the journey to the town

As Rosie heads towards the smoke she says to herself. "Oh dear, I really do hope it's not a big forest fire." As she approached the smoke, an incredibly loud and vicious roar came from inside the woods. Rosie screamed and instinctively snapped her wings together, and then started falling like a rock. 

"Darn it Rosie, stop being so scared." she scolded herself. "Open up your wings now before you really hurt yourself". Right as she began to open up her wings, a branch smacked her head and she was knocked out instantly, but thankfully her unconscious body landed right into a bush so her fall was slightly cushioned.

Meanwhile, the little boy slept through the entire night not having to worry about any creatures like the ones he saw before because they were scared of the fire and had all made their way out of the area thinking there was going to be a forest fire.

The awoke peacefully and rather warm from what was left of the fire. He got up, collected his pot, the shard of glass, and his lighter and put them into his pockets when he got a great idea. So before he went off he kicked some dirt over the fire so it wouldn't catch the forest ablaze, and went searching the forest for just the right stick. He finally found it, a relatively straight stick, not too long, and not too skinny and weak. He then cut open a little notch in the stick to fit his shard of glass in, broke some bark off the tree, and glued the stick and glass together with some tree sap. Then he tied it together with some long strands of grass and then coated them in more sap to hold together better. Perfect, now he had a knife and could cut things and defend himself if he had too.

The boy starts to wonder if this is just some dream, because how could all of this be real! He thinks about it while making his way back to the stream. It's definitely not a dream for only one reason. The rabbit he ate was real, and it was something he had eaten and digested, he tasted it and it was way too real to be a dream. Also the water and how thirsty he had been, I've never been thirsty in a dream and then had it go away when I drank in the dream. It was too impossible for this to be just a dream, but wasn't it just as impossible for it to be real? 

Some of the creatures here look normal like the rabbit he killed but then again what about those wolves made of wood. Also on my walk upstream I swear I saw some sort of rabbit with giant antlers, but I think I chalked it up to just being tired.

I get back to the place where I camped out and continued to walk along the stream for a little while but I came to an intersection where several smaller streams broke off from the bigger one in front of me. I was, up until that point, on one of the smaller ones so I jumped over another smaller one and walked along the bigger stream which could easily be called a river because it was pretty deep and the water was flowing fairly fast. I walked along the river until I saw a huge hill overlooking what appeared to be a cliff. When I had finally climbed the gigantic hill I saw it wasn't a cliff because in the distance there was the other side to the cliff. It was a big canyon! On the other side of the canyon, I saw something that I couldn't quite make out until some of the clouds blew away. It was a giant castle! No, really I was staring right at a big stone castle, like something from the medieval ages. It was sitting on the edge of the canyon and there was very little rock underneath to support it. Almost as if someone was trying to carve away as much as they could while keeping it still supported. It didn't look entirely possible, but I'm not exactly an architect. In the distance I could make out something else, although it was much further away It kind of looked like a village or at least from what I could see. I could just about make out a single house almost right up against the forest but I'm pretty sure there's got to be more than just one house. I scan the area for anything else that might prove me right about the village but I find nothing until I look down.

I saw these strange black creatures. I mean there's nothing wrong with being black, I'm not judging, but these things were completely black, not just dark-skinned but completely black. It's almost as if no light could escape from it, it was so dark. They also had holes all over them like swiss cheese, or it was drilled into several times. They took the basic form of a demon kind of, but they had a big horn coming out of their head and bug-like wings. Almost like a demon but with bug talents, but even the horn and talents had holes in them, and they didn't look peaceful or majestic as you would imagine but like they were vile creatures and in pain at the same time, I kind of pity them because they look in pain. I decided to call them swiss cheese creatures and move back down the hill to go find that village.

Once at the bottom of the hill I find a problem with getting to that village. It's on the other side of the river and up this far the river was too deep, wide, and fast-flowing to cross. I decide to hike back to the split of the river so It would be easier to cross it. I make it around halfway to the split of the river when, out of the corner of my eye, I spot something poking out of the bushes. It looked mostly green with a little bit of a cream-red showing through the leaves but they weren't normal looking colors, they were very bright like they were neon. It's figure somewhat resembled a creature and I want to try and cross the river to get a better look at it but the river is still too big here and I don't know if It's dangerous, so I continue on in my endeavor and decide to maybe come back to it once I've crossed the river.

I get to the split in the river and cross over to the other side without a problem. Then I stop, remembering that weird bright green and red looking creature. I'm not sure whether I should go look at it or just leave it alone because it's probably some weird creature that wants to eat me. Do I want to be the cat that was killed by curiosity or do I want to be safe and at the village and finally be back in civilization again.

"Damn it, I don't know what to do. do I go to that strange creature or do I just leave it alone like a normal person." I argue with myself out loud like an idiot because I feel like I can't make up my mind

"Honestly, what do I do? I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I risk my life, on something that might want to eat me like those wolves had, just to sedate my curiosity about his place?"

I stupidly let my curiosity get the better of me and I go to look at it because I've been getting a lot of questions about this place and I want some answers. I get out my knife just in case I have to fight this thing off, and I head back up the river, this time on the other side to get some answers and then I'll head to that village.

As I walk I finally get this image into my mind. 'I'm a nine-year-old boy and I'm hiking through a dangerous and unknown forest on my own, with a knife, made from glass and a stick, as my only defense, and an almost spent lighter and a makeshift clay bowl as my only way of survival.' All of this because of that stupid orphanage and their stupid matrons. This sucks.

I finally reach that green and red creature thing after a long walk. I look into the bushes and instead of getting answers, I was only met with a million more questions. The creature looked as if a creature did ten kilos of a cartoon drug and was on an all-time high on cartoon and color. The color was the most bright and vibrant thing I've seen and the whole thing looked animated as hell. It looked like a cartoon beat a horse to death and then cranked the brightness and color up one thousand percent.

I decided to pull it further out of the bushes because it didn't look dangerous. So I put my knife in my pocket and was ready to drag a small creature around my height out of the bushes, which I guess meant it wasn't a any creature but a it was like from a mythology book, which should have weighed a lot but when I pulled on It, It wasn't even half the weight of what I expected. I pulled it out more and almost completely got it out when I saw the wings on it. "What the hell! What! The! HELL!" I screamed at this impossible creature because ponies didn't have wings and no creature on earth had these types of wings. "What the hell is this thing?" I fell back against the ground with the extremely bright, cartoon, green and red creature with wings at my feet.

I stared up looking at the sky and screamed "WHERE THE HELL AM I!?" It was so loud the birds in the surrounding trees took off flying in every direction. I sighed a heavy sigh and realized that I was on some sort of weird freaking drug or I'm in a different world because no way in hell were these things on earth. It just couldn't be. It was just straight-up impossible.

I got up and made the small hike to the town in the general direction I remember it being. I was going to make my way to the first person I saw and ask them about that weird freaking creature thing. When I got to the town I could nothing but sit there in utter horror as I saw several of those horrid brightly colored with all kinds of different creatures, walking around. It felt like I was so high almost if I had been sipping on straight Chlorine. Well, It was Confirmed I'm on another planet entirely. That or I've lost my mind and am suffering a mental breakdown in a hospital room while I'm super hyped up on some extreme clinical drug. Maybe I kicked up one of those mushrooms and I'm hallucinating on the spores that were shot up. No matter what happened to me it's very clear that. I'M. NOT. OK. I promise.