Herobrine Analysis Completed
Oh yes, that's right. Thanks to Notch pushing Herobrine down into the analysis pool, Herobrine had been fully absorbed into the swarm. It was at that moment my brain just kind of froze.
Herobrine had been absorbed into the Swarm.
My mind was completely blank for a moment as the ramifications of that statement sunk in. After those few moments, my mind started going a mile a minute. No wonder Notch had given me that look that made me feel as if he was dissecting me with his eyes alone! He'd just handed me the capability of pumping out a massive army of Herobrines, if not become Herobrine myself! He probably wanted to make sure whether or not it'd be better if he didn't just kill me before I could get that far. Since he left though, I guess he figured I'd be ok. The fact that Notch figured I'd be alright with that sheer amount of power in my hands actually humbled me a little. I had to chuckle a little bit at the irony of that thought, considering I'd just been thinking of surpassing Notch and going even further beyond not but a few minutes ago. Unfortunately, I had to bite back my chuckle with a groan, and realized with a start I still couldn't really move.
Overmind Health-14/300
Dang… Herobrine really did almost kill me, and even with my Adamantium Armor on top of that. There's no way around it. If Notch hadn't shown up, I'd probably be dead, which is probably why he even showed up in the first place. Beings in the supposed position of god have a bad habit of only interfering at the last moment when there's no other choice.
My Queens had started at my groan of pain, and next thing I knew, all six of them had cast Transfusion on me. The last four were a little redundant, but I appreciated it all the same. Back to full health, I stood up with the help of Rose and Snow on both sides, and I gave a deep sigh.
"We made it." I said, almost in wonder. My Queens seemed to be coming out of their shock slowly to realize the same thing. Soon we were rejoicing and hugging and jumping, celebrating our being alive. Me especially, considering just how close I'd actually come to death. Still, I fought Herobrine! I fought what amounted to a hell diety and survived! And I can only get more powerful from here! Of course, I'm not going to forget that I only survived due to the equivalent of a celestial diety intervening on my behalf. I'm not going to end up stupid and let pride get in the way. Pride is my so named number one enemy, being the root of nearly, if not all, evil. I fight tooth and nail to keep myself humble and treat everyone as equals, no matter what. That's not about to change ever.
Once our partying settled down, I grinned and said, "Let's find out just what we got from Herobrine shall we?" My Queens nodded, still a bit fearful of the name though. I could hardly blame them. The worst part really is that Notch had said Herobrine had been removed. The only problem with that is in Minecraft, Notch has had to say that Herobrine has been removed numerous times, indicating that he keeps coming back. I can only hope this time is permanent, and this time, I'll have Herobrine's abilities on top of my own.
Welcome to the Zerg Genetic Archive
Input Command
:Give me the stats on Herobrine
Teleport Lvl 3 – Can teleport any distance, into any solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, so long as you've been to the location before
Invisibility Lvl 3 – Can become undetectable to any source, can choose to reveal yourself to individual sources
Lightning Lvl 3 – Can cast a lightning bolt into any location regardless of no sky available
Flight Lvl 3: Mind Over Matter – Capable of propelling yourself using only your mind, limited only by the mind
Creation Lvl 1: Able to build anything with your mind you already know how to build manually; size limited to ten times your own size
Incorporeal (Passive) – Take on a non physical state automatically in reaction to any danger
Immortal Lvl 1(Passive) - Health is infinite; continued existence depends on outside source
Adaptive Strength (Passive) – Base strength is set automatically to allow the ability to lift and throw any weight
True Sight (Passive) – Able to see through any limitation to vision (ie. Lack of light, solid matter)
Dark Slave (Passive) – Enslaved to the powers of Darkness (Ability: Enslave to the Dark unlocked)
I had to sit down in shock. These abilities… the first three I already knew about basically, though the ability to teleport into solid matter is a little much. I suppose that's where the ability to become incorporeal comes in handy, since you'd be trapped if you were a being of solid matter teleporting into a wall or the ground. I guess that true sight comes in handy for that since it that would allow sight despite being inside solid rock or something similar. The capabilities of that are enormous, but understandable given the circumstances. Even adaptive strength is understandable, though the idea of having that with PSI gauntlet on top is boggling my mind as well.
No, the things truly throwing me for a loop are the creation lvl 1, what the incorporeal and immortal abilities tied together actually means for that fight I just had against Herobrine, and what that Dark Slave thing could mean.
For one, that creation ability, even limited like that, is ripe for abuse. So long as I know how to make something, I can build it with my mind? And it's only lvl 1! Lvl 3 probably strips all limitations from that ability, and quite frankly, there wouldn't be anything that could stop me at that point. If that would allow me to create anything I can imagine, then there's really nothing I can think of that could stop me.
As for the incorporeal and immortal abilities… throughout that fight, not once did Herobrine go incorporeal. That means that not once did I actually threaten his existence, whereas he nearly killed me. Herobrine was right. At this point in time, I really was just a flea compared to him. The thought is very sobering in the extreme. Though, that extra bit about requiring an outside source to stay alive is unusual.
That Dark Slave thing though… what exactly does that mean? I tried asking the ZGA, but it had no more information on the ability than that. What exactly is the Darkness? Does that mean that Herobrine wasn't acting like himself? If I only I could ask Notch…
Then again, maybe I can ask Notch! He said I'll find his doorstep above the clouds and through the double rainbow. If I had to guess, this would be the Aether that Notch, the creator of Minecraft, was going to add to the game, but added The End instead. If that's how you get into the Aether, then no wonder Notch removed it from the game! Getting to such an area would practically require the ability to fly!
With the help of my Queens, I stood up. Like myself, they're also a bit shell shocked since they could see what the ZGA had to say through me. They couldn't do that before, which just lends credence to the idea that they're cerebrates in training at the moment. No other creature would've been able to see the ZGA according to them.
I contemplated going to visit Notch right now, but then decided against it. Not that I don't think Notch will destroy me, but there's always that possibility, and I don't want to take the chance of being subject to the whims of a diety. The only personage I answer to is my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ, as well as the holy ghost. Anything else is a big fat no. So before I can go see Notch, I need to be able to meet him on equal footing. Thankfully, I can do just that by incorporating Herobrine's abilities into the Swarm.
Gathering my Queens, we teleported back to the Hive, though I made a quick stop in the Void to make sure everything is still going alright, and that throwing Herobrine into the Nether like that hadn't had any lasting repercussions. Thankfully it didn't, barring a small crack in the outer shell of the Nether that I didn't have the strength to close up, but hopefully after getting adaptive strength, I'd be able to.
Going back to my Queens, I contemplated what to do next. Obviously, the best move would be to apply the abilities from Herobrine from an evolution, but before I could, I needed to make sure of something.
Welcome to the Zerg Genetic Archive.
Input Command
:List the types of evolutions available.
The evolutions available to the Zerg Swarm are Physical, Psionic, Magic, Celestial, and Demonic
I raised an eyebrow at that. I had figured something along the lines of Celestial would've shown up but demonic?
:List the abilities available in the celestial and demonic list, names only.
Creation Lvl 1
Immortal Lvl 1
Adaptive Strength
True Sight
Enslave to the Dark
Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that last one. Honestly, it might as well be struck from the list, since I have no plans of ever using it. Reanimation was bad enough, but at least I could use that to counter armies of undead myself, stalemating enemies. Enslaving to the Dark would serve no possible purpose to me, other than for research purposes I suppose. Know your enemy and all that jazz.
I'm a bit surprised Adaptive strength and True Sight made it into the Celestial List. While the abilities are a bit overkill in the power scale, I'd still have figured those would have been considered physical abilities. The rest don't surprise me though. Invisibility, Teleport, and casting lightning would've most likely found its way into the magic type. I am curious about what Flight: Mind Over Matter would have gone into though, if not Celestial. I'd bet it's gone to Psionic.
:What evolution type is Flight: Mind Over Matter
Flight: Mind over Matter is a Psionic Type Evolution, with a subtype of celestial.
:Subtype of Celestial? What does that mean?
When specifically requesting the types of abilities, the ZGA will list the dominant type of the ability, and the subtype listed will be what came in second for what the ability could be classified as.
I grinned thinking back to a previous situation.
:What is the subtype of the Enderman Teleport?
Teleport Lvl 1 is a Physical Type Evolution, with a subtype of magical.
Ha! I knew it. And to think I'd gotten into an argument with the ZGA over whether or not the Enderman's Teleport was a physical evolution only a few days ago. I felt strangely vindicated by this, if not a little petty for holding such feelings over what amounts to the Zerg equivalent of MS-DOS.
Unfortunately, like I'd suspected, the Swarm won't be able to evolve just yet, since the evolutions I want to apply range over two different evolution types. I could do one at a time though, and I'm tempted to do so actually. 48 hours going through evolution doesn't seem like all that bad of a thing really since there's not much else to do now. Thanks to the fire immunity and true sight, the Swarm can now expand into the lava pools just as the Swarm is already expanding into the Oceans, so there's no need to worry about expanding in that fashion anymore. Herobrine is finished, so there's no need to worry about that. The damage left over from Herobrine is something that needs to be taken care of, but two meter holes in the ground isn't that big of a deal. The biggest blow actually dealt to the Swarm by Herobrine would have to be the stripping of the trees. Now there aren't any apples, and just unsightly leaveless… logs?
I watched in some surprise as the trees seemingly burst back into full bloom of leaves before my very eyes. Somehow I'd completely forgotten that the Creep is still nourishing the plant life, and since the trees hadn't actually died, I guess it was only a matter of time before the leaves regrew. I had to chuckle at myself over my worries being for nothing. Other than that, the only thing left to do is visit Notch. That'll be the first thing I do after the Celestial evolution is finished first. I'd wait till the magic evolution is over too, but I keep getting this strange feeling that it'll be too late by then.
Shrugging, I voiced to my Queens that we're going to evolve, but there's one small thing to be taken care of first. Pulling my Queens together, I stated, "This first evolution is going to focus on the Celestial abilities. One of which is the immortality. I want to hear your opinions on whether or not we should apply it to ourselves.
My Queens looked at each other, holding a silent mental conversation which I chose not to intrude on. They usually did that, nearly all the time actually, especially when I ask them questions before Asura answers them. She's always the one to answer for some reason, unless I specifically ask one of the others, or if one of them has a thought to be shared during the answer itself. I guess Asura being the spokesperson for her fellow Queens makes sense. She does seem to be the High Queen over the others, though I'm not sure if it's solely because she was the first, or if it's something else.
After a time, Asura turned to me and said, "While we all agree that immortality would be a good ability to have, that last limitation on it is too much of a weakness to allow it to apply to ourselves. If someone succeeded in killing even one of us, it'd be possible that it might result in the deaths of all the others as well."
I nodded, agreeing, "That's what I thought as well. I was just wondering if you six might be able to think of a way to work around a limitation like that or not?"
My Queens conferred again for a moment, which didn't last long before Asura turned back to me and said, "We can't think of anything at this time Matthew."
I nodded and said, "Alright. Time to evolve then."
:Evolve the Swarm. Apply Incorporeal and True Sight to the entire Swarm. Apply Adaptive Strength to all Zerg Units. Apply Creation Lvl 1 to myself and my Queens.
Command Accepted.
Closing my eyes, I once more let the sac envelop me, choosing to fall asleep before I was forced unconscious by the evolution.
Overmind mana – 36/2500
Zerg Mana – 999,940/1,000,000,000,000
Zerg Supply – 1298/12,958,595 (4,941,495 pending)
1 Overmind
1079 Overlords
101 Drones
11 Speedlings
6 Queens
100 Hydralisks
2,591,719 Hives (988,299 pending)
1 Spawning Pool
2 Evolution Chambers
1 Hydralisk Den
1 Roach Warren
1 Baneling Nest
1 Nydus Network
1 Spire
1 Infestation Pit