Chapter 50 - The Time That Someone Has Changed

"Of course we can talk nicely. But unfortunately, I can't stand to see you and Zen together. So, I decided to take you by force without anyone knowing," explained Alvon.

"Zen will know this, Alvon. You will be in danger!" Daisy whispered.

Alvon laughed at Daisy's tone. He even shook his head and sat on the sofa. "Daisy, I need to prove to you that Zen is nothing compared to me. Sit and let's have a good talk this time. And don't rebel, because if you rebel, the drugs will put you to sleep again."

Daisy struggled to swallow her saliva, but in the end, she sat quietly and even leaned back. Her eyes kept on watching Alvon because she wanted to know more. Everything Alvon knew, was it real or just bluffing her.

"What do you know about me all this time, Alvon?"

"Everything. From your kidnapping, your pregnancy, your miscarriage, Zen's affair, your modeling job, and more, Daisy. You can't possibly make me mention such things, can you?" said Alvon.