Chapter 8: Fire in the Dark

Chapter 8: Fire in the Dark

Andrew O'Kelley

Leaving the sounds of death and the rustling of the Gargoyles behind me at Castle Bran, I headed North on a dark road that led through a thick copse of trees. I had been hoping to link up with Atticus or some other group of people that appeared trustworthy. Still, with the sudden fall of night time, there was just no good way to see where anyone was, or where anyone was going. The visibility was terrible, and I could barely see as is.

The only light I had was the little bit of luminescence that Fel provided. Had it not been for the Wisp, I knew I would have wandered off into that dark forest and died of exposure. I could already feel the cold setting into my bones, as every step I took seemed to further sap strength from me as the cold of the night started to drain me.

I walked for what felt like hours but was likely far less before coming to a crossroads. With the trees as thick as they were, I wasn’t able to fully tell which way was north anymore. I wasn’t even sure if North was even still the direction I wanted to go.

“Fel,” I whispered as I hugged myself, trying desperately to retain what little warmth I had “What do you suggest I do? You’re supposed to guide me, right? Well... guide me.” I really didn’t mean to be rude, it wasn’t part of my nature, but I was scared, cold, and walking in the dead of night on some dirt road in a massive forest beyond anything I’d ever seen. Literally, this was my first time having ever been in a forest. “Please”

I have seen your desires. You wanted to go North to mine for ore. Do you fashion yourself a knight in armor or some warrior forging a weapon for yourself? I understand this, but there will be other times. This is your first night in Netherland, the safest night. The wolf among you has not yet had their curse activate. To the west of here is the lower lake that rests below a waterfall fed by a mountain stream, go there and fish. It is an easy way to earn the money you will need to protect yourself and trust me; the sum required if you are to survive is vast and never-ending.

“What aren’t you telling me, Fel. Just how much money am I going to need? Is there something besides this wolf I need to protect myself from?” The question echoed in the night air edged with a little bit of the uncertainty I felt as I leaned against a tree and waited for the Sol guide to drop the other foot as the saying goes.

You lack a killer’s instinct. Monsters roam this land young Christopher, but not all monsters have fangs and claws. It’s the humans you need to worry about. Certainly, you’ve realized along that line, haven’t you?? The way of the min-maxer, the easiest way to beat this game? A purge, the easiest surest way to win is to purge every other human until the wolf is dead. I do not believe this is the kind of man you are, but it is the kind of man others are. You must be prepared to defend yourself from all enemies. War is coming to this land, and much sooner then you think. Now turn to your right at this crossroads and walk in a straight line

Truth be told, I hadn’t realized that, and the revelation shocked me. It was one thing to kill a monster, it was another thing altogether to kill a person. “I don’t know if I can do that Fel,” I admitted pushing myself off the tree and turned as instructed starting to walk. “It doesn’t sit right with me, you know?”

It doesn’t matter if it does or doesn’t. People who mean you violence will come for you regardless. It is on you to be prepared when they do. But if you prefer to die, then so be it. I’ve given you my warning. When the Wisp was done talking, I thought I could sense an undertone of finality in its tone, and though I tried to reengage, but the Wisp did not respond. “Fine, be like that, then, I’ll be fine navigating on my own.”

I still hadn’t forgotten the problem of the cold, and a short while later, a smile spread across my face as I spotted a bit of light in the distance and the smell of campfire smoke. I smiled, thinking this was exactly what I needed and started to walk a little faster towards it, happy that I might be able to meet up with some other people and not have to go it alone.

The closer I got, though, the more I realized something was wrong. My heart started to beat fast in my chest as a sort of animal fear built up in me, and my gut screamed at me to be on guard. I slowed down to a crawl and cautiously approached the fire, not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

Obscured by the smoke, it took me a minute to realize what I was seeing. A man in a black trench coat brandishing an iron dagger stood over the bleeding body of another man. The man’s throat was throat slit wide across, and another wound bled freely from his side from a separate knife wound. In his death throes, the dying man held a hand to his throat, as the other hand gripped at his killer’s pants, begging without words for mercy and help. I shuddered, horrified, fighting back pile and panic. I need to get out of here now. I made to move away, hoping the man wouldn’t see me.

Don’t move. Do not interfere, this man is beyond you as you are currently. Hissed Fel. Just watch, and whatever you do, Christopher, do not move.

Within seconds the Wisp belonging to the man in black revealed itself as it began to glow, hovering over the body on the ground. Almost like it is trying to absorb it.

No, not absorb. Corrected Fel. It’s closer to a mugging. They are taking that man’s possessions, his money, his materials, and his items and making it theirs. First, you’ll see the pulse of gold, that’s for shillings, then a pulse of green for material, and lastly a pulse of red crimson for whatever else he was carrying in his own soul space. Now head back to the road the way you came and continue on to the lake like I told you unless you too want to end up like that man other there.


//A Player (Levi Jones) Has Been Eliminated//

//Error - Not enough playtime to be granted the status of “Undead” //

For those who will fall, the only thing that awaits you is the dark of the abyss.

Fel was right, I didn’t want to end up like that man. I looked back one time to make sure I wasn’t followed and saw the body of Levi Jones turn to dust and collapse in on itself as the man in black sat back down next to the fire to warm his hands and started to whistle.

You can leave now. You should be safe so long as your quiet. Instructed Fel. As silently as I could, I retreated from the area, my notions of fairness and morality much more subdued as I walked away. Fearful for my own life.