor and teach them as much as you can." Aiolos explained himself. Perhaps he's being too misleading with his words and ends up creating misunderstandings to this beautiful lady.

[What a jerk am I...]

But to Rochelle, this is even more embarrassing. How can immerse herself entirely into what her fellow crest holder says? Her dirty mind just branded Aiolos into a pervert, a God who's trying to obtain her body in exchange for something that requires a little effort from him.

"Your holiness, please forgive me..." Rochelle prostates before Aiolos. She's sinned!

"Ah! No - No, please stand..." Aiolos panicked. He holds Rochelle on both of her elbows to bring her up, but as she moves, her cleavage in full brilliance blinds Aiolos once more.

This time, his jaw gave up to seduction. Aiolos' perverted but struggling expression shows as he pulled the embarrassed Rochelle up to a standing position.

Unable to control themselves anymore, both of them fall into a laugh.

"I was too stressed up, I'm sorry," Rochelle asked for forgiveness. From the day she's here, this is the first time she relaxed and chuckled. This is how she behaves like usually when she's with Hestius' followers.

"Me too. I was deeply absorbed into making the armor you asked and created multiple misunderstandings between us." Aiolos added. And of course, he will not be truthful on the part he just ogled her beautiful pair of breasts as they stand up together.

"Rochelle, I'll ask again." Aiolos calmly look at her.

"Please, teach my inexperienced boy and girls, so their survival rate inside the Heavenly Dungeon is higher. Although they might seem weak to other powerful gods, they're everything to me." Aiolos said. Like what he said, the four youths are his everything, since the first day he's born until today.

The affinity between him and Hansen, Alrune, Yesha, and Pharcis might look coincidence at the place and time. But for Aiolos, this is what joins them together as a family.

And in the eyes of older gods, he's a young god of 2 years old. But to his crest holders, Aiolos is their one and only faith. Although only four followers, to Aiolos, they're worth more than a thousand people per person.

"I will, even if you don't ask. I can see how deep is the ties between your holiness and them, and frankly says, I'm jealous." Rochelle agreed. Although she's been doing that for the whole day today, being asked made all her effort worth it.

"Thank you," Aiolos extends his hand out.

"You're welcome, your holiness." Rochelle followed. Although it was the first touch for them, neither negative nor perverted thoughts run between them. It was full of gratitude and reliance.

"I'll go back and continue with my work. Please, expect a beautifully made spear which is tailored for you tomorrow." Aiolos added. Returned to his workshop, he calmly caresses the hammer and the spear-pole.

[Damn! I almost lost myself on that pair of shining mountains. I'll have to quickly solve this...]

Aiolos starts hammering a piece of Tianyuan Iron Ingot he prepared earlier to vent out the perverted thoughts within.

While at the same time, somebody was having a sleepless night.