Chapter 32 - A Sexy & Naughty Wife

"Okay, do you want to have some breakfast with me?"  asked Devan, changing the topic.  Daisy seemed to be thinking about Devan's invitation until she realized something that she had promised to bring Zen breakfast.

 "No, Devan. Thanks for the invitation, but I think I should go home." Daisy immediately stood up and cleaned the grass that was stuck to her back pants.


 "Yes, now. I promise to have breakfast with Zen. Bye, Devan!" Without hearing Devan's answer, Daisy walked away and left him. Devan just watched her until Daisy was nowhere to be seen.

Daisy slowly opened the apartment door with one hand carrying a plastic bag containing the breakfast she had promised Zen.  She heard the sound of music blaring and Daisy found out where it was coming from. When she found what she was looking for, her face was astonished.  Zen seems to be exercising alone without top clothes or a bare chest.