Chapter 154 - The Girl's Smell On His Body

"Ah, Weiske … She always accuses me of bad things related to Daisy. But I don't mind because it's natural. Just please tell her that I'm here with a paid woman making out. You're even bothering me, Raka, ' said Zen, getting annoyed.

Raka swallowed his saliva because he felt it was bothering him.

"Aren't you worried about Daisy's disappearance?" asked Raka fishing.

"I'll find her. Now get out of my apartment!" expel Zen starting to feel emotions. He closed the door violently and then smiled slyly.

Zen turned and returned to the woman. He stared at the semi-conscious woman because she was tired and drenched in sweat. His mind raced with his words to Daisy who said that he had changed completely.

Zen had even lied to Daisy for being selfish to get it. Even though his love is growing, Zen can't stop having sex with women to satisfy his lust. At least until Daisy could return completely to him.

"He's looking for Daisy?" asked the woman hoarsely.