Chapter 2

William looked down his window only to see the floor 40 stories below him. He had successfully told everyone else to meet at a park on the other side of town, but he had another problem to deal with: how to sneak passed his new security detail. Courtesy of his parents and older brother, of course. He had to get to the park as there was "important news" that they all had to know. What was the big news? The only way he could find out was by getting to the park.

He looked around and had spotted a few plants in his room when he got an idea. He took his phone out and started to talk rather loudly in order for the guards outside his door to hear him. He mentioned going out the window to escape his captivity and the security guards stormed in to stop him.

When they walked in, they looked around, but couldn't find him. They suddenly fell to the ground and William left the room while covering his face, so that he didn't inhale the sleeping powder he had made with the plants. He got out without any other major interruptions, and met up with Kiara at a street corner near both of their hotels.

Upon arriving, William saw a sleazy, old guy hitting on Kiara and he knocked him out with some of the remaining sleeping powder he had on him. Kiara thanked him with her usual puppy dog eyes, and he, once again, dismissed her emotions and blamed her for the incident, before they headed to the park.


There, Halley and Brandon told them that they might've found the leader of the Saviours, but they weren't sure about it. What they were sure about was that the leader was someone who could get away with anything.

Someone rich, powerful, and connected to the royal families. William and Louis warned against chasing a terrorist group's leader, but Britney swore to avenge Python and her mother.

Michael also joined in saying that the Saviours killed his parents, Halley and Brandon were determined to prove their father's innocence, Kylian wanted the Saviours to end as a whole, Kiara felt obligated to eliminate the threat that plagued the world, and Rebecca wanted to make a difference. Louis eventually caved in wanting to know the truth behind his mother's death, and William joined in "for fun."

"Is it possible that William or I have come in contact with this person?" Kiara asked, and it was possible. The only way to confirm it was to get into the royal archives, which weren't, to their disadvantage, digital at all. The only way to access them was to physically enter them, which was something that only members of the royal families could do.

However, William told them that he and Kiara couldn't just waltz into the royal archives. They had been on their families' blacklists after they decided to pursue a terrorist group.

While they were trying to brainstorm different ways to get into the archives, Kylian reminded them that Baptiste's birthday was two weeks away. He and Louis were also invited as guests in addition to William being his older brother, and Kiara's infatuation with the family.

Before they could plan out how to sneak a bug into the archives, William suddenly noticed that his guards were waking up. He was too far from the hotel to get back in time, so he had no choice but to turn to Kiara.

You'd think he'd be a bit nicer to her, since she was the only person who could help him, but no. He wasn't. He was actually meaner than usual to her. How Kiara put up with this behaviour, I do not know.


A week and a half passed and they finally had a solid plan on how to sneak the bug in, so there was only one thing left: Baptiste's birthday present. William had all year to find a present for his little brother, but he waited until the last minute to go. Typical.

He asked Michael to tag along, since he was fascinated by him and his Magi. William didn't tell Michael that he wanted to know more about him. He wanted to keep Michael completely oblivious, so he invited Britney and Kiara to help them choose a gift as well as clear any suspicion.

They went to about forty different stores trying to find a gift for the kid that had everything, but it paid off when they finally found something that Baptiste didn't have: a star globe. It's a snow globe with glowing gold dust that looks pretty cool.

With four more hours to kill, they decided to go see a movie. Kiara had realized Michael's and Britney's feelings for each other in the first book, and wanted to help them further their relationship. She even, somehow, convinced William to help her get them together.

William pushed aside his plan to learn more about Michael's Magi, which wasn't even working since Michael was incredibly good at deflecting questions.

They purposely chose a romantic movie, and "accidentally" got separated from them in the movie theatre. They watched on as Michael played all his cards right, and how Britney was sending all the right signals.

The two of them were so absorbed in watching the two of them that they didn't even pay attention to the animated movie about some chick who fell in love with a guy she met the same night they met and how an impractical shoe brought them together after they were separated.

At the end of the movie, Kiara and William snuck away from them, and expected them to kiss in front of the romantic fountain in the moonlight, but Britney rejected Michael at the last minute.

Kiara ended up going home with Britney, while William comforted a heartbroken Michaelangelo, but that wasn't enough to shake the dreadful state he was in.


The following Monday, before homeroom started, Brandon gave Louis a watch as a late birthday present, and everyone was surprised as to how well their relationship was going. They seriously give me Tom and Jerry friendship vibes. One minute they were fighting each other, and the next they were fighting others.

The last few days flew by and soon, William, Kiara, Louis, and Kylian were absent from school as they had to attend Baptiste's birthday party, which was being held in the Palace of the West, or Tsétsêhéstâhese.

The Roman-like architecture dramatized the building's extensive width and 12 story height. The palace seemed to transform to an even larger space on the inside. The seemingly endless marble staircase is the first thing you would see if you walked in, and right underneath it were the exquisitely tailored doors to the ballroom, well one of them.

There's actually four of them for (pun intended) different occasions, but the birthday party was being held in the largest one they had.

Among the people present at the party were Cheyton and Chenoa Kiowa (the king and queen of the West), Samantha Igless (Crispus's fiance), Kim Ahn-Jong (Princess of the East), and her wife, Kim Chaeryoung. Very powerful people to say the least, and all friends of Kiara and William.

Baptiste was beyond well off for a four ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) year old, or anyone alive. Ever. This child had everything you could ever dream off or imagine and more.

He had homes that he didn't even live in, cars that he couldn't even drive, and stocks that he didn't even understand. He was every royal families' favourite child, and his parents spoiled him with every toy he wanted. He was bratty at times, like every other four-year-old ever, but most of the time he was a little gentleman that everyone adored.

As the party began, Louis and William managed to successfully sneak away from everyone and head to the archives. They used Kiara's cloaking spell to remain undetected until they reached the archives. The door only opened to royal blood, and it alerted the other royals on the premises if the archives were opened and by whom they were opened.

They got into position and Louis held his watch by the door as William pricked his finger and opened the door. They weren't sure what the watch did, but no one came rushing over, so that means that it had worked. William took off his brooch and placed it on the ground and it turned into a little, well, bug and scurried away.

Louis looked up in awe at what seemed like endless books on shelves as far as the eye could see. You'd expect it to look like the old libraries from ancient England or somewhere, but the room looked like something out of a sci-fi book.

The white, spotless walls and metal shelves holding all the books and papers were all lit under white LEDs that gave off an intelligence hub sort of atmosphere.

William warned Louis not to touch anything as he held the watch to the door and closed it without any trouble.

As they arrived back at the ballroom, they asked each other if they had planted the bug properly, and Crispus scared the crud out of them when he popped up out of nowhere and asked about their previous whereabouts.

William lied to him, but Crispus kept persisting until Louis brought up Kiara, who was dancing with a rather handsome noble from an Eastern province.

Louis remarked how good they looked together, which, for some reason, irked William and made him storm onto the dance floor and (politely) steal her away from her dance partner.

Kiara, who was unfazed by this entire situation, simply commented on how the last time they danced together was ten years prior, and William even smiled at the memory. He altogether had a good time dancing with Kiara, but when the song ended, he re-entered his bad mood and left Kiara alone on the dance floor.

He later went back, with her coat, and dragged her outside by her arm. Kiara asked him why he was in such a foul mood, and he replied with, "I may not particularly like the fact that we're engaged, but that doesn't mean that you can waltz with anyone you like on the dance floor, especially if our parents are present."

To which Kiara mumbled how he boasted to her every time he slept with someone, but he didn't hear what she said.

Louis and Kylian arrived before the atmosphere could get any worse than it already was, and they all headed back to Olympia that night.


Three days passed and it was once again Saturday, and William was playing golf with Crispus. Crispus asked William why he hated Kiara so much, and William mentioned how he wouldn't be "an obedient little sheep that does what he's told." Whatever that means. However, their golf session was cut short, when William suddenly left early.

The reason? Brandon had just figured out who the leader of the Saviours was.