
As long as they did not ask anything about the Blood Red Party, she complied with their request. She explained that she was not sure how but somehow, she remembered waking up in the middle of the beautiful and enchanting forest.

The look of incredulousness appeared on each and every one of their faces. Adam could not stand his curiosity and asked her with a serious tone, emphasising the word where. "Which forest? Do you know exactly WHERE?"

Although Sara understood their kind intention and would love to answer them but her pang of hunger could not be ignored any longer. Her last proper meal had been her brunch at the Blood Red Party and her stomach had been rumbling since she woke up.

She took her time to answer, prioritising her stomach to be refilled. She tried to search through the top shelves of the kitchen for some crisps to munch on to ease her hunger slightly, rendering the rest to be speechless.

Harith was getting impatient. "Is this really the time?" he snarled.

Torn between wanting to conserve as much energy as she could due to hunger and wanting to avoid any possible and unnecessary argument, she replied simply "No idea."

"Think Sara. Think harder!"

"I don't know, alright? All I know, I woke up in the forest. How I get there and which forest it is, I don't know," answered Sara defeatedly. She predicted that Harith would understand her since he knew she rarely gone out of the campus.

However, she was wrong. Harith went ballistic instead.

"WHAT? What were you doing the whole trip there?" Harith was outraged and for a good reason as well. He was furious she had followed a stranger into a forest or even being tricked to follow into the forest.

"Whatever happened to 'Stranger is Danger'? If you were not sure where you were heading, why followed?" Harith began pouring out all his anger onto her.

Jia Yu was slightly frightened, gave a nervous laugh and felt apprehensive towards Harith's reaction. She wanted to approach and stood by Sara's side but instead she was amazed that Sara was unaffected by his outburst.

Adam tried to calm Harith down, assuring him that Sara is safe now. He knew that Sara must have gone through a lot from the Party and she does not need anymore problem to add on. The least he could do to help her was eased Harith anger.

At this point, Bryce would rather not meddle in their affairs. Now that Sara is safe, he did not feel the need and was not interested to know what and how it happened. For Harith to be able to talk that way to Sara meant everything is back to normal.

The argument lasted for so long that Jia Yu started to feel uncomfortable with the atmosphere. She voiced out her regrets for bringing such matter to attention in the first place, causing both Harith and Sara to fight. Bryce assured Jia Yu that it was the right move, at least they now know she has returned safely. He added, "Just let him be the big brother."

Sara was preoccupied with Harith's statements. She too, would like to know how she ended up there. Who was that man? She believed he was her saviour but why? What happened in between the Party and the forest?

She was fully immersed in her own thoughts until Harith's shouting her name in a rather forceful and commanding manner snapped her back to reality.

"What?" She flared up.

It was obvious that Harith was trying his best to control his temper. Not because he feared Sara would be frightened by him but because out of respect for Adam, who is much older than him. His body language was showing a complete opposite of what his brain was telling him to do as he is now trembling in anger, fist clenched tightly into a ball and teeth gritting.

He struggled to ask Sara a proper question, wanting to know why Sara would willingly follow a stranger to a forest? Sara defended herself, answering that she had never follow anyone to the forest but was brought there.

Harith believed his anger is justified. In his imagination, a forest is a forest. A very secluded area if she were to go off the trails. How was he supposed to know that Sara was in a room in the middle of the forest? Sara never explained that she has been indoor the whole time.

"What do you mean? Who brought you there?"

"I don't know. I don't know. I really don't know," Sara said defeatedly. "I woke up to see a man there. I don't even know who he is, it was my first time seeing him. I fain – fell asleep at the Party and suddenly I woke up in the forest, I enjoyed the view of the forest and then I fell asleep again and here I am!"

Harith was livid. "That's a lot of sleeping, Sleeping Beauty! Since when do you sleep on random places? Is there really nothing you remember?"

Perhaps Sara was drained of energy, perhaps it was hunger but Harith words felt harsh in her ears. She felt hurt. Water began to well up in her eyes involuntarily.

Harith exhaled and groaned at Sara's sudden waterworks. "I am just asking because I am worried okay? Who in their right mind have a stranger brought them to forest and even managed to fall asleep? What if something happen? Or did something happened?"

He looked at Sara up and down, waiting for her response. When she finally shook her head and confirmed nothing happened, did Harith reconcile with her with a hug and apologised for his demeanour.

All this time she thought she was alone. How foolish of her.