Love Lost

I'm laying there looking at the roof thinking like really. How could I be so blind to what was going on.  I closed my eyes in got some rest. But soon as I closed my eyes good I felt a hand on my thigh. Then soon after I  felt a kiss on my inner thigh. I knew she was trying to take it. I rolled over in act like I was tired. The next morning she was still sleep. I got my stuff in left without waking her up. So waiting on my ride standing outside. I get on my phone in call Maya up. Hello are you woke? Yeah what's up. What do I get the pleasure of this call. Well I was trying to see what you was getting into after I leave my best friend job. I'm not doing nothing all day. I'll be waiting to see you. Ok I'll be over round 5. Ok I'll see you then. Ok Maya see you then. I get in the car in left from Tonya house. Soon as I leave out the drive way my phone rings. I look down it's Tonya calling me. Hello where the fuck you at? Why is it any of your concerns? Because one you don't leave here in don't tell me you left my house. Second you didn't wake me up when you got up. Oh well I didn't want to disturb you as you got your rest. Why you got in attitude Erica? Look Tonya do you in I'll do me because you got to many secrets for me. That's how you feel? Yeah that's how I feel. We not fucking around no more since you mad at me for no reason. Ok whatever you want to call it. Ok so is we on a break from fucking? No but when you want it you got it. Ok so bring your ass back over here now so I can get it. I'm home now about to bath in get ready to slide to my best friend job. Ok then I'll get you tonight. Mmmhmmm I hear you. Don't do me you know I'm good for it. Ok I'll see you tonight. Ok see you then boo.

I hung up in went to take a little cat nap until later. I drifted off to sleep my phone rings. Man dam who the fuck is it now. Erica you woke? I am now that you called. What are you doing right now. Nothing laying down well get up I'm out your door. Who is this it's me bitch Violent. What bitch what you doing in town girl. I came to pull up on that stank mouth trailer parker runt out ass hoe. That was talking shit over the blue app and on his phone. So come on bitch I know you know where that hoe work or stay. I dam shall do bitch I know exactly where both locations are. I lock up just to hop in the car with Violent. Girl I miss you. I miss you too girl. So let's go to her job first. Ok first stop gas station lol. We riding I get a call from Nila. Bitch where the fuck you at? I'm with Violent we heading to this girl job to see if she about that life. Bitch don't you get involved in none of that stupid shit. She call the police on you then you'll going to jail. Girl I ain't worried about shit. Ok she lock both of you'll ass up then that's on you. Because I told your stupid ass to go the fuck home. We pulling up to her job I'll call you back. Alright do something stupid don't call me. Ok that's fine but I'll call you back when we leave. We hop out the car in walk in she looks at us. She look like she had done seen a ghost or something dead. She was super scared when she seen our faces. We laughed as we approached the counter. She ran from the cash register in got her back up guys to rung us up. Violent said why she can't ring us up. She on break right now. I busted out laughing so loud like scary bitch. Violent grab our stuff in we left out. She came out of hiding mode in went back to work. We left her scary ass right where she worked.

We heading back to my house it was time for me to go to Karen job. I called Karen to reschedule or meet up.  I decided to go to Maya house since I was pissed with Tonya so why not hang with Maya. Hey Erica hey Maya. What we doing? Nothing but talking that's it. Ok so what's up with you? I'm just pissed right now I seen some foul shit in my friend phone while she was sleep. Why did you go through her phone? I didn't it started ringing so I picked it up an looked at the messages. That's what your ass get for being nosey. Whatever I want being nosey. Mmmhmmm whatever you say Erica. I changed the subject on her ass. Maya who your women is? I don't have one I let her go once I had you back. Lol you got jokes you ain't got me back. Yes I do where you at now? Talking with you that's all it is. Yeah yeah whatever you say. Can I rub your back Erica? Yeah you can in that's all you doing. Ok ok I get it you trying to be faithful lol. I am faithful a little with a smirk on my face. She rubbing my back I felt her lips kissing my back. Ummm what you doing? You suppose to be rubbing not kissing. I am rubbing you with a smirk on her face. Oh really yes really I'm going to make you feel better. She started kissing my back working her way down. She slid my dress up an pulled my panties down. She started kissing on my ass all down my legs in back. She bent me over in started kissing my ass cheeks. She spreaded my ass in start eating my ass. I started moaning as she was eating it. So she flipped me over in put my legs up to the ceiling. She went to kissing my thighs in cresting my pussy. I moan uncontrollably like dam don't be fucking me like this. We not suppose to be doing this. She lift me up while she sucking on my clit. She had me shaking till the point I climaxed all over her and her bed. She flipped my ass back over in ate my ass again. Then she went to devouring my pussy from the back. I went to shaking. I'm about to cum again. Yeah give it to me don't hold back. She fucked around hit the clit in boom that organism was everything.  I pushed her off like omg you play to much. She was like I know that's what I do play lol.  I grab her in kissed her. Then I got in the shower to get ready to leave she comes in.

I'm getting in too move up so I can bath too. She gets in an what's to start playing. No you not getting no more I got to go.  She pushed me to the back of the wall in the shower. In push my leg up in went to devouring the pussy again. I'm saying no while moaning at the same time. She raping me in the shower in I'm enjoying it. She got me moaning loud as fuck. So boom my phone rings in I left it in her room on the bed. I cum all over her face in that tub. We both started bathing it took a minute cause I was so sensitive to the touch. I got out in went to check my phone it's Tonya.  I got dress to head out the door in my phone rings again its Tonya again. I pick up the phone. Hello what are you doing you can't answer my phone. I was still at my friends job with her in we was feeding the clients. Oh I was about to say who the fuck got you occupied. Nobody babes just only you got my attention. Mmmhmmm but you going to be mines tonight. Yeah yeah I got us a surprise too just wait. I can't wait to see how you take this or how you'll feel about this. What the hell you trying to plan? What's up your sleeves? I don't like surprises like that. I got you trust me I'm going to make it all worth the wild.

I'm wondering what Tonya got up her sleeves. What kind of stunt she trying to pull. What she really want to do. I'm wondering a lot but I'm wonder if it's what I really wanted to do. Won't find out until I get with her.