(A/N Notes: What is this story for? It's for me to put some memes into a story because I wanted to)
"Grass... Grass... Grass... What's that?"
Red Null was picking up herbs without knowing their properties left and right, without any care for his inventory space, when he saw something else on the ground
"An apple?... And this tree is an apple tree, huh?... ... ... Time to forage some food"
And he easily climbed the tree thanks to his acrobatics skill, then he began putting more apples in his inventory
Minutes later
"Grass... Grass... Grass... Wheat... Wheat?"
He found a wild wheat
"... Meh, whatever. Into the inventory you go"
And he also put it in his inventory
Around an hour later
"Grass... Gra-"
[Inventory full, you can't store the item]
"Huh? This can't be right, I didn't even pick that much stuff?... D*mn... That's a lot of stuff"
His inventory was full of useless and unidentified items he picked on the ground
"Well, for now, I'll just try to identify one item and see if it's worth keeping it... And the winner is you!"
He picked the pebble he found and identified it with his crafter skill and it turned out to be a... Common pebble and he threw it on the ground like the trash it was, and he stored the grass he just picked up in the slot that the pebble was using
"Guess I'll just go back to the city and check all this stuff that I got"
That same in-game night
"F**K!!! Stop giving me more trash to work with!!!"
And as clear as his line, he was only getting trash from the trash he was carrying
"Well... At least I got some of this Choker flower and a few potion flowers... But, why are they so similar!? Do the devs want us players to die from choking!?"
Red had a very concerned face for a brief moment
"Maa... I can't use this Choker flower yet, so I'll just leave it in my inventory for the time being... I still have some more minutes before going to sleep, so let's do some science!... Some alchemical science!"
He then picked the alchemy kit given to him by his crafter skill and began making health potions with the potion flowers
"And donezo!"
He managed to make five potions
"Hmmm... My potions have an effectiveness of 11% of healing while the ones I received from the game only have 10% percent... Well, I'll keep both since you never know when you'll need a bunch of potions"
And as he sorted his now cleared inventory, he noticed that it was almost time to sleep. So he logged out, put to the VR headset to recharge, and went to sleep
The next day, afternoon
"Wooo! Boy! Now I can finally hunt some animals"
Red Null was on the beginner plains, that was now with way fewer players, maybe because it was Monday
"I already tested the timing of most attacks, so all I need to do is find some enemies to train some combos wombos... But first I need to hunt ingredients"
With his two priorities set, he went towards some high ground and used his falcon eyes skill to find some unaware prey
"Goblins... Slimes... Rabbits... A boar coming towards me... More rabbits... Wait what?"
He quickly noticed a boar running right towards him
He quickly swiped from his bow to his battle-ax, a one-handed one from the two options he was given to choose between, and prepared to strike the boar
And with his great reflexes he managed to hit a critical blow on the boar's head, enough to take half of the health and stun the boar, but he quickly noticed that his attack recovery was too slow for another strike
"If you can't punch it, then kick it!"
With those words, he kicked the boar, then he kicked it again, and again, and again
"Useless! Useless! Useless! SORYASAAAA!"
And he gave the boar another ax attack on the head, finally killing it, the boar dropped four pieces of meat, that he obviously put in his inventory, then he quickly accessed the forums from the in-game browser
"Hmmm... So apparently what makes the ax worse than the great sword, is its shorter reach and slower attack speed, but it can deal more damage than the great sword... As for Kick, it's quick but weak. Dang! I just made some sick rhyme just now" *Closes the browser*
Then he activated stealth to prevent any surprise attack from monsters while he thought
He then brought one of his legs to a powerful kicking stance and looked at the rabbit with an evil smile... Then he gave one hell of a kick on the virtual wild rabbit
*Critical hit* *Stealth hit* *Charged attack hit*
It was a Hit Kill on the poor rabbit
He noticed that there was someone else commemorating with him, and he quickly found another player, wearing medium armor. And so did that player noticed Red
" "..." "
They both stayed silent as they approached each other and... Did an epic handshake
"I didn't think I would one of my kind in here"
"Me neither, bro. I'm Jwak, a warrior build user"
"I'm Red Null, a bow, ax, kick, fire and water user, building a glass cannon build"
"Oh! I heard about you from Lillie, but I didn't think you would be this cool, wanna be friends, bro?"
"That would be my pleasure, bro"
The two already formed a long-lasting friendship
"Well, I have to hunt so smell ya later. Let's make a party one of these days"
"Good luck!" And he began sniping a bunch of rabbits and boars to death while using stealth
*Looking at his 100 pieces of meat and 50 of fur* "... I just got this little amount of items? Haa... Let's kill that fucker goblin over there" *Activates stealth*
And he sniped the goblin from behind and using stealth on the head, but it wasn't enough to kill it, and because of his attack his stealth was undone, so the goblin began charging at him
"Oh no... Anyway..."
Red kept shooting arrows at the goblin until he finally all of his remaining few arrows
"I'm an archer, but..." *Readies ax* "ORAAAAAAA!!!"
Red sent a perfect downward swing in a diagonal, followed by a well-aimed kick on the balls
Even he felt some of the pain, but he quickly went on to trample the goblin to death
*Feeling satisfied* "I deserve some praise from Goblin Killer after this one... Well, since I ran out of arrows time to go back to the city"
And he stopped his hunt for today and went back to the city while collecting trash on the way, and once in the city, he bought more arrows and sold any remaining useless trash he had in his inventory
"Hmm... I guess I'll cook something since the hunger-o-meter is getting real low"
Red then went to search for some open space with few people for him to cook, when he found one, he put down the cooking set from his cook class, and changed his black mask to his sunglasses, and began to cook the meat he had
"Salt... Pepper... Two minutes on one side... Two minutes on the side... And donezo!... Yeah, this would be worth a Gordon Remsey insult"
So he went to cook the meat again while testing some other ways to make the food taste better, and if you expect me to write him cooking you better take the horse out of the rain, and while he cooked more and more people started to surround him. When he finally finished his final test plate, he tasted
"..." (A bunch of times)
"Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food... So what do y'all want?"
"Make us food"
"... ... ... *Show his finger fingers in front if his face* five hundred gold per meat, pay it or leave it"
*Glaring at each other*
"... ... ... Rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, or well-done?"
He didn't care about cooking for others in-game as long as he got paid
(A/N Notes: Red Null seasoning the meat: Salt Bae meme