I had a lot of bad relationships in my life and don't see anymore in the future, fuck it. My first official relationship, I was a dumbass, I coped a thot! Tyrone tried to tell me about her, but I tried to make things work. My second relationship was with Anne, and I prefer not to speak on it. My third relationship was with this one girl who I didn't really like, eventually I ended up telling her cause I ain't that type of person. To this day, I've been trying still, I said fuck it and stopped cause I'm antisocial (technically), but I still talk to girls, sometimes. I'm not interested in relationships anymore until 21, my cousin was right to say that, the way girls think nowadays, I'm not getting tied down, I seen all that bullshit happen before. I remember seeing my older cousin's girlfriend and thinking she's a loyal jawn, I use to take their side a lot, but she's been a little weird from time to time and I'm starting to think my cousin was right about that too, plus my older cousin never made time for us anymore, he was always "hanging with his hag" as my cousin would say it. This generation doesn't believe in trust, loyalty, or love, they only want a few things from each other, attention, money, and sex. I'd die before I ask anyone for over $5, that sounds bae-bae kiddish as fuck, attention is something I can care less about, but as a teenage boy going through shit, I wanna go at it with someone's daughter, I can't shake that feeling either, I tried, but that feeling can get weaker and, so far, it is, so don't try to label me any type of way, y'all act the same way. Yeah, so technically, I don't need anybody, I just talk for fun, and enjoy your company.