Deeply lost

He finally reached the brick-walled gate covered in vines. His grey eyes set down at the yellow pansies arranged neatly against the wall. Realisation dawned on him and noticed what huge mistakes he had unintentionally created.

She must have followed the flowers, assuming it would lead to the other realm and unfortunately, it truly did. He bit his lip at the frustrations, bracing what may be the one that found her. What could he do to offer for an exchange?

He took a step forward, only to have the blonde-haired man pulled him backwards.

"Take me with you."

Aayiz tsked at the request, unable to comprehend his persistence and worried he might become a burden in getting her back. How else would he bring Sara to safety back to his place if Lucas tagged along? Once he had Sara, would dumping his body on random places do?

"I can't. You don't belong there."

"So? She's in there."