
(A/N Notes: I had this idea before going to sleep, and I took some days to have this get into a decent start for me, I don't know how this will turn out to be, but all I can say is that... I'm bored)

"Hey! Don't do that it dangerous"


Haa... Why do I need to keep watch of my bratty cousins? Can't his mother do that? I don't even have a good internet signal here to use my phone in this park haa... This really sucks... Hm?


Haa... I hate to have to do this, but I have to do this or else I'll end up with a horrible feeling of guilty

*Scratches the back of his head*

"*Sigh* Hey, I'll go take a little walk, do you want anything?"

"Apple juice!"

"Strawberry milk!"

"Grape juice!"

"Okay, got it. Don't do anything dangerous got it?"

" " "Yes!" " "

... I better do this quickly

"Hey! Little girl, what wrong?"


And of course, she's going to hide when a complete stranger talks to her

"Don't worry, I'm just here watching my cousins over there. I just approached you because you seems to be in trouble"

"... I... Got separated... From mommy..."

"I see... So how's she like?"

"Hummm... She's tall... Pretty... And has brown hair..."

"I see, that's..."

Absolutely useless to help to find her! I'm pretty sure I saw three other mothers with brown hair and pretty faces damnit!

"Really helpful, I'm going to pick some drinks maybe we pass by her on the way there, so do you wanna come with me?"

"... Yesh..."

"Then up we go!"


I put her to seat on my shoulder to make her easier to see from the distance

"!?" *Blushing*

... And when reached a vending machine, that was a little a walk away, and her mother didn't appear at all damnit!

"So do you want something?"

"... This..."

"Alright... Here"

"Thank... You..." *Blushing*

I got brat 1 Apple juice, brat 2 strawberry mil, and brat 3 grape juice... Yeah, it was these that they asked... Now, where did put that bag? Ah! Found it

"Well, I need to go back to my cousins, so give your hand"

"... Yes..." *Blushing*

She must be really shy since she's blushing all the time...


What is that woman doing?

"D, d, did by a, any chance y, you kids s, see a, a little g, girl with b, brown hair here?"





... Wait, could she be...

"Hey, little girl. Is that woman over there... Your mother?"

"?... Ah! Yes! She is!"

"I see... Hey, you!"

"Huh!? I swear that I'm not some- Icchaaaaaaaaan!!!"

Wow! She was really worried about her daughter for her to be crying like that

"*Sigh* Oi! Brats! Here are your drinks"

"I'm not a brat!"

"Do you want your drink?"


"Then you're a brat, here"


Good grief, these brats are all gullible

"Huuuummm... I'm very sorry for the trouble I caused you!"

Hm? Ah! Yeah, those two are still here

"Don't worry, I just what was right"

And to keep myself from feeling guilty

"But I'm still sorry. Come on Ichika, at least thank him for helping you"

"... Fhank you..." *Blushing*

"It was nothing really" *Scratching head*

And after apologizing to me more several times, the mother of that little girl finally left... Oh! Look at the hours...

"Alright, brats! Time to go home!"

"But we don't want it!"

"I don't care about your bratty opinions, because what I say is the law!"

"We'll go home only if you catch us!"

*Vein popping up* "Alright, you brats asked for this"

1 minute later

"This is not fair!"

"Yeah, you have long legs!"

"Cheater! Cheater!"


Heh! Keep complaining as much as you want, I'm not hearing anything because I'm taller than you all! Muahahahahahaha!!!

The following day

*Turns page* "... ... ..." *Turns another page* "..." *Looks at his cousins* "..." *Goes back to the manga magazine*



Huh? It's the little girl from yesterday, what is she doing here?

"Huuummm... Hmmmm... Huuuuuummm..."

"... *Sigh*... What do you want, little girl?"

"*Shrieks*... Hmmmm... P, p, p, p..."



"Huh? Sure..."

Oh! It's a box of chocolate... Wait, could she be meaning something with this?... Nah, brats around her age, that is probably 8 or 9, don't think about kind of stuff. Just look at those three! they're already 11 and are still a bunch of stupid idiots... Now let's see if these chocolates are edible

"... *Nom*"

"!!!... I, Is it g, good?"

"... From what I expected from a little girl... Surprisingly so"

"I, I, I'm glad..." *Blushing*

"... And where's your mother?"

"Eh?... !!!"

"Haa... Don't tell me you two got separated again..."

"Uuuuuuhhh... Yesh..."

"*Tired sigh* ... You can either join the brats over there or you can sit here and wait for her to appear"


"Hm? did you say something?"

"I, I'm not you... I, I'm Ichika..."

"... Haa... Then you can join them or sit here, Ichika-chan"

"Y, yesh!..."

Huh... She decided to sit here... She's certainly shy around other brats, huh?

Hours later


"It's fine, she's way easier to care of than these brats" *Holding his three cousins in place*

"I'm still truly sorry and thank you for watching her in my steady"

"Nah, don't worry. I was obligated to keep watching these three brats until late, so watching one more brat that is quiet, is not even a chore"

"I, I see... Well, I'm now going back home"

"Okay, and make sure to keep your eye on your daughter"

"I, I will!!!... Hey..."

"Hm? Yes?"

"W, would you mind if I left her with you whenever I and Ichika-chan come here?"

"... Sure, sure, I already don't have much choice because of the mothers of these three brats"


"Okay, I'll be going now. Make sure to not lose her again!"

"I already said that I won't!"

And the boy left the place and was out of sight

"... Isn't it great, Ichika-chan? You'll be able to spend time with him again!"

"Yes..." *Blushing*

"Aaaaawww! You're the cutest daughter in the entire world, Ichika-chan!"

"..." *Blushing*

Her mother cared about her daughter a lot

2 years later

"School is finally over!"

"But we still have school tomorrow"

"Don't say that man! You always ruin my moments with those comments!"

"That's because it's one of the few things that I enjoy doing, destroying the moments of the guy named Kenji"

"*Sigh* You're a real piece of work"

"Thanks for the compliment, I'm always doing my all to be one"

"Can't you at least try to act normal? You know how hard it's to be only talking about girls!?"

"Nope, and I'm too unique to act normal"

"... I don't think that's something to be proud of"


"... Huh? What is that car doing there?"

"What car?... It must be from some of the well-off and popular people of this school, it certainly doesn't involve you or me"

"Yeah, you're certainly right. Wanna go to the arcade?"

"Sure, it'll give me a little moment of happiness before I have to go watch a bunch of brats..."

"... Anyway, let's get going"


And the two got up from their desk, and left the classroom, and walked towards the school main gate, and the car that was clearly only affordable to rich families was still parked in front of the school and it was calling the attention of all the students, when the two passed through the school gate, the door of the car opened...

"G, good afternoon..."

"Hm? Oh! You're that little girl, aren't 'cha?"

"It's Ichika, not little girl..."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, so do you have a sibling who studies here?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Ah! H, hmmmm...? W, where is it?..." *Searching her pockets*

She then turned and began to search for something inside the car

"*Whispering* Oi! Dude! Do you know this little girl!?"

"*Whispering* Yes, I do. She and her mother would always lose sight of each other in a park near my place, and I would always end up watching her until her mother appeared"

"*Whispering* What? Really! It's pretty clear that she would be an ojou-sama only by looking at this car!"

"*Whispering* And how do you expect me to know the reason why, when I only met her in a public park while I was watching my three bratty cousins?"

"*Whispering* Well, yeah you don't. But still, why is she here!?"

"*Whispering* And how do you expect me to know it!?"

"*Whispering* Well, you got me there..."

And as the two argued with each other, Ichika got out of the car again and called for the boy again

"H, hmmm... Here!"

"Huh? What's this?"

She had handed him a letter that he picked up and opened it, and Kenji stretched his neck to also read it

"Blah blah blah... As her parent, I give you permission to date my daughter... What? Wha, what do this letter mean, Ichika-chan?"

And they both got confused at the contents of the letter, that he had to ask her to explain what the letter meant

"... With me..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"... ( Deeply inhales) IT MEANS PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME, YUUTO-SAMA!!!"


His face turned blue as despair filled him while he sweated heavily, while the only thing his mind could process was that he was now regretted interacting with her in the past

(A/N Notes: Well that escalated quickly

This is all for today everyone!)