Chapter 57 - When You Can't Tell How You Feel, It Hurts You So Bad

-(Daisy's Point of View)-

Still, in a state of crying, I immediately took out the things that were in the box. I'm good at picking up things that don't belong to Zen, so of course, I don't need to be reminded of those things.

I wiped my tears and then I remembered the time I was at Zen's apartment. I found a pregnancy test kit in the bathroom that had been thrown in the trash. Why would I know? Because I saw that only the pregnancy test was trash, nothing else than that. 

Was the woman pregnant and didn't want to tell Zen so she threw it? Did she think Zen wouldn't know she threw it away? Tsk! Why do I even have to think so complicated? That's right, it's none of my business. But I have to meet the woman, at least spoke to her a little. I won't scold her. Maybe there is some jealousy in me because she managed to steal Zen's heart in my absence, but again I have to know that what happens let it stay like that.