Chapter 41 - Hate & Love At The Same Time

Daisy's habit of buying books with an unnatural amount happened again. Indeed, the books She bought she must have read to the end. But also sometimes she feels sorry when she bought it, like it's useless, don't cry over spilled milk.

Her brain worked hard to eliminate Zen by reading books. But still, as far as she tried, Zen was there. Silent and sit there, in her thoughts.

Daisy was in constant pain every time she imagined that Zen had sex with Dera behind her back. Zen's body that was hers, had been shared with another woman, of course, it hurt her a lot.

Daisy has spent time alone without a friend, but the heart can't lie. She missed Zen, no matter how much Zen had hurt her.

The tears that she rarely even shed now fell down her cheeks. Her chest felt tight. A tightness that she didn't usually feel. Until she screamed she had to cover her face with a pillow. Occasionally Daisy even bites the bed cover hard, so she can muffle her cries of sadness.