Ch 25

I was on my own personal Leviathan out exploring along with the rest of my space born Zerg when something strange happened. Through my ship's eyes, we spotted what appeared to be some sort of bluish nebula, only the smoke was shooting tendrils out and retracting them, almost like lightning. Curious, I broadcast the sight to my Queens as a heads up and ordered the Leviathan closer to check it out.

As we neared the strange anomaly, one of the blue tendrils of 'lightning' struck out and enveloped us. Before we could do anything though, the nebula disappeared in a flash. I'd have thought nothing happened, if not for the fact that my connection to my Queens and the rest of my Swarm suddenly feels almost far away.

Ordering my Leviathan to stay here, I follow the connection to my Queens teleporting over to them. As soon as I appear next to them I have to bend over to catch my breath. Never before had teleporting taken such an effort before. Once I'd caught my breath, I explained to my Queens what happened, checking over my Swarm, including my Leviathan. My connection to the rest of the Swarm seems fine now, but now it's my Leviathan's connection that feels far away.

It's a strange sensation that's for certain. Bringing my Queens and their Leviathans with me, we teleported back to my Leviathan. On a whim, I had the lot of us enter Warp rather than teleport back to Minecraftia.

A couple hours later and our Leviathans pulled out of warp above Minecraftia, only the planet below us isn't MInecraftia, and the Swarm still feels far away. No, the planet below us is a simple rock in space, like the other first four planets. Checking up on the three gas giants orbiting on the other side of the sun from this fake Minecraftia, we hit a very interesting discovery.

One of the moons orbiting the nearest gas giant is habitable, when it wasn't before. Even more interesting than before is that there is some kind of satellite facility in geosynchronous orbit above the moon. It looks manmade, if just a bit futuristic.

Quickly, I have my Leviathans cloak so as not to be detected. After moving the Leviathans forward a bit, I teleported out of my Leviathan to get closer to the station, making sure to be invisible myself. I don't know why, but something about this seems almost familiar to me. Like I've seen this somewhere before, but I'm not exactly recalling where.

On my approach, one of the shuttles undocks and starts heading to the surface. Curious, I follow behind, with my Queens quickly joining me rather than observe from their own Leviathans. Down into the atmosphere we follow, the entire time I search my memory, trying to figure out where I've seen this before. It's as the shuttle is landing at a clearly manmade futuristic military base that the answer hits me like a ton of bricks.

Avatar. Pandora. Jake Sully. The Na'vi. I recognized the shuttle because it featured in the beginning scene of the movie! Suddenly suspicious, I eye the people exiting the shuttle and… there! A guy in a wheel chair just rolled himself out of the shuttle! For all intents and purposes, I just literally entered center stage for a rather famous movie! I can hardly believe this! Flying down even closer, I land behind Jake Sully wheeling himself inside the compound and follow him, my Queens following close behind, curious.

I watch, awe struck as Jake wheels himself into a room full of marines and given a safety brief on the dangers of Pandora. I shook my head. While in the movie, Jake's narration would point out that the familiarity of a safety brief calms and helps him feel more comfortable, I personally never liked them myself. I find myself boring quickly and teleport myself back to the Leviathan, with my Queens quickly following behind.

"What is this?" asked Asura. I looked up at her and shook my head in puzzlement, then explained all I knew of the movie Avatar that I could remember. When I wound down afterwards, I couldn't help but wonder just how the heck did we get here, and why is Pandora sitting in the place that Minecraftia is supposed to be at?

I voiced this question aloud to my Queens, but they had no answer. Still thinking aloud, I wondered, "Is it possible that the blue nebula I came across was actually an entrance to another dimension, or even an entire parallel existence?" My Queens looked at each other not understanding at all what I'd just said, so I ended up explaining to them dimensional, timeline, and parallel theory. In the end Asura said, "Such things are beyond us, Matthew. More, there might not even be a way to tell in which type of place we've ended up."

I nodded, then said brightly, "Well, either way this does open up more frontier space to explore and expand the Zerg." Faye spoke up, asking, "What if that blue nebula only sent you a long distance from Minecraftia? That would explain the distance we feel to the rest of the Swarm." I answered, "Possible, but you can use the stars as navigation, and all the stars seen from here are the same ones you can see from the same position above Minecraftia, so unless we got flung to another galaxy extremely far away that somehow has the exact same positions of stars as Minecraftia does, I don't think we're still in the same universe."

That brought our conversation to a halt as I considered what to do from here. Coming across Pandora really is fairly interesting, but in the end mostly useless to us. The creatures here that I'm aware of aren't very useful to the Swarm, plus the Na'vi are extremely territorial. I don't think they'd look kindly on my moving in and perverting the look of their forest. The other planets around however, those I would be interested in spreading about. Of more importance to me though, is that these guys can lead me back to Earth! Sure, it won't be the same Earth, but just knowing the location of it will help. Planets tend to stay in the same location from parallel to parallel and dimension to dimension, or so I hoped anyway. I've no real idea if that's true or not, but it's the best lead I've got at the moment.


Overmind mana – 2500/2500

Zerg Mana – 1,000,075/1,000,000,000,000


1 Overmind

893,546,550 Overlords

5 Drones

11 Speedlings

6 Queens

100 Hydralisks


57,091,750 Hives

7 Spawning Pool

11 Evolution Chambers

7 Hydralisk Den

7 Roach Warren

7 Baneling Nest

10 Nydus Network

7 Greater Spire

7 Infestation Pit

7 Defiler Mound

7 Ultralisk Cavern