
He had lost count of the number of days since he first knew her. It must have been more or less a month by now. The only thing Lucas could remember of her was one thing; she was Sara's replacement. 

It was the day right after their star gazing where Sara had rejected him to some extent. At least that was according to his own interpretation. 

Whether he likes it or not, he was terribly hurt by her silence and due to his curious nature, he wanted to determine whether it was love or infatuation that caused him to be this way.

He met up with the last volunteer he once contacted, long before Sara came to his life, to fill in her shoes. He assumed that any Jane or Mary could easily replace her. 

Therefore, it was convenient to pick the lady because her blood was suitable for his palate and since they had built some rapport previously, it would be easier for him to hit two birds with one stone.