Chapter 137 - Out With Him

Jeremy wasn't sure what Zen had just proposed. For him, the negotiations would be okay if Daisy chose one day. Because it was Daisy who had the choice. Besides, Jeremy didn't want to force Daisy either.

 But Jeremy still wants to be by Daisy's side. He also contacted Daisy to ask what she wanted. Unfortunately, before Jeremy dialed Daisy's number by heart, her cell phone rang, Raka called him.

 "Jer, are you out of work?" asked Raka.

 "Nothing. What's wrong?" Whereas earlier in front of Zen he had to work as an excuse so he wouldn't have to deal with Zen for too long.

 "Then, get ready. We are going to swim. I will pick you up at your house later," said Raka then hung up the call arbitrarily.

 When Jeremy got home, he immediately prepared his swimming trunks even though he didn't know why Raka asked him to swim.

 No need to wait too long, Raka's car horn sounded and Jeremy immediately got out.