Chapter 179 - Everything Reminds Her

Anyone will feel awkward if a widow has one child, making a birthday party at the request of someone who is not clear what the relationship between the two is.

It wasn't Jeremy who had any doubts, it was Daisy. However, her doubts were still there because she was still very afraid of disappointing Jeremy.

But remembering all the things that Jeremy did for her and Jason, her doubts gradually disappeared.

Now Daisy is celebrating her son's birthday with Jeremy by her side. They already look like husband and wife. Or call it a happy family. Even people who don't know the truth may think so.

Jason looked very happy and enthusiastic. Daisy thought Jason would be nervous or something because he'd never had a party before. On the contrary, her son looks happy.

After blowing out the candles, cutting the cake, and distributing the cake, they all ate together. The other children were busy playing games provided by the Fast Food Restaurant.