Coming Out The Closet

I was hunting for her and Taylor for some weeks. Until I gave up so I told Jazz in Jazz got me hype with my dope. This day me and Jazz was chilling we happen to see Lisa while we was doing our thing. What's up Lisa nothing chilling what you'll doing nothing chilling. Oh okay dam that girl got a fat ass Erica huh you gay no I'm not yes you are just admit it.  I did I finally came out of the closet. In that's the day I knew I liked women more then men. Finally I just gave up in admitted that I'm more attracted to females then males.  Lisa told me I knew you was I don't know why you feel the need to lie about what you like. I understand how you feel about it because the people around you always telling you going to hell for your sin.

But I tell them there's sins that's worse then the one you committing. I just turn the other cheek in keep walking cause at the end of the day you like it I love it. We went out to turn up to celebrate my out coming, but the only thing that got me was how was I supposed to tell my mama and my daughter I like women. The next day came I sat my mama in my daughter and everyone that was around me that supposed to be my family in I told them I like women. I was called all kinds of names but the name of Jesus. My mother and my daughter was still by my side but everybody else seen me an embarrassment to the family.

I went on my way cutting all of them out my life. I felt like the black sheep in the middle of a circle of white sheep's. Didn't nobody want me in the family after what my father did to me, so I became bitter after all that I been through. I learned to be independent in stayed away from all family. I never felt the need to be loved by them anymore. I had my own family that stood by my side even through my rough times. I ran into Jazz look I need to go get high to ease my mind you want to smoke or snort? I told her both so we did both but she did a little extra that I didn't do. And I can say even though Jazz did extra she never in her life ask me do it want.