Chapter 3

William found himself in the middle of an unfamiliar darkness. It was an open space, at least that's what it felt like, but he couldn't figure out where he was. He looked up to find the sky, but there was only more darkness above. Below his feet was a darkness unknown to him. Left, right, front, back. No matter where he looked there was just darkness.

He usually would try to sense forms of nature nearby to help him locate himself, but this wasn't possible. There was nothing there. Where could he possibly be? A place without an ounce of nature? Not a hint of life? This strange, bizarre world scared the young prince as he began to walk forward in a straight line. However, as he walked, his instincts all kicked in, and he was soon running.

The sound of footsteps behind him became more and more apparent and clear as he raced on and on deeper and deeper into the darkness. He ran, hoping to tire out his pursuer, but they were relentless. Just as he was about to give up however, William spotted a door in the distance and used his last remaining strength to dash into the door.

He ran straight through the door, destroying it in the process, and landing in a forest. He used his powers to identify the forest, but it just came up as "a forest." He walked deeper into it, passing tree after tree until he heard a rustling behind him. He turned around to face whatever was behind him, and it was a puppy.

The small, sand-brown newborn cried out to him and he couldn't resist the cuteness radiating off the helpless pup. William picked up the puppy and examined it before determining it as a male, and naming him Ocean Dust. Ocean tilted his head at hearing his new name, but William insisted it was based off his coat. Why not Sandy? It was too obvious. Ocean Dust makes you think for a bit.

Regardless, Ocean was elated with his new name, so elated he jumped up and propped his front legs on William's chest as he licked his chin. William supported the puppy's little hind legs in his hands as Ocean's happiness extended over to him. William stared into Ocean's dark eyes and felt himself getting lost inside of them as he had seen the darkness from before in the puppy's eyes.

The darkness was … different, though. Instead of fear, William felt comforted by the void in the puppy's eyes, which pulled him out of his own head and forest until a twig snapping brought him back.

He turned to face the sound's origin, but he felt his fear rise higher and higher with every step forward. Fearing the unknown, William dashed the opposite way, through the forest while using his magic to slow down the stalker. He waved his hands from branches to the ground, and they obediently distorted themselves and reached the ground behind William as he ran. He stopped to see if it had given up, and he thought it had when he didn't see it, until he noticed the shadow above him. It had jumped above his barrier!

William began running to his left before "it" could land, and he simultaneously placed more and more spells all around him and Ocean in an attempt to slow "it" down. He desperately threw around more and more spells until he and Ocean were once again caught off guard by the "thing". "It" had somehow dodged all of William's traps and passed through every single one of his barriers. What was chasing him?

He thought of leaving this world, but he felt he had to do something first for another door to pop up. William decided to be courageous and turned around to face the enemy, but he found himself unable to look "it" in the eyes and just blasted it with raw energy after binding it with the vines. The vines entrapping and tying "it" up allowed William to know he was being chased by a creature with two legs and two arms. Was it a human? There was no way. After all, his blast had had no effect.

What? He scanned the area for spiritual energy. The blast had made the creature stronger. How? Is it possible to absorb magic from an attack? He was sure it wasn't possible. The absorption of magic would overload one's soul and kill them. That's what he had always been told! So why? Why couldn't he feel his magic? What was chasing him? Why were they chasing him? Was that the end? Was he going to die?

Ocean managed to pull William out of his thoughts, and turn his attention to the door in front of him as he tugged on his shirt. He held the puppy close to him as he ran towards the door. He was careful to open and lock it properly this time, hoping the "thing" couldn't pass through without the key. He dropped it in his pocket as he stared at his new destination. The courtyard of the South Palace of Otinuo.

The stones lining the floor made a path for anyone and everyone to pass through the rose bushes all around. At every 15 meters, there was a bench for resting, hiding, playing, and napping. William recalled how he, Kylian, Louis, and Kiara would play together in that very same courtyard when they were younger. Louis was a sore loser, but William enjoyed annoying him and never let him win. Kylian would always end up breaking up the fight, while Kiara's blinding smile melted away all tension.

Such wonderful memories from a better time. A simpler time. A time which ended with two families announcing a betrothal no one was told about. William's heart was soon crushed when he saw that sweet smile which brought so much glee before. Why did it pain to see it? Why did it hurt so much? Why did she leave them? The four of them, they had promised to stick together until the end, so why did she leave them behind? How could she do something so selfish?

As he was thinking, William placed Ocean on the floor as the door's handle turned and the creature made their way into the courtyard. He wasn't scared anymore. He was angry. Angry, she just got up and left them. Angry, she broke their sacred promise to be the perfect princess to those fake, scary adults. Angry, she had the nerve to flash that painful smile at him after all she had done. That was all he could think about as the creature reached out to touch him.

What did "it" want? What could "it' possibly want from him? His life? "It" could take it if "it" wanted to. He didn't care anymore. He was more concerned with keeping Ocean safe than his own well being. "What do you want?" Demeter asked William in his head. What did he want? He wanted the monster to disappear from his life once and for all. "Very well."

A vortex of air then spawned where the creature stood and pulled at William and Ocean. He grabbed the puppy, but the current was too strong to keep his grip. He watched him fly out of his reach and into the arms of a dark-skinned girl. He looked up to see this "horrible monster" he was running from, but he soon found himself dashing after her.

"I'm sorry," Kiara said while holding Ocean in her arms, "We'll leave you alone, now." He dashed towards her, but the source of the air vortex, a black void where the door was, pulled them both into the next world, leaving William behind. He yelled out to her as he dropped to his knees, knowing he had lost her again. His yells became louder and more incoherent as the tears rushed down his face until a puddle formed underneath him, and he fell through.


William jumped upright at his desk, as he woke up from his recurring nightmare. He had had the nightmare many times in the last six months, but he could never seem to change his decision. It was as if he forgot who the "monster" was every time he went into the world. He forgot how he let go of Ocean Dust every time, and how he lost Kiara. He forgot every single time.

He rubbed his tearful eyes with his forearm as he tried to find his place in the book in front of him. The Creators: Makers of the Universe, huh? That was supposed to help him find her? It was wrong about all of her mannerisms and personality. The Dark Creator may be the evil one of the two, but Kiara was the sunlight in the lives of anyone fortunate enough to meet her. Including William, except, he always took that light for granted.

The book stated the opposite traits of the Creators were essential for the existence of the universe because one couldn't survive without the other. The same way light can't be noticed without darkness, darkness can't be found without light. The Creators made everything dependent on this ideal, including their own magicians-

"Your Highness, I have brought your breakfast." Patrick said from behind William's door after knocking on it. He didn't need it, nor did he want it. He needed to focus on these books and find a way to find Kiara. He had to. Patrick stayed quiet for a short while before asking William for permission to enter his room, which the young prince granted.

"Your Highness, I know you are fixed on the issue of her Highness, Princess Kiara's disappearance six months ago, but you simply won't be able to function if you refuse to eat." William was ignoring the head butler's nagging as he concentrated on the old text in front of him. He didn't need the food, and he wanted to keep working. No one had any right to shove the food down his throat except him.

"My prince, Princess Kiara would want you to eat. So, please for her sake-" She would want him to? How would he know? No one could've known what she wanted because she was gone and no one seemed to care! If the situations were reversed, she wouldn't have eaten until she found him, so why should he eat? Eating! Sleeping! It was all just a waste of time! Distractions that were trying to pull him away from her again!

William even used his only wish to gain access to the Royal Archives once more, but he still hadn't found an answer after all that time! All he found out was how her family- He caught himself before he revealed the information Daisy had given him during his search for her. For 17 years, her family treated her like a monster, then a guinea pig, and a scapegoat. All the while she flashed that damn smile.

Even though she was in so much pain, she smiled as if it was nothing. He had to find her. He had to find that painful smile and apologize to it until his voice turned hoarse.

Patrick walked up to William and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his tears away as William broke down at his desk. She was out there. All alone, and he had to find her. He stood above the young prince before placing a slice of toast next to him. William's fuse broke at the sight of the bread, and he flung it across the room. He didn't feel an ounce of remorse as he watched it shatter on the stone pillar. He simply told Patrick to get out, and so he did.

"What was the point of that?" Demeter asked. He had a tendency to show up whenever he wanted, even though he claimed William was the one who called him over. Regardless, he showed up at an especially bad time to say the least. "Hey! I'm talking to you. Why are you so angry?" he asked, but William ignored him and his questions.

"Geez, you're such a brat, Willy." A brat?! How was he a brat for trying to find his fiance? He was the only one actually looking for her, so who was Demeter to question him? "That." the Magi replied. "That is why you're such a brat. The Dark Creator's magician going MIA isn't an excuse for you to be so cruel to the people who take care of you. You aren't helping anyone when you're being like this, and this really isn't like you either. Tell me, William, what's really wrong?"

What was wrong? What was really wrong? The Creators are two halves of a whole, meaning their magicians were soulmates at the points of their creation. The thought of Kiara ending up with someone other than him made William's blood boil. She was his fiance. She wasn't allowed to be with anyone other than him. "Says the one who specifically bragged about how he lost his virginity to a woman other than your supposed fiance."

What was he trying to say? Sure, William had treated her poorly before, but he swore to treat her well if she went back to him. He loved her. He always had, and always will. "So, why'd you treat her like that?" Why? It was embarrassing for William to admit, but he fell in love with Kiara at the New Year's ball where they first met. Her radiant smile and innocent nature captured the 6 year old's heart.

For two whole years, he, Kylian, and Louis did everything they could to make her fall for him too, but she still treated him the same until the day their betrothal was announced. He felt his heart about to burst out of chest when their parents told them they would be married in the future, but it shattered when he noticed her smile change. It seemed more loving than usual. That's when it hit him. She didn't love him. She was just pretending to for the sake of her throne.

He wanted her to fall in love with him because she wanted to, not because she was obligated to, but it wasn't like he could do that anymore. With that, he slowly drifted away from Kiara, and she even went to a public middle school. He was happy he didn't have to see her painful smile anymore, but he also couldn't feel the unnecessarily comforting warmth it brought along with it. That was the case until they both entered AMA.

Demeter walked over to William as he ended his story and slapped him on the back of his head. "You idiot! You gave her up for such a pathetic reason? Maybe she should go with the Light Creator's magician after all." William jumped out of his seat at the comment and tried to grab the Magi, but his hands simply fell through the air. "Don't you dare try to redirect the blame, William. This is all your fault. You were the one who let go of her. Now you and you alone must bear all the consequences."

He knew that. He knew he was at fault. He knew if he persisted for long enough, she would've fallen in love with him. He knew he was the one who let go at the first loss. He knew he had no right to stop her from falling for someone else who actually treated her well, but he wanted that right. He wanted to be able to hold her in his arms anytime. To kiss her on her forehead whenever she was upset, and on her cheeks and lips when she was happy. He wanted to be able to proudly show her off as his, but he needed to find her and apologize first.

Demeter was indifferent to his resolve, as it was "something you should've known from the beginning, idiot." He needed to make her fall in love with him, but he wasn't going to be able to do that looking like a "haggard, dead vampire rat" as Demeter described. He needed to find her, yes, but he also needed to be alive long enough to find her. He thanked his Magi for helping him realize his true goal as he walked over to the shattered glass plate and carefully placed the shards on a tray.


"You called, your Highness." Patrick said as he creaked the door open. He looked around the room until he noticed a note on William's desk.

I'm taking a short nap. Please clean up the mess, and bring me dinner later. Thank you.


Patrick smiled as he neatly folded the note and put it in his pocket. He picked up the tray with glass shards on it and walked out the door. "The princess has always had that effect on you, my Prince."


A week later, William was balancing 18 books and 42 scrolls in his arms as he separated them into their three piles on his desk. One for sacred books, one for non sacred books, and one for scrolls. He successfully separated them all, and acknowledged the three piles were way too big for him to carry back to the Archive Messenger's wagon. As he thought of different ways to carry them all, Patrick knocked on the door and told him, "Your friends are here."

Perfect timing as usual, William thought as Louis and Kylian walked into the room. They had been helping him carry books back and forth as well as search for answers for the last week, and they were used to carrying such heavy loads through the palace too. Kylian was especially happy to see William, and when asked about his nature, he mentioned "a surprise."

A surprise? For whom? For William? How come? Unfortunately, Kylian answered none of William's questions and instead made his way to the desk to pick up the pile of scrolls. He turned to Louis for answers, but he feigned ignorance, so William tried to read his mind. He, to his disappointment, was also in the dark about this "surprise" Kylian was signing about. William and Louis asked Kylian about this surprise, but he purposely used both hands to hold the papers. His way of saying, "I'm not telling you."

William contemplated reading his mind, but Kylian could empty his mind faster than he could read it, so that idea went out the window. He soon ran out of ideas and gave up on knowing about the surprise as he carried the books down the hall of the castle and placed them in a wagon before a small robot pulled the wagon away and left.

As they waved RASAI goodbye, Kylian randomly asked, "What's gonna happen to Kiara? She did kill a royal. Isn't she going to be trialed for murder?" That wasn't the case. The second the army arrived on that hill, Chadwick was declared WANTED: dead or alive. Rather than punished, she would be celebrated for ending the Saviours once and for all. She'd be a hero. William smiled as his mind wandered thinking of the glee the title would bring her, leaving him wide open for attack.

Crispus took advantage of this and dropped his entire body weight on William's back before greeting Louis and Kylian. There was no need for him to do that, but he blocked the second prince from starting his lecture by telling him, "We gotta go. Everyone's waiting for us." "Now that I think about it, you are dressed in your royal garments and all," Louis asked, "What's the occasion?" The royal families were gathering in the Palace Rus for the celebration of Kiara's birthday.

He couldn't understand why they were still holding the party even though she wasn't back yet, but Crispus dragged him away from them before he could think of an answer.

"We'll be watching on the balcony." Kylian signed to William. Watching? Watching what? He wondered if that was what the surprise was as he greeted his father and mother in front of the palace steps. He had to bow to them every time he met them, even though they were family. Baptiste didn't have to because of how young he was, but he tried to copy his two older brothers anyway.

King Ackley and Queen Evangeline acknowledged the sons' bows before turning to face their first arrivals, the royal family of the East. Prince Consort Hyunjin stepped out first, followed by his elegant daughter, Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong, and the last part of their family, Empress Si-Eun of the Eastern Empire. The empress bowed to King Ackley and he to her, but they didn't bow for anyone else. Instead, Crispus, William, Baptiste, and all the staff present bowed to the reigning empress as the second royal family arrived.

King Cheyton and Queen Chenoa both emerged from their car at the same time, which made Crispus raise his eyebrows in surprise, but William didn't understand why. Their extended family was also invited to the celebration, but according to protocol, they were to arrive the day of, and not the day before. The young king bowed to his fellow monarchs and them to him as the final car arrived.

The royal family of the South arrived in two cars as the princes and princess walked over to the steps alongside their mother, and preceding their father, King Winston. He stood tall as the sun gleamed on his cold, stone-like expression. He sent shivers down William's spine, but he did his best to remain standing as he bowed to the other three sovereigns.

The person whose birthday was being celebrated usually emerged last regardless of social standing, but Kiara had been missing for 6 months. William turned to bow as the kings and empress ascended the elongated steps of the palace, but Crispus tugged on William's jacket and signalled to the car King Winston had arrived in. He turned to see what was wrong, and- Wait. Kiara?

William's legs moved without his consent at the sight of the supposed to be missing princess. She had finally come back to him. She was finally back. Now he could apologize. Now he could get her to fall in love with him. Now he was finally stable. That smile wasn't going to be painful anymore. She had returned.

William launched himself towards Kiara, and as he was about to hit Ahn-Jong, who was standing in front of him, she simply spun out of the way in the most elegant fashion right into Crispus's arms. The two giggled at the catch as they watched the desperate prince embrace his fiance in the most loving way they had ever seen. They smiled at the reunion, but soon noticed the scowl on his father's face and tried signalling to William.

All of his attention, however, was focused on Kiara as he held her in his arms. Was it really her? Was she really back? Had she really returned to him? He looked down at her in his arms, and smiled before he lost all control of his body and dropped to his knees.

He couldn't move. His arms and legs refused to listen to him no matter what he did. William was slow to realise what he had done, but he did realise he was under Winston's magic.

He barely managed to move his eyes up as the king walked past him and bowed to King Ackley, King Cheyton, and Empress Si-eun. William's heart dropped to the floor as he caught a glimpse of Winston's power. That was what a Class X magician's power was really like. No control. Just complete executive power over your entire existence and nothing you can do about it, and Kiara was stronger?

He peered up at her and pleaded in his telepathic message to just relieve some of this pain. Not even all of it, just a little. Surely she had that power, but Kiara simply walked past William with the same cold expression as her father.

Where was her smile? What was wrong with her. It wasn't like Kiara to just stand back and watch someone suffer in front of her, so why? Why didn't she help him? Or even stand up to her father for him?

"Ackley," Winston said as he climbed the stairs besides his fellow rulers, "I was under the impression that you raised your children with proper discipline and manners." King Ackley smiled as he replied, "Don't act like you wouldn't react the same way, Winston. He hasn't seen his fiance in months. Surely you understand." "No," Winston retorted, "I do not understand." King Cheyton added to the conversation saying, "I thought Prince William was against the engagement from the way he treated her, but Kiara also seems different, no?"

Empress Si-eun glanced at the princess behind her as she agreed, "She is different." "She's grown up." Winston said, ending the conversation. WIlliam was able to hear it all because of his sharp sense of hearing, but he still couldn't move a muscle until all the royalty present had entered the palace, and Kiara was out of his sight.

His muscles relaxed and he was able to move again as he fell onto his hands and knees, trying to restart the rhythm of his breathing. Patrick rushed down the stairs to him and helped him to his feet as he condemned William's actions. "Regardless of how you are feeling, it is rude to simply run in front of a monarch. Especially during a royal presenta-" Did Kiara really hate him? Was he too late?

He turned cold as he thought of how she wouldn't forgive him, but that wasn't like Kiara, but neither was letting anyone suffer when she had the power to help. Patrick rested William's body on his own as they slowly climbed the stairs. Each step became more and more unbearable as he thought about how he let Kiara go the first and second times. What if she let go of him this time? What would he do?

The darkness, that void, the one that took Kiara from him so many times in his dreams. Was he that void? Did his actions up to that point cause all of this to happen? Of course they did. He knew deep inside that he didn't deserve Kiara, not after everything he had done to her. This was the universe's way of telling him that. This was his karma for tormenting her and taking her love for granted. That was what he deserved. He knew that, but he still didn't want it to happen.

"Three," Why him? "Two," Why did the Dark Creator choose Kiara? "One!" This was all its fault- William's self loathing was suddenly interrupted by Louis punching him across the face, dropping him onto the floor. Shocked and enraged, he got up and grabbed his collar as Louis declared, "Good. You're back."

Back? William looked around and realised Patrick, Kylian, and Louis had carried him all the way to his room as he was drowning in self-pity. He apparently wasn't responding, so Louis took it upon himself to, against Kylian and Patrick's wishes, punch William awake. There were other options they could've exhausted, but this was the "fastest way" to get William back to his usual self.

Even though he was peeved he got his face rocked by Louis, the prince was also grateful he brought him back to reality. He was starting to fear his own mind more and more with each passing second, but his fear soon became of his father as William realised what he had done, and how much he had embarrassed in front of all the royal families. "You should go apologize to everyone for doing something so stupid." Not you too, Kylian.


Willliam stood in front of the two doors in front of him, knowing he was about to enter the lions' den, but he had to apologize to Kiara's brothers for the commotion he had caused. There wouldn't be a problem with that if her brothers didn't know how badly he treated her, but at this point, he doubted there was anyone who didn't know. And so, after writing his will on a sticky note and shoving it into his back pocket, the lamb gathered up his courage as he knocked on the door.

A small, young voice replied, "Who's there?" and William announced his identity. He was relieved at the sound of the youngest of the brothers, but he was simply told to "go away". He had gone to apologize for his earlier behaviour, and with that incentive out in the open, Prince Lameckus, Kiara's oldest brother answered the door and let him in.

"Your Highness," he said as William walked in, "I'm sorry about Kingus's rudeness. He usually isn't like this." "Speak for yourself!" the owner of the small voice replied to his oldest brother's claim. He was upset with William for "changing" Kiara. Changing her? He hadn't seen her in six months. "He doesn't mean that, your Highness," Prince Spencer mockingly said, "He means Kiara hasn't smiled since she got back a week ago, and it's probably because of how you broke her heart. Now I must pay you back by breaking your neck."

William gulped loudly at the payment option as he denied the claims as he backed up more and more until he bumped into an open door. Princess Mahogani walked into the room and questioned the threatening atmosphere in it. Spencer told her how he hurt Kiara, but she simply replied, "She said she had gone to Magiterra. That is not his fault." "For six whole months?" Spencer questioned. "Wherever she goes and for how long she goes doesn't matter. She's back, isn't she?" "Yea," Lameckus added, "But she's different."

William had noticed as well. No matter what he did and/or said to her in the past, Kiara always smiled whenever they met. This time, she just stood there, without an expression on her face. It was actually quite intimidating, but William still had to apologize to her. Whether he was the reason for her change or not, he had to apologize to her and beg her for forgiveness if necessary. "You shouldn't go that far for a monster." Mahogani remarked, but Kiara wasn't a monster. She was just hurt.

Mahogani ignored his conclusion and simply said, "I'll pass on your apology to mother, so for now, go apologize to father for your earlier behaviour." William had already apologized to everyone except Kiara's siblings, father, and Kiara herself. He saved the siblings and father for last because he honestly thought one of them would put a table in his head. Luckily for him, Mahogani walked in when she did, and he was able to survive long enough to get to Winston's room.

On his way over, William remembered a warning the empress had given him when he went to apologize to her. "Do you truly believe the young heir is not a monster?" she first asked, and he was sure. Someone so warm and kind could never be a monster. "She may not be a monster, but she carries monstrous power within her, and it seems that power of hers has grown. I wonder how long it will take for you to truly understand how much power she holds. For if you knew, you wouldn't dare to even look at her."

What could that possibly mean? He wondered until he got to Winston's room. He had spent the whole day apologizing to people, so by the time he got to his second last destination, almost everyone was asleep. He contemplated going back in the morning, but he wouldn't have time with all the preparations for the ball. William finally decided to put on his big boy trousers and leaned over to knock on the door, but something stopped him.

Immense amounts of power being poured out from right behind that very door. Then, as quickly as it started, the power dissipated. Intrigued, William used his magic to conjure an ant and sent it underneath the door to see what was happening. He didn't see much, but what he did see was Winston on his hands and knees before Kiara, who stood above him, looking down at the scene of his submission with the same emotionless expression from before.

"H-how dare you?" Winston squeaked out to his daughter, but Kiara simply replied in a voice colder than her expression. "I haven't done anything, father. You tried to use your magic on me, and I simply avoided such an attack. Now, about the matter from before, you are the only one who hasn't given permission for me to end it. I do not want to use force to influence your answer, but you leave me no choice."

Winston screamed in agony as she uttered those cold words, and William deactivated his spy ant after witnessing something so trauma inducing. He couldn't believe what he had seen. Kiara was hurting someone for her own personal gain? It couldn't be true, but it was. What was he supposed to have done in that moment? He didn't have time to think as footsteps approached the door from the inside.

Kiara swung the door open, and William simply smiled at her and commented how he had come to apologize for his earlier behaviour. Winston looked fine as he accepted his apology. Was it real? Was he somehow tricked? He couldn't know, and he took the opportunity to leave as soon as Winston sent him back. He realised it wasn't a trick when he saw the ironclad king's hands shaking as he drank what was left of his whiskey.

Terrified, he turned to walk Kiara back to her room, but she was already gone. She had left when he wasn't paying attention and that scared the young prince even more. Is that what Empress Si-eun meant when she said monstrous power? It didn't look like Kiara was doing anything, but he felt the power in the room. It was the same Winston used to subdued William earlier. No. There was more power in that room. He was sure of it.

Seven year old Kiara's smile flashed through his brain as he thought about what he had witnessed, and William convinced himself Kiara had changed. That wasn't the same person who's love he took for granted. Those cold eyes had not even an ounce of love or affection in them, Something had happened to her in the six months she was gone. Something had to have happened in Magiterra.

As long as he had the title of her fiance, William convinced himself he would get to the bottom of everything. He had to. For her sake.


William waited patiently while holding his brother's hand as the announcer outside the ballroom's doors broadcasted the arrival of each royal family. He had a bit of time to shake off his nerves as this was his first ball with Kiara in months, and she looked breathtaking in her black laced dress. She looked incredible in black, and white, and red, and blue, and yellow, and orange, and every colour really.

Baptiste and Crispus caught him daydreaming about Kiara's beauty and reminded him to pay attention to the procession of the Eastern royal family. Every procession was the same, though. The reigning monarch and their spouse entered first, and they were followed by their family, but the heir to each family went last. He had seen it a million times and knew the order like the back of his hand.

The East: Empress Si-Eun and Prince Consort Hyunjin followed by Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong. The West:King Cheyton and Queen Chenoa usually entered together, so why was she behind her husband this time? Unless- Oh! That was the surprise! William looked to his older brother to confirm the news, and he just smirked at him, and signalled for him to read his mind. Although, he wouldn't have if he knew he was just gonna call him an idiot.

William held Baptiste's little hand as they followed their parents into the ballroom, with Crispus behind all of them. He had always respected his brother because of how he treated everyone as his equal, but his true status as Crowned Prince and heir to the throne of the North wasn't apparent until he walked gallantly behind his family.

They took their seats, but this time, Baptiste was the one right in front of their mother, so he would get in the most trouble. Although he was annoying, being in their mother's strike zone during balls was one of the few things Baptiste got right. William giggled to himself, but his giggles turned to mesmerization at the sight of a stone-cold Kiara descending the stairs in such an elegant and poised manner. She always gave off a warm air similar to her mother's, but this time, her gaze was colder than Winston's.

It didn't change either as she stood at the podium across the room, talking into the microphone.

"Thank you all for the kind and warm birthday wishes on the celebration of my 18th year of life. I would also like to congratulate King Cheyton and Queen Chenoa on their pregnancy, and the conception of the West's new heir. Over the course of these last two weeks, I have been debating this topic for a while, and with the guidance of a trusted friend, and the permission of our parents, I am ending my engagement to Second Prince of the North, His Highness, William Philip of the house of Meelia-"

What? What was happening? William felt himself losing consciousness, but Ahn-Jong squeezed his hand as Kiara announced the last part of her speech. What more could she have possibly added? "This may come as a shock to many, but" she began, "I feel it is everyone's right to know that I, Crowned Princess and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of the South, Kiara Elesius of the tribe of Myra, am the Dark Creator's magician."