A Silent Kiss

We survived that day and I took her to my home, with my mother. I told her that the girl, Alice, didn't seem to want to go home, that it seems that she was not happy. My mother didn't question me and didn't call for the Hill family. At least not until the girl had woken up.

The doctor and some servants helped her dress her wounds. They seem to be hits and punches, nothing life-threatening. However, her mental state was something else. She needed help and care.

I stayed with her, that night rained. Little, gentle, not enough to wake her up. The curtains were opened and the moon and stars lightened the room a little. However, I couldn't move from there. My mind had been traveling to that moment, when I saw her empty eyes, almost like a body without soul. I remember thinking she was like a fragile porcelain doll. So pure and, at the same time, beautiful.

For that entire night, I stayed by her side. Looking at her, thinking about that innocence in her eyes. She was like a fairy, I'd never seen a girl that beautiful in my life.

Then she moved to one side, and frowned, as if having a bad dream. I didn't know what to do, but suddenly she grabbed my hand… and I think she took away a part of my heart too. For the first time in my life, I felt as if I didn't want to let go of that tiny and soft hand.

"You are fine, don't worry, Alice," I whispered, and she stopped frowning as if she had listened to me. That made me fill my heart with a joy I didn't know I had. She even smiled a little. I couldn't stand it anymore, I moved closer to her, and closer, feeling the warmth and softness of her hair, the skin of her cheeks, then towards her lips… rosy and beautiful lips. I kissed her. A silent kiss, simple, light and soft.

I felt embarrassed after three seconds. How can I take advantage of her like that? She was a patient, she was Emma's little cousin.

I moved quickly from there, but I couldn't help taking another look at the beautiful doll I rescued from the lake.

She returned to her house, with Emma's mother, the next morning. They made a big show of care and concern, but I could notice that Alice was not happy. I should have said something, I should have taken her away from there.

The next days, she kept looking at me with different eyes, as if pondering. I waited, I even returned home on weekends to find her coincidently in the park. She never came close to me.

Then she was sent away to a boarding school, and I never saw her again till several years later. I was bound to be called to the war.


[POV Alice]

"Mommy, what is this?"

"A mushroom," I answered. This little fella kept poking at the pizza. She didn't like mushrooms, but I loved them. Therefore, a battle of the menus started the moment we entered the restaurant. I won, by the way.

The little one wanted the big cheese pizza, the one that can make one puke cheese the whole day. I asked for the small cheese pizza to clench her gluttony, or she will cry later. Tch…

"Mom," she smiled at me, "thank you, it was delicious. You should do it more frequently."

Oh my, this little one knows big words. Frequently? Where did she learn that world? Anyway, we had to leave. I was tired, and the next days would be difficult. First, I had to ask Eva to get me a good lawyer, Martin was out of the country, and he wouldn't be able to return in time. Next, I will have to start planning where to register Mina for kindergarten. That school she went before was filled with people that know us, now that Ethan is back, and he will marry Emma, those women will start talking and whispering words of criticism and insults. At least, I can protect Mina if I change schools for her.

I only hope that Mina never gets to hear anything bad.

"Mommy, are we going home?"

"Eva's house, darling."

"Okay," she yawned, she must be tired.

"Let's go," I took her to the apartment in the city. The Reed Mansion was installed in the outskirts of the city, with big green areas around it and a few other mansions close. It was a small town but luxurious. Now everything will be different, the city's life was more agitated and fast. At least I have my Mina with me.

I brought Mina to the apartment at the top floor, inside the penthouse. Eva loved this place. He renovated every room to suit her taste the first time she saw it, and I let her. After all, she was the one living here, and I only came when I had business nearby. Now that we are going to start living together, I shall make some changes, like that mini bar over there… that is not a good spot for a house with children.

"Mommy," Mina hugged me tighter. "Are we going to sleep together?"

"Okay," I kissed her forehead. She was sleepy and yawned a little. I was tired, too. After all, to see that man again, after so many years, was frightening.

I didn't think he will accuse me like that. However, I am prepared. For many years I prepared to live independently, even without the help of the old madame, I would have done it myself. There is no need for alimony or compensation, I can provide for myself and Mina, after all, I have my own company.