Currently, a soul was falling with high velocity towards a planet, it went through the top of the planet into the underground layer, into a lab. Then, as if sucked by a suction force, it went into a test tube. Throughout the whole ordeal, however, the soul was aware of what was happening around it.
But as soon as the soul was sucked into the test tube, it felt an immense pressure to sleep. The soul truly wanted to give in and go to sleep but in a single moment of clarity, it felt before going to sleep it did something.
It pulled the all-around force field it felt while it was falling into itself, it immediately gained a bit more clarity. Quickly using the single moment of clarity, it made the force constantly cycle through it and then immediately fell asleep.
*Same Day*
EXP-MD890 was a class 1 droid that was used to help in medical experiments. It could perform huge amounts of calculations, and also perform experiments that were dangerous to be performed by living organisms, or even in cases where living contamination was considered detrimental to the experiments.
Currently, it was taking data on an experimental gene-splicing embryo. The embryo was based on a basic human gene, and five other near-human genes were added to the human gene. The final objective was to have a specimen that will grow fast till its physical peak performance and stay that way with slowed down ageing, while also retaining the extra abilities from the added genes. The species selected in this experiment thus far were:
The Arkanian for their high amount of intelligence and the ability to see the infrared spectrum
The Chiss for their high metabolism and high growth rate.
The Miraluka for their high amount of force sensitivity and highly developed non-eyesight-based senses.
The Kiffar for their Psychometry
The Sephi for their extremely long-life span
All previous experiments have unfortunately failed, as the embryo destabilised within a few days. Currently, it was watching an embryo that was about to die, when suddenly it stopped and came back to stability. This was the first successful experiment; the owner will surely be happy with the results.
/7 weeks later/
Droid Pov
The owner had been very happy about the success of the embryo and has since tried to recreate the experiment with stem cells from the embryo, unfortunately, further repetition has been unsuccessful. But the owner was still happy about the success and has since made a deal with the local planetary government to sell the experiment after the required data was collected.
The growth rate of the embryo so far has been similar to human growth, it has been observed that the foetus is a male, and current tests show that there has been a recent spike in neuron activity from the embryo. It has also been noted that the neurons have shown much higher efficiency than base humans.
The body of the embryo still follows the development cycle of a regular human, further details are to be observed.
MC Pov
'I finally made it, wow this place is a mess.' he said as he saw what was supposed to be his mindscape.
A few weeks ago, when he was sucked into the embryo, with the last bit of clarity he had started a process to subconsciously make his body a force conduit, as he let the force fill him up, before letting it out again.
It was like he was a pot with an open tap, as the force filled him it also kept leaving him, while constantly filling him up with force energy and attuning him. So, when he got his consciousness back but without any senses, he decided to go into his mindscape with the help of the occlumency knowledge he had gained.
His mindscape was currently a huge mess, it was like a garbage dump with random stuff all thrown around.
'There is a lot of stuff to do, I guess. But first, let me understand what is happening to me.'
He tried to open his eyelids, or try to hear, but none of his senses worked, it was kind of disconcerting actually, but it was also a very peaceful sensation in a way, as it was one of the reasons, he had entered his mindscape so easily.
Anyway, seeing that none of his senses was working, he decided to make a last-ditch effort to try and see with the force, and to his surprise, it worked! He could now see a mental image of himself and the immediate realisation dawned on him that he was a freaking embryo!
On one hand, it was so creepy seeing himself all malformed, but on the other hand, it was kind of awesome. It was awesome because he had a theory that a person's force sensitivity or midi-chlorians only formed/attached while one was in the period of development. This meant that if he continued cycling that force through himself, he could potentially have more midi-chlorians than Anakin.
So, he decided that he wouldn't stop the cycling of force through him and re-entered his mindscape. Back within his mindscape, he first started organising the memories of his first life, which was unfortunately cut short on his college graduation day, as he had partied himself to death off of the mountain.
But one thing he had noticed was that all the memories were missing names. He couldn't even remember his own name or face, or any of his parents and friends. On the one hand, it was a good thing otherwise he might have fallen into depression thinking about his life that wasn't to be. On the other hand, he was kind of sad that even though he felt all these emotions and learned life lessons from these people he couldn't even remember who they were.
After some moping, he decided that since this was a new life, it wouldn't do well to dwell on his past life and decided to give himself a new name and identity, from now on he would Renato, which if he remembered right also signified rebirth. As for the last name, plenty of people in Star Wars didn't have last names so it was probably okay, if need be, he could always make one in the future. Seeing that there was nothing else he could do, for now, he decided to stay in his mindscape, slowly remaking it.
First things first, he needed to make up the basic infrastructure of his mind. After rummaging through his mind, he found the actual blueprints of the installation 00 from Halo. Apparently, humans had already found the blueprints for the installation but since they didn't have any tools or technology even remotely at that scale of the forerunners they gave up.
But this worked perfectly fine for Renato because he was in his mindscape, so there were no technological restrictions. So, Renato slowly built the ark. Renato didn't know how much time had passed but he had finally completed building the installation.
Now that he was in front of the control panel of the ark, he slowly sunk his consciousness into it to make the computer the manager of the memory palace. As he sat in a floating chair and connected to the computer he started to experience and then slowly categorise his memories and knowledge through the computer. A part of the occlumency technique was forming the concept of what the user wanted and letting the subconscious do its own work. His weird mind made so that his emotions actually turned into running programs on the computer.
It was kind of philosophical in a way. Whenever he experienced a high number of emotions, that particular program related to the emotion would increase the processor usage so much that the operating system which was his rational thought stopped working. With his occlumency, however, he could forcibly suppress these emotions by reducing resource allocation. But apparently perfect emotion control wasn't that easy.
Just like they say suppressing emotions will only cause them to burst out more violently, the emotion doesn't actually stop if you don't give it resources, it just keeps piling up in the memory, and if enough was stored, the system would still crash.
/An unknown amount of time later/
Finally, it was over! He had finished organising everything. The reason it took so long was that when R.O.B. said that he was giving him Humanity's knowledge from halo he wasn't kidding! There was everything! From medicine and fighting to even simple knowledge like farming and art.
Added to that was his knowledge of the Assassins and Templar orders. It gave him complete knowledge about all the fighting techniques, creeds, organisation management, and even professional knowledge without any technological knowledge. He, however, retained their knowledge of their history and their studies of the brain.
After looking through all the knowledge he concluded that even with all this knowledge, he probably couldn't produce an animus anytime soon as he wasn't as ruthless as the templars to randomly use test subjects without a care for their life just to figure out what was wrong with their tech and what needed to be fixed.
While he probably couldn't create an animus, he could, however, figure out a way to make a brain-machine interface. Whether he should make one, however, was another question. He knew enough about force users to know that many can use mecha-deru. While he didn't know exactly how mecha-deru worked, even if it was a bootstrap version of technopathy it would be like giving free access to everyone to manipulate his mind.
With his future enhanced intellect and mindscape, he could probably find any intrusion fast enough, but why even take a risk in the first place? He could just instead make it a read-only version, and lose a small amount of efficiency instead by just relying on his eyes. During all these thoughts the organisation of the mindscape was completed and it was now automated to follow a similar process to future memories. However, as he finished, Renato noticed a detail that made him want to rage.
He couldn't actually recall any of the knowledge instantly! As soon as he felt this, he wanted to curse the heavens that he was ripped off by R.O.B., but after cooling down for a few seconds he calmed himself down enough to think through why this was happening and immediately came to a hypothesis on why it was so.
The reason was simply the process in which a person learns. A person learns all knowledge through their memories! So, unless he had a memory about learning or practising that knowledge it wouldn't automatically come to the forefront of his mind. Now that he figured it out, all his anger immediately went out.
He guessed it was fair, the knowledge was already there, he just had to put some effort into making it truly his own. He probably had to go through everything anyway since this was a new universe and he had to compare knowledge.
While he didn't know how long he had been making his mindscape into the veritable fortress it was, he guessed a long enough time had passed since he had slowly started to develop his senses and sometime after he had regained his senses. He started collecting information about his current situation. Through hearing conversations around him, he found that he was currently in a lab on Empress Teta, after a quick search through the memories of his past life he found that it was an ecumenopolis near Coruscant.
He also found out that he was an experiment which in hindsight should have been obvious because he picked the option. The other information was that he was going to be sold to the monarchy of the planet as they were the ones that put in an order for a super-soldier bodyguard. Anyway, it didn't matter much to him because as soon as his body finished developing, he was going to escape this place.
For this purpose, he even started to make small efforts to prepare for it. Whenever he was alone in the room with the droids he started to practice his force telekinesis as the droids generally were in a hibernating stage while they were charging. After some period of time, he had gotten sufficient fine control to manipulate a single nut with ease.
He then moved on to the next step of his plan, reprogramming the PA droid of his "nice creator" Dr Hochbach. Every time the scientist left the lab the droid would attach itself to a charging port, he capitalised on this weakness and used the force to telekinetically open her input panel computer each time, and then proceeded to telekinetically use a pair of gloves to type while watching the screen with his rudimentary force sight.
This whole work was incredibly very taxing, but every day the amount of tiredness decreased and his fine control continued to improve. By now he could already keep using it for 16 hours continuously. But one thing that he found funny was that compared to his normal hands, the telekinetic gloves were actually much much faster because they didn't have to account for the physics and biology of the body. This resulted in him cranking up the speed to the keyboard limits while making sure it didn't break and registering the input fast enough.
It took him a lot of time, but he eventually managed to subvert her. After which he put in commands to download routines to perform all the things that he couldn't safely do until his body developed more. Like cooking, weaving, construction, hunting etc. Because he had a gut feeling telling him that he will probably land on an uninhabited planet after his escape and if anyone knew anything about Star Wars they know that there is no gut feeling, there is only the force giving you suggestions.
The time to escape finally came when he was biologically 15 months old. He was supposed to be fitted with a control-implant chip tomorrow but he wasn't going to wait for them to make him a slave.
Dr. Hochbach POV
Fosfosfosfos…...Specimen S1 was a fascinating subject for him, this was a single successful specimen out of thousands of experiments. Somehow only S1 was successful, current observations showed that it had assumed all the benefits of the species DNA it was spliced with. It was proven that it had a massive growth rate, as immediately after the birth of the subject, the amount of nutrition it consumed made it so that we had to move it to another bigger tank so as to accommodate the faster growth rate of the specimen.
After it was 'born', that is after the completion of its gestation period, the subject gained consciousness. There were a series of tests conducted on the subject, and all the test results were showing that the experimental objective was reached. He showed extreme intelligence by learning galactic basic within a week, and also with his observed ability to take commands and respond. As expected, the specimen had a very high growth rate as within the 6 months that he was 'born' his body had already grown enough to be considered a baseline human 2-year-old.
Tests run to determine his ageing limit came back with very positive results, showing that he had at a minimum of 200 years of lifespan, and a maximum of up to 400 years. While it has been shown that he is highly sensitive and has very accurate senses, there are still two abilities that have been untested those are his force abilities, such as force sight and psychometry. This was because it was truly difficult to test force ability since the knowledge of force was on strict lockdown by the accursed Jedi.
Some things that were unexpected however was that the subject had developed white hair, and white irises, but also developed pointed edges on his ears. These factors are probably due to the Arkanian and Sephi influence on his genes.
Thankfully, the changes are not big enough that they would be considered uncommon in humans. Because one of the experimental objectives was to maintain its appearance as a human due to it being beneficial for any future stealth missions. If it hadn't been so the experiment would have probably been deemed a failure.
He would have liked to perform more detailed experiments on the subject but unfortunately, the specimen was being sold to the royal family of the planet tomorrow and he had to prepare the procedure for inserting a slave chip into the subject.