A Day With Naoto

Makoto's POV

"Wohooo!!! it's saturday" I jumped out of bed full of energy.

Today is the day Naoto and I promised to go out together. I mean go out 'traveling' together.

But we promised to go in the afternoon though and I have nothing to do in the meantime.

I let out a sigh.

"Makoto why so loud it's so early in the morning!" My sister yelled from the room next to me.

"Oh uhh sorry sis continue your work~" I can clearly tell my sister didn't sleep at all last night.

She does it very often because of her work. I don't think I'll be able to be a novelist. I can barely stay awake at school. How am I going to pull an all nighter?

I took a shower and went to the kitchen and made breakfast. After that I set it up on the dining table.

"Sis!~ Breakfast is ready" I called my sister.

"Be right there!" My sister said as she got out of her room and sat at the dining table.

She yawned "So what's for breakfast?" She asked.

"Blueberry pancakes" I replied.

"Oooh fancy" She took a plateful of pancakes.

"Go ahead, take a bite and tell me what you think" I said.

"Don't mind if i do" She took a bite of the pancakes "Oh wow this is really good where did you get the jam?" She asked.

"Shishiro gave it to me a while back. Luckily it's still good" I replied.

"Ahh rich peoples stuff no wonder it's good" She said "Where did you learn to make the pancakes? I haven't seen you make pancakes before" She asked.

"Yep i had never made pancakes before i learned it from you sis remember when you make that strawberry pancakes? I just watch you and do the exact same thing" I explained.

"Wow that's very impressive that's a trait that I like a lot from you Makoto you are a really fast learner" She said.

"It's nothing big really" I replied.

We both chat as we finish our breakfast, after we both finished eating my sister went back to her room to continue working.

As for me, since I'm bored I changed my clothes and prepared to get outside with my camera "Sis I'll be going out okay?" I called.

"Take care Makoto" She replied.

I wandered around town taking pictures of whatever I could find soon after I got tired and sat down at the nearby park.

I decided to take a few pictures around the park before sitting at a bench. The view is really beautiful trees and flowers covering the area with a beautiful fountain in the middle, A guy selling balloons to the kids and making them smile, couples enjoying their date and making every lonely soul around them jealous including me.

"What a beautiful sight" I thought to myself.

I remember that I used to go there with my sister when we were little. I think I'll invite her to go here when we have some free time which I doubt will happen anytime soon.

As I looked around the park I saw someone familiar and immediately ran towards the person.

"Naoto!" I called Naoto that are taking pictures of the park view.

Naoto looked in my direction "Ah Makoto what are you doing here?" He asked.

"No no that's my question what are 'you' doing here?" I asked back.

"As you can see i'm taking a picture" He noticed the camera wrapped around my neck "Well it seems i'm not the only one who had the idea" He asked.

"Ah yes I've been wandering around town for quite a while now" I replied.

"Well umm wanna go to a cafe? i know a really good one nearby" He offered.

"Sure why not let's go" I agreed.

We both went to a cafe, a really familiar one in fact it was the cafe that me and the others went to.

"Oh I've been here before you are right this place is really good" I said.

"Have you tried their special menu, the one with the very long name?" He asked.

"Right the whatever frappuccino right? it was delicious but it's so pricey though" I said.

"I know but it's really worth it" He said.

We both entered the cafe and took a seat together "Go ahead and order it's my treat" He said.

The waitress walked over to us ready to take our order.

"Go ahead order anything you want" Naoto said.

"Sorry for the trouble, then I'll take the black tea" I ordered.

"Oh you like it black? As for me I like it white, one white coffee please" He ordered.

"So how was school for you?" He asked.

"Pretty much the same come,study,eat and study again then go home. How about you? You are at the end of your highschool life. Where will you go to college?" I asked.

"Hmm, I haven't decided which college I will go to. I'm still thinking about it, at least I know what I want to be in the future" He said.

"What do you want to be? I want to be a journalist. I want to travel all over the place" I said.

"I want to be a programmer but at the same time I will stay with my traveling hobby. I knows we might meet each other in the future" He said.

"That would be nice just promise me you wont forget about me hahaha" I said.

"I promise" He said with a smile.

Looking at his smiling face made me blush for a while "Cute" I thought.

We talked to each other whilst taking a sip of our coffee.

The sky is turning orange which is a sign that it is now in the late afternoon.

"It's getting late you should go home and get changed. I'll pick you up when it's time don't worry" He said.

"Aw okay then bye" We waved at each other and went our separate ways.

I go inside my house "sis I'm home~" I called my sister.

"Welcome back!~" She shouted from her room.

I went to my room and got changed and spent my time reading books from my over stacked bookcase.

Soon after that the doorbell rang and I rushed to the door and opened it.

"Naoto!! Welcome wanna come inside? I'll make tea, you want tea?" I said excited.

"Ah no it's okay" He declined.

"Food? You want food, we have some leftover blueberry pancakes" I offered again.

"Okay calm down that sounds delicious so I'll take some" He accepted.

I packed a few pancakes for the both of us and got ready to leave.

"Sis I'll be going now~" I said.

"Be careful~" She replied.

We walked together to our destination while talking about random stuff to each other.

"So you have a Novelist for a sister huh? That's cool" He said.

"Yeah, her works are quite famous, at least I think" I replied.

"I think I've read one of her works before. I think it's really good" He said.

"I'll be sure to tell her about what you think. I'm sure she will be happy" I replied.

We chat the entire way talking about random stuff from obvious hobbies, food and other stuff.

Not long after that we then arrive at the destination.

It's an old bridge abandoned long ago but people still come here often.

"Is this really the place you took the picture? Is this place safe?" I ask concerned.

The bridge looks very old like it could collapse at any moment if we are not careful that's why I'm so hesitant.

"It's okay trust me I've been here a lot and it's safe" He said reassuring.

Even after he said that I still felt scared so I held onto his arms while we were walking on the bridge.

Then he suddenly stopped in the middle of the bridge.

"N-N-Naoto? Wh-wh-why did we stop?" I asked nervously.

"Makoto, this is important don't let go of my arm" He said in a serious tone.

I suddenly felt nervous "why?" I started shaking a lot more.

"I heard there is a woman who killed herself in this very bridge and she often drags her victim with her to the bottom of the bridge and drown them" He said.

"Hahaha y-you're joking aren't you? Please tell me you're joking" I asked, starting to get panicked.

He didn't respond and just stood there silent i then pull his arms with full force "Come to think of it let's go back another day hehehe i might bring the others along cmon hahah"

After i said that he then burst in laughter "Hahahaha!! My stomach hahaha I can't take it anymore hahahaha" He cried in laughter.

I just stood there and then I understood what just happened and hit him repeatedly on his shoulder "You jerk!!!"

"Hahaha oww hahaha okay okay I'm sorry I can't help sorry" He said laughing.

I cried and then he comforted me after a few moments when we continued crossing the bridge.

"You do something like that one more time I'll make sure you don't have a head anymore" I threatened him.

"Isn't that too brutal?" He asked.

I clenched my fist and stared at him dead serious.

"Uhh i swear i won't do that ever again"

We finally arrived at the spot just in time for sunset and I was immediately captivated by the view it really is something.

We can see the sun setting at the distance shining on top of the ocean making it shine like diamond it was truly a beautiful sight.

We waste no time and quickly set up our camera and took a lot of pictures.

Naoto then took my arm and took a picture of both of us together.

After spending time together we both left and got ready to go home.

We went on the bridge again "Hey Makoto you know–" Before he finished his sentence I gave him a serious gaze.


I still felt a bit scared so I slowly grabbed his hands.


"Don't say a word" I said blushing