Chapter 165 - It Is Not Okay

The sound of Daisy's shoes echoed as she entered Ricky's house. For a moment, she stopped and looked around. Not much stuff, but all neatly arranged. Either Ricky keeps his things hidden or that's all he has in his big house.

"Please have a seat, Daisy," Ricky said, motioning for her to sit down.

Daisy sat up straight on the available sofa. She chose to sit on the single sofa which Ricky would not mess with. She just wanted to be on guard from things that are not desirable.

Ricky appeared with a can of soda and a can of beer in both hands. He placed the drink in front of Daisy. "Sorry, I'm not used to providing homemade drinks for guests. This is all I have," he told Daisy.

Daisy raised an eyebrow. Again she felt like deja vu. The banquet given by Ricky was very typical of Zen. But Daisy didn't want to remember it that often, so she just gave up on what she was about to face and stayed on guard.