Chapter 48 - Try To Escape Memories

Zen, of course, couldn't say anything about Daisy in front of the woman he had just made love to. Moreover, the woman he had hurt until now which she said still made an impression.

"Sorry, I can't tell you anything," Zen replied simply.

Rosi was silent with her eyes still glued to the lake. Zen secretly glanced at Rosi. When viewed from the side, Rosi's silhouette looks more aesthetic. The radiance of the moonlight that refracted into the lake to make Rosi's silhouette made him realize how beautiful Rosi was naturally.

"Don't look at me like that," said Rosi, who felt Zen was staring at her. Zen gasped and returned his gaze to the lake.

"Sorry if I was rude to you from the start. It was not my intention to, but well, sometimes some things remind me to make me a girl who looks bad in your eyes," explained Rosi.

"It's not your fault and I'm fine."

Rosie sighed. "Ho-how about your wife?" asked Rosie at once.