The Three Great Organizations

Queen's POV

"These ignorants dared to call me a dog!" the girl exclaimed as she tried to look for sympathy but the man's face remains emotionless.

He looked in our direction and slightly nodded his head.

"I.H." the man blankly said then slightly bowed his head before he walked away. The three bodyguards also went to the girl and dragged her towards the direction where the man went.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" the girl screamed but her bodyguard didn't seem to hear her.

"Oh, the girl is really a dog. She is all bark but can't bite!" Candace commented as we stared at their retreating figure.

I glance at my wristwatch and saw that it was 10 minutes past 9 pm.

"We should probably call it a night. It's already late." I told them. Candace and Lorraine nodded their heads but Jada and Yuuma looked at us weirdly.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys. Enjoy the rest of your night." Candace said.

The men insisted on walking us out. We strolled in silence towards the main hall. From the glass wall, we can see that phantom was already outside waiting for us. Kate had told us earlier that she had set her car to return to our apartment at 9 pm.

"Sorry, phantom. We were caught up by a conversation." Lorraine suddenly said while patting the car as if it was a dog.

"No problem." the robotic sound echoed from the car and its front and side door automatically opened.

I managed to catch the surprised looked of Yuuma and Jada by the exchange of conversation between Lorraine and phantom.

"Interesting..." Inei also commented.

"It's Kate's car... Errr not the car model but our friend." I told him before I climbed at the back. Candace went on the front seat.

As the car door closed, we waved at the three men before the car finally drives us off.


Inei's POV

"That car is autonomous! Am I dreaming, I?" I heard my friend asked me with full of astonishment. Even I am amazed to see such a modified version for the model of the car.

"They probably know K-N, Yuuto." I stated while we are walking back inside the building.

If you ever wonder why we use our initials instead of full names, its a new generation's status symbol exclusive for the above elites in the corporate world.

Although all people can use initials, not everyone can be recognized through their initials. The sense of mystery and exclusivity is the very reason why the initials became a fad. We also register copyright and pay tax for these initials to avoid confusion in business deals.

"Yeah, and based on the name of their friend's name as well as the name of the car model, we can deduce that K-N is their friend. Or more than just a friend." I heard Yuuma commented.

"Jada, tell Yuuto to investigate the girl." Jada is a friend and also a personal bodyguard of Yuuma.

"I already have them investigated, I. I'll send you what Yuuto has found out..." Jada said then I heard my phone pinged.

I looked at the information on my screen and scanned every detail. There is only the information about Lorraine and Queen.

"How about the lady named Candace?" I asked.

"Yuuto warned us to be careful and not to offend the girl. He tried breaching her information on the deep web but it turns out that it is protected by someone from the dark web." Jada answered.

"Really? The new generation of above elites had gradually become fond of staying low-key! Who would have thought that those girls held the same authority like us." I commented and peered back at the information on my phone.

"What did Yuuto find out?" Yuuma asked.

"One is the heir of the Yamada Clan and the other is a daughter of a prominent personality in the global fashion industry. The third one is presumed to have a connection to the dark web. Her information is completely classified." I quickly summarized.

"Wow! Yamada Clan? As in one of the three great organizations in Japan?" Yuuma asked with bewilderment.

Unbeknownst to the world, there are three powerful organizations in Japan. The famous organization that is known by many which are called Yakuza. Then there is the prominent organization of the Hoka Clan and the infamous Yamada Clan.

To put it simply, The Yakuza are good at fighting and mostly deals with gangs and underground organizations.

The Honka are good in assassination and mostly controls the underworld. It is an organization that is hired to kill big figures in exchange for a large amount of money.

Then there is the Yamada, they are the money maker. The circulation of money is mostly controlled by the thousands of companies in different cities of Japan that the Yamada secretly owned. Pay attention, it's secretly owned so nobody can give the accurate numbers of the businesses they owned.

"Yes, the ever low-key Yamada group! You guys can go to the club, I will go to the executive room first. My grandfather had called me to see him." I replied before the three of us entered the elevator.

Yuuma and Jada stopped on the 5th floor while I went to the 8th floor. Upon entering the executive room, I saw my grandfather talking with Mr. Rou, the host of this event.

My grandfather waved at me and gestured to joined on their table.

"Good evening, gentlemen." I politely greeted them while grabbing a chair.

Expensive sticks of cigar and ashtrays are displayed in the table. I took a single stick of cigar and was about to lit it when I suddenly remembered the Yamada girl complaining about my smell on the first minute of our meeting. I sighed and for some reason, I put down my lighter and the cigar back.

"The anniversary of our group will be next week but my useless grandson has not yet introduced a girl to me. Old Rou, you said your grandson is getting married. I am so jealous of how capable your grandson is." My grandfather said and glared at me in contempt.

"How about I arranged some girls for you to choose, Inei?" Mr. Rou offered and I couldn't help but smirk when a sudden thought hits my mind.

I could totally imagine hearing the 'TING!' sound on it because of how brilliant the idea is!

"Who says I don't have a girl? Grandpa, you are mistaken, of course, I have a girl! But she does not like the smell of cigar and you always smoke. So it is really hard for the two of you to meet." an evil smile started to curved on my face.

"Oh, then who is the girl?" My grandpa asked.

"She sounds like a good granddaughter in law!" at the same time Mr. Rou commented.

"Well, you don't know her but she is from a well-known family. In fact, I would like to get the highlight car model of this event as a gift to her Mr. Rou." I further told them my bluff.

"How magnanimous! Okay, I'll have my staff arrange the deal right away!." Mr. Rou exclaimed with excitement.

I secretly peeked my phone for the information of the Yamada girl. I need a solid backing to my statement.

"Aren't that too much? There is only one model of that car in this world. Why would you gift it to a girl? You are just like your father!" I heard my grandfather said and saw him shakes his head and looked at me in the eye.

"Grandpa, since she is your future granddaughter in law, only she deserves to drive the most exclusive car in this generation. What do you think, Mr. Rou?" I said and smirked at them.

"Yes! Yes! Your grandson is so capable! Let me congratulate you in advance, old Hoka!" Mr. Rou told my grandfather as he shook his hands vigorously.

"I will send you the address of where to deliver the car, Mr. Rou..." I told him as I emailed the Yamada girl's address that Yuuta gave me. Blue de Appartelle, Banilad, Cebu City.

"Then, you better not disappoint me and introduce this girl to the family." I heard my grandpa firmly stated.

"Let me know when you stop smoking, grandpa. I will bring her to meet you." I looked up at him and responded confidently.

The cigar is like my grandfather's lifetime partner. This means that such a day would never come. I laughed inwardly.

I don't really care about the money that I will be spending on the car. I didn't also think of the possible implications of my action. At that moment, I just wanted to escape from being the least person compared to others.

I don't like the feeling of being compared. It's an ugly feeling! Unfortunately, my grandfather had been comparing me with other men of the same age as me when it comes to relationships.

I am still 19. To most of the family in the world, this age is still too young to settle down. And I agree with them. But to my grandpa and the rest of our clan, the ideal age to settle down is 18 for the male and 16 for the female.

They believe that the earlier we can have a child, the more opportunity we can offer to them. We won't be too old to raise and train them and we can retire in our middle age as our children will grow up by then.

Anyway, I still think that I am too young. And I refuse to settle down even if grandpa keeps nagging at the idea of marriage to me.