Scary Man

I grabbed the papers and looked at them with widened eyes. There was confusion in my heart, then rage and ire. Then I laughed with some tears mixing in the noise. This was disappointing… so disappointing.

"Alright," I said trying to control my emotions and the tremble on my heart, "she is not your daughter, then sign the divorce papers."

I didn't care anymore. This way it was better. Mina will live with me, and I will take care of her forever. Though… when she asks… what should I say to her? What should I tell her? That her father was someone else? That her grandma was not her grandma? Her whole world will change in one day, one night. What should I say to her?

He smirked again, "they are already signed, my lawyer will give them to you later. Leave with all your fucking things, and don't even try to escape the country. I will prove that you kill my mother and when I do that, I will make sure to take you to jail and send that daughter of yours to an orphanage. You will never see her again."

I nodded trying to resist my urge to slap him. However, that won't change anything, this man hated me and was powerful enough to bring me trouble. I didn't say a word to this man. He wasn't worthy. All the love and care I had for him had already turned into hatred and disgust.

I walked towards the door, but he grabbed my hand again abruptly.

"Hand it over."

"What?" I pushed his hand away. It was disgusting.

He looked at me as if he was surprised, the he looked at me again with those eyes full of hatred. "My mother's ring. Hand. It. Over. Now!"

I didn't care anymore. I removed the bright golden ring with a blue stone that had accompanied me for many years and gave it to him. Even when it was hard to part with it, I didn't mind giving it up. It was Mother's ring, and it should stay with the lady of the house. I knew that it was not meant for me, even Mother knew it, though, she never mentioned it.

'You should follow your heart, dear Alice, if you… if you don't want to stay in this house anymore… I will help you…'

She told me that, a few days before her departure. She never stopped believing that his son will come back, but she also knew that I didn't love him anymore. That he had hurt me so much that night.

I turned to leave before my eyes started crying again.


"Anything else, Mr. Reed?"

I didn't look at him, my hand was already gripping the door handle.

"Don't get near Emma, do you hear me? If you do…"

"There is no need for more threats, Mr. Reed," I sighed, "that family and I had cut relations many years ago. And from now on, I cut relations with you too. My lawyer will contact your office later."

I opened the door and left. There was no need to hear him any longer. My heart didn't need it. The only one who will fill my days and will have my love was the little cutie sitting on the floor.

"Mina…" she looked at me and smiled. Mischievous and bright as ever. To see her lovely blue eyes and red curly hair gave me strength every day. "My love, let's go, I will take you to eat outside. What would you like?"

She smiled and nodded, but then with her tiny forehead, she frowned. "Mommy… what about the man?"


"The scary man inside," she whispered and signaled the door carefully.

I carried her. There was no need to tell her that he was her father. If he didn't want to acknowledge her, then he will never be her father. It will be me and her forever.

"Don't worry, we will never see him again. Do you remember aunt Eva's house?"


"We will live with her from now on."


"Don't you like it?"

"But… what about grandma and Norbert… and Lily and Johann, and Blackie. Will they come with us?"

They were the servants of the mansion, and Blackie was the dog that followed me one day and stayed with us till today.

"We can take Blackie, but Norbert, Lily and Johann have to stay here, darling. They work in this house, but if you miss them, we can call them on their phones, what do you think?"

"Mmm… okay…"

"Come on, don't be sad, my love. Tell me what do you like to eat."

"Then… pizza!"

I laughed and pinched her little nose. Pizza was this little cutie her favorite food.

"Then… let's go…"

"Yeah… mommy?"

"What?" I frowned, she suddenly became timid.

"The scary man," she whispered and hid her face inside my shoulder.

I turned around and Ethan was there. Standing as if he was surprised. His expression was different as the one he had before. However, I didn't have time to waste with him. I moved quickly to my room and took my purse. My clothes and other things were already packed, even Mina's clothes were already inside the suitcases.

From the moment I got the call from the military office and Ethan's assistant that he will return, I started packing and making arrangements. My first thought was to go overseas, now that the world was a bit peaceful, and the country was stable, I thought of going to another country and start again with Mina. I hoped to reach an agreement with Ethan about Mina's custody, after all, I knew he will ask for a divorce as the contract stated. Even more, I knew he will marry Emma and have their own kids. But it seemed that it wasn't necessary. I don't know if that fake paternity test was made by him or someone else, maybe my aunt, but it was a great help.

"Let's go, darling," I gave my daughter my hand and came down the first floor. Later, my assistant and Eva's workers will come to take our things to her apartment.

However, it seemed that enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road.
