Chapter 128 - The Divorce Changes Everything

-(Daisy's Point of View)-

"You must have seen the news, right?" She began to speak

"Yes. I see. Sorry, didn't mean to offend, but what did you come here for?" I asked politely.

Her eyes looked like they were starting to tear up like she was about to cry. And yes, Rosi burst into tears and I gave her a tissue.

"I need help, Daisy. I... I love Zen so much. And he is devastated to lose our child. I want you to try to be close to him again, then let him take care of you and your pregnancy," she explained, asking for help.

I blinked my eyes a few times. Digest every word with disbelief. Did she just tell me to approach Zen? Is she crazy?

"I know my request is crazy. But I don't want him to stress, Daisy. I-"

"Does Zen know you're here?" I asked to cut her off.