Rather Luxurious

Queen's POV

"Perhaps I am too full to think of plot lines right now, Kate. I had eaten too much earlier!" I laughed and rub my stomach. Our laughter vibrated around as we walked out of the dining area.

"Good night, Queen!" Kate said when I was about to open my door.

I looked at her as she joined Ace and Nate in the living room.

"Good night guys!" I casually called out before closing the door behind. Then I placed my phone and laptop on my side table and climbed on my bed. It had been an exhausting day.

The next morning went on a blur. Aside from Kate's boyfriend joining us for breakfast, it was rather uneventful. Candace and Lorraine had been playing games, Kate went to her company while I tried rewriting my plot lines.

Believe me or not, I review my works ten times and revised them five times before I give it to Kate for her final inspection. I am not a perfectionist like Kate but I just want my chapters to be flawless. This is also one of the reasons why some of my readers have stayed despite several criticisms about the lack of bed scenes on the character's progress.

After double-checking on my draft100 file, I finally attached the document to the email that I composed and sent it to Kate.

As the sent notification appeared on my screen, I give my body a comfortable stretch and yawned in the process. I exhaled loudly before I closed my device.

"I will order food online, Queen. What do you want for lunch?" Lorraine's voice sounded from the living room.

"I'll eat what you guys will get, Raine..." I replied and walked out of my room.

Then out of a sudden, the bell on our gate rings.

"Is it the food that you order, Raine?" I asked while walking towards the window.

"No, I haven't placed our orders yet, Queen..." Lorraine answered as she also took a peek outside.

There was an eight-wheeler van that had parked right in front of our gate. A man wearing a suit is standing.

"What is it?" Candace asked through our speaker.

"Delivery for Ms. Queen." the man said.

"Mine? I don't have pre-ordered nor incoming shipments." I frowned.

"This is sent from our client ma'am. A gift." the man explained.

Then the next thing we saw had made our eyes widened. The very car that we saw last night which was deemed to be the main event came to our view.

"A gift! Is that the one in the exhibit last night?" Lorraine yelled with excitement.

"Who sent it here?" Candace also asked.

"It is supposed to be a surprise gift. Our client wishes to keep the identity confidential to avoid troubles for Ms. Queen."

I froze after the man responded. Could it be that my stalker was really on the exhibit last night? (O.O)

The surrounding suddenly went silent up to the point where the only sound that I can hear was my heartbeat racing rapidly. I was about to run to the dining area and get water but my legs would not move! I could not lift my foot either. I just stood there like a statue!

Realization struck on me, I was hyperventilating!

"Calm down, Queen. Inhale... Then slowly exhale. Inhale again... Exhale!" I subconsciously followed Lorraine's voice as I tried to regain my composure

"We won't be receiving that, sir. Return it to the sender." Candace coldly glanced at the man before she guided me to the living room. Lorraine quickly followed before with a glass of water.

"What had just happened?" Candace asked with a tone full of concern.

"I have been receiving a text from a stranger. Last night, on the exhibit he sent me another message!" I said and unlocked my phone.

"Let me see." Candace impatiently grabbed the phone on my hand and read the message loudly.

"You look hot on your dress!"

"What the heck!" Lorraine gasped after Candace read the message.

"Oh my gosh! This is my fault! I should have thought twice before posting a status on my social media account!" I said while blaming myself for the trouble that I am experiencing.

"You must change your number, Queen!" Candace said with a determined voice. The two of them were clearly upset.

"Yeah, I have thrown away my old number. That message was just saved on the phone's memory. The new number will be available for pick up tomorrow." I told her. My new number must be set up accordingly so that my parents can call me wherever side of the world they will be calling from.

"Ok. Nothing bad will happen, Queen. Don't cry." Lorraine tried to comfort me as she gently pats on my back.

"If this stranger was on the exhibit last night, and he sent you the best car model in there... We can tell that this is not an ordinary person! How many millions had he spent buying the car just to give it as a gift? That's rather luxurious!" Candace thoughtfully said.

"You're right, Ace! But who could it be?" Lorraine agreed with what Candace had analyzed.

"I don't think it's Yuuma and his friends..." I told them.

"Well have it investigated closely. Don't worry Queen, we will find out soon." Candace said in a reassuring voice.

After finally regaining my composure, our food was also delivered. We ate our lunch in silence.

"Did you tell Kate about the text?" Candace asked after we had eaten.

"Vaguely. But she did tell me to change my number last night." I responded.

Candace nodded her head and invited me to play a Halloween Quest.

"I want to play too. Wait for me guys!" Lorraine squealed from the dining area.

"Hurry up, Raine!" Candace urged her as our character is already waiting for her in the lobby of the game.

"This stranger that kept sending me a text message is starting to give me anxiety..." I mumbled at Candace.