Chapter 10: The Road Less Traveled

Chapter 10: The Road Less Traveled

Andrew O'Kelley

The sound of the Wolves howling continued as I tried to work up the courage to keep moving down the lightless path the Dark God had set me upon. The entire time my heart beating frantically in my chest, an anxious beating as if my heart was readying itself to explode. You need to get out of here and start moving, don’t linger commanded Fel. Monsters are coming for you.

Each closer howl only renewed my fear. I turned around to look back towards the fork in the road and shook my head as I considered the blocked by the mass of snow and ice. “Yeah,” I muttered to Fel, “You’re right. I’ve got no choice at all in this.”

I made my decision. I ignored the ominous-looking trees and the twisting shadows that seemed to swirl around them and the glint off of animal eyes from just beyond the path that I could only guess were waiting for me to lose my footing along the muddy road. The howls of the wolves continued to get closer.

It was obvious what I needed to do, and with a heavy breath to prepare myself for what was to come, I started to pump my legs in a sprint. Really striding it out as I could as I ran through down the road, whipping through some of the low hanging branches and forced to slap away the branches and leaves that got stuck in my face. No hesitation, no quitting, do not let up no matter how much your legs hurt or lungs burn. It's just like running after school. Nobody can catch you. I told myself as the sound of paws striking against the ground could be heard from somewhere behind me, closer than I was comfortable with.

All I could do was run forward without hesitation down the path. For whatever reason, this is the path Falanor wanted to push you towards, and you need to be ready for whatever you find at the end of it. Fel cautioned and I silently agreed.

The howls were getting even closer and now I could hear the snarling of the wolves as they chased after me. I could hear the rocks they kicked up and the dirt they disturbed. Maybe 10 feet behind me if that. I realized. I had no time to spare. All I could tell was that the wolves were close and getting closer by the second. I wasn’t putting any distance between us, and the wolves were still coming for me.

I just need to survive. I told myself as I pushed harder and faster than I had ever before, ignoring the cramping in my legs, but it still wasn’t enough. I can’t shake them. I won’t make it like this. My chest was burning, and my breaths came in desperate gulps as my heart kept beating, and fear kept me moving.

“Use your ability Christopher, and you will easily break free of the pack.” Commanded Fel with a touch of concern and what I think was irritation. Easy for you to say, I retorted back in complaint. But it really was that easy.

I even managed a smile as I breathlessly mouthed the command that would save my life. “Adrenaline Rush”


You have used “Adrenaline Rush” This is the second time you have used this ability today. You will be unable to use it again until the start of Day 2.

+200% to Movement and Attack Speed for 30 seconds

The effect was immediate as all the fatigue in my body just seemed to evaporate into nothing and energy flooded into my limbs. The entire world seemed to fade around him as he sped up under the effects of the ability.

Immediately the world seemed to fade around me as I sped it. It was different than the first time he had used the ability, probably because I had just unlocked it and didn’t know anything. This time I activated it on my own. I was surprised by just how fast I was moving as it felt like I was flying across the road, my feet barely even touching the path. Just moving completely free and unhindered.

Within seconds the dirt path opened up into a wide meadow surrounded by tall trees. The meadow was well illuminated by the light of the stars and the moon with a lush green field with a flowing creek that ran through it. But the first thing I noticed was towards the middle of the meadow was a 1-story farmhouse with a light on the porch and the smell of fresh Apple Pie wafting on the air, drawing me in my attention, and drawing me closer. Thats where I want to go, I decided, towards a little bit of civiliation. Maybe they can help me? It was worth a shot.

The effects from “Adrenaline Rush” faded away, and with it, the otherworldly sense of freedom and precision that had been granted by the ability. In its absence I was back in reality, breathing hard and my body ached twice as bad as before as my feet finally recognized the grass underneath me. Well, on a side note, I seemed to have lost the wolves. I thought as I turned around to look and found the path I’d been traveling on had completely disappeared and with it the monsters that had been chasing after me.



//Day Approaching - End of Night 1//

Now Beginning Day 2


The change from night to day was instant. Not progressive, not one fading into the other. Instant. It was jarring to suddenly shift from the dead of night to middle of the day as the sun beat down on me. If that’s how it is going to be, I don’t think I’ll ever quite get used to it, or how odd this place can be for that matter.

“Keep your eyes open Chris,” Cautioned Fel, wanting me to stay on my toes. “Something about this place just isn’t right. Take nothing for granted. I’ve no knowledge of this place. Be careful. I can’t help you here.”