Chapter 6

Britney was stunned and in awe of Julian's power. It didn't look like he had done anything, but at the same time, she couldn't lift a finger as he walked closer and closer to William. He was walking away from her, but the influence of his power just seemed to be increasing with every step. Was that the true power of a Creator's magician? Was Kiara capable of the same? Such a destructive amount of power, and he didn't even bat an eyelash.

She had always tried to match her weaknesses to her strengths after her mother was kidnapped, and especially after Python was murdered right before her very eyes. She felt powerless during both occasions and even started training even harder to rid that sense of uselessness inside of her. She had thought she was getting better herself, but it was as if all her efforts went up into the sandstorm.

Britney was dazed as she thought of the power gap between her and Julian. Words couldn't describe the margin. It was too great for her to even fathom and terrified her. Kiara distorted space and time in the black voids as she lost control, but her standing there proved those two to be in a league of their own. Julian looked young. 25, maybe 26, so in two and a half decades' time he was able to master that much power. Did he go through the same phase as Kiara?

Did he also push everyone out of his life in order to become that powerful? Was Kiara heading down the same path? A lone road she didn't want anyone else to be a part of? Such a lonely life. How could the warm, spontaneous, kind, loving Kiara want that? Was it truly the Dark Creator's influence? It would make sense, but Louis's idea made sense too. Maybe she was just broken. After all, Britney couldn't imagine a Magi hurting their magician.

"You've been quiet for a while," Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong said, startling the absent-minded magician. "You okay?" She was fine, but she told her Highness how she was wondering about Julian's age. Kiara was officially an adult, but it seemed like she and Julian had a special relationship before her 18th birthday. "Oh, Blondey, there, is a lot older than you think he is, but him and Kiara don't have the relationship you think they have."

They didn't? Weren't they soulmates? "Soulmates don't necessarily apply to couples. Julian and Kiara are more of a mother-daughter duo than anything." Why didn't she tell William and rest? Surely her Highness noticed the animosity the guys had when he first arrived. "Yeah, but it's quite entertaining to see." Seeing all the guys trying to fight the Light Creator's magician for being close to Kiara was entertaining?

If the guys heard that, they would flip. Speaking of which, where were they? She hadn't seen them since they got back, so she searched the barbeque until she saw Louis and Rebecca. They had gotten closer, but they still didn't admit their feelings for each other. Britney couldn't understand why they were dragging their feet, so she interrupted their little date as revenge and to find out where the guys were. Specifically, Axel.

"I don't care what those jerks are doing." Louis replied, but she didn't ask if he cared about what they were doing. What were they doing anyway? As Britney went to ask Louis what he meant, they all walked with a glass in hand. They presented the glass to Kiara before apologizing for their behaviour thus far. "You have suffered an irreplaceable loss, and we should've been there for you as your friends." William said.

"For that, we're all sorry. And to you, Light Creator's magician, I'm sorry about earlier and I hope you keep Kiara's smile on her face." That was strange. William never knew when to give up, but he suddenly apologized to the man who had stolen Kiara away from him? Something weird was definitely going on. What was in the glass? Britney inched closer as her instinct probed her to not let Kiara drink the water, but Axel held her by her hand and gently pulled her back into an embrace.

"It's alright," he whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around her neck, "Everything will be alright now." What did that mean? The phrase meant to calm her down only made Britney even more suspicious of the glass's contents. She scanned the guys' faces as she lifted the glass out of William's hand.

"I'm sorry too," Kiara began, "I haven't been very open with you guys, so I'll try my best from now on." Lifting the glass and ingesting the contents would take about 5 seconds. Five seconds, five faces. Brandon was smiling. William was too. Louis was looking away? Axel was smiling, but not in his usual way. It was in a "I win!" sort of way. And finally, Kylian was reaching for the glass? She was right! That water was poisoned!

Britney's body moved faster than her mind could and she ended up kicking the glass out of the air. "What the hell, Brit!" Brandon yelled, but she turned around to check on Kiara. She asked her if she was alright, "I'm fine." she said as her eyes shut and she fell to the floor. Kiara! She drank the poisoned water! Julian managed to catch her before she hit her head and everyone rushed to her side as Britney ran up on William.

He tried to avoid her punch, but the trained assassin was too quick for him to dodge. After he was knocked to the ground, she jumped on top of him and threw punch after punch until Louis and Axel forcibly pulled her away from him. Why did he do it? How could he lie to her with a straight face and hurt her afterward? He'd already hurt her enough with his messed up idea of love! Wasn't that enough for him?

"You're overreacting." Axel said to her, but Louis was the one who swung at him. They began to tussle as Britney got up to fight William again. She tried running up, but Kylian stood in the way of her fist. She eyes glowed pearl as her fist flew through Kylian without hurting him and struck William. Brandon tried to cover him, but Britney was nearing her limit as she warned him and Kylian to get out of her way. She was going to kill him.

They didn't move, so her eyes glowed their brightest as she got ready to knock the two of them out and kill William in one blow. That was her resolve. That was what she was going to do, and nothing was going to stop her- "Kiara!" Halley cried. Kiara! Britney rushed over to her side and asked what was wrong. "Sh-she hasn't moved in a while, she stopped breathing, and I-I can't find a pulse either." Halley cried, "What are we going to do?"

Lady Chaeryoung placed her hand on Halley's head and asked her to calm down, but she couldn't stop crying. "Rebecca, was it?" she said, "You try to keep her condition stable, and you help too, Prince Lameckus. We'll be right back." She pulled Halley out of the room as Rebecca placed a barrier over Kiara and Prince Lameckus's field green magic oozed into it in the form of coloured dust. Britney took this opportunity to turn back to the guys and question what they did.

"We gave her water from the fountain of Purity," Brandon said, "It's supposed to purify the corrupt." "Then maybe you guys should've taken it." Louis remarked as Prince Crispus held him away from Axel, who surprisingly seemed itching for a fight. Even though there was not much they could do as Prince Jared held him back, it wasn't like Axel to want to fight anyone. He had been acting strangely recently too, but he seemed to care more about a fight than Kiara.

Halley returned, calm and collected and closed her eyes while holding Kiara's left hand. Her open turquoise eyes glowed as she reached for Kiara's neck and her left bosom. Clearly frustrated, she grabbed her hand again and started to cry as the glow faded from her eyes. What was wrong? "I can't find a pulse," she said as she stared at Kiara's solemn expression, "K-Kiara's dead."

What? Kiara? No way. N-no! That wasn't possible. She promised to live longer than Britney. She promised! She couldn't be gone. She just couldn't! Not Kiara! Not her, please! Anyone. Someone. Please tell Nayeon it wasn't real. Her innocent, kind, gentle, warm older sister was not dead. It just wasn't possible. Dead were all the people her parents killed in front of her to save her life. They were gone, but that didn't mean Kiara was.

Britney fell backwards onto her bottom as she remembered the day she met Kiara. She was behind a building with some older guys in middle school. They obviously wanted to hurt the 12 year old, but it wasn't Britney's business, so she ignored them. "So, what do you say?" she heard one of the eighth graders, and she was taken aback when she replied, "I am going to have to respectfully decline. My family has strict rules about my relationships with different people and I also have a fiance."

Did she not understand what they wanted? They wouldn't care about something that stupid! Britney didn't care for the dense girl, but she was curious as to how someone so thick headed looked. Yes. That was why she hopped the fence and beat up all the upperclassmen for her. That was why she walked her home everyday after that. That was why she introduced her to her dad and grandmother. That was why she fell in love with her, and why she had lost her.

William dropped to his knees and cried out to the still princess, but he had no right to. He didn't have the right to cry for her. Nor did any of them. They pushed her to that point. They were the ones who killed Kiara. Britney picked up William by his collar and asked him what right he had as the tears poured down their faces. What right did he have to cry for her? He didn't even love her! He had no right! None!

"It wasn't us," Axel explained, dry eyed, "Julian was the one who tethered Kylian to Poseidon and gave us the water." What? Julian did that? Julian killed his own soulmate? She was supposed to be a daughter to him and he killed her? He killed his own daughter? Britney's eyes glowed once more as he lunged at the Light Creator's magician, but he simply suspended her in the air without even glancing up at her.

"Louis warned you," he said, "Poseidon warned you. I warned you, but you guys were too selfish to think about anyone other than yourselves. Don't try to pin the blame on me now. After the deed is done." They had killed Kiara. And no one was fessing up or taking responsibility. Britney felt her blood bubbling as she remained trapped in suspended animation. She was no longer communicating with Hera as her vision turned pearl. She was going berserk!

Until she wasn't. "Haven't you had enough fun?" Julian asked her lifeless love, "It might be scary for you, so I'll lock some of your power." He placed his hand on her forehead and his eyes began to just glow. There was just light, no distinct colour, just light as the power of the most powerful creature in existence filled the space. Britney closed her eyes as she felt herself calming down in the radiant luminescent.

The anger she had still bubbled inside her, but she could hear Hera's voice again, a good sign. She opened her eyes when it was safe to look again, and Kiara was waking up! He had brought her back from the dead! The power of the Light Creator was truly incredible, but Julian just hushed the celebrations as the reborn princess slowly grasped her surroundings. Everyone's tension boiled down at the sight of the princess alive and well as she jumped into Julian's arms again. Only this time she called him "Jules"?

It didn't matter as Halley read Britney's mind and swung her arms around her. "Kiara, I'm so so so sorry. I'm sorry." she cried, but the princess pushed her away with a terrified expression. Wait. Why was she scared of Halley of all people? Everyone else also noticed her strange behaviour, but Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong was the first to point it out. "She didn't die, did she?" What? They all just saw her die in front of our eyes. What did she mean?

"No, she did not," Julian assured. How was that possible? Halley couldn't find a pulse and her body went cold as they watched her die. "Kiara and I cannot die," Julian explained, "As the Creators' magicians, immortality is the price we pay for such power." The Grand Duchess chimed in, adding, "In order for 'Jules' here to carry all light magic, he needs the most corrupted soul." So in order for Kiara to carry so much dark magic, Kiara had the purest soul?

"That's why the water of Purity killed her?" Prince Crispus asked, but Prince Lameckus corrected him. "It didn't kill her, but it also didn't work the way it was supposed to." "Precisely," Julian added, which meant Kiara was instead in her purest form, her as a 4 year old. That was the last year of her pure life before she got corrupted by the world, and that also meant she didn't remember anyone aside from Julian.

Britney's heart ached at the thought of Kiara forgetting all the memories she had with them. She felt it shatter to a thousand pieces as she cowered and quivered behind Julian and asked, "Jules, who are they?" Julian picked up the 18 year old and stood her up before walking her over to Prince Lamekus and introducing them. "This is your oldest brother, Lameckus." "Woah!" she exclaimed as she stared at him.

"My, how big you've gotten, Ira" he exclaimed with a smile hiding the sadness the reintroduction brought his heart. She stared into his eyes for a while before letting go of "Jules"' hand and properly embracing her oldest brother. "You look sad," she said, "Did you miss me that much?" He did. They all did. They had lost the Kiara they were desperately searching for and the Kiara they already had. Now, both were taken for granted and neither could be recovered.

Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong, Prince Crispus, Prince Jared, and Lady Chaeryoung were all introduced as her cousins, and they all had the same underlying heartbreak behind all of their smiles as well. They had known her longer than Britney had, and they had just taken her away from them. Rebecca and Halley carefully approached her next and apologized for startling her earlier before telling her the eight of them were her friends.

She studied each of them until her eyes landed on Britney. She stared and stared into her eyes before walking up to her and asking her, "Are you also my friend?" She didn't deserve to be. Not after everything she had done. What she did deserve was to be drowned in her own guilt rather than have the privilege of being Kiara's friend. "Oh," the young child said, "then … can we be new friends?" Huh?

"You know, like when two people fight, and then they become new friends." she explained innocently, "So, can we?" The tears Britney had just cleaned up poured back out as she accepted the proposal and was hugged by her new 4 year old friend in her older sister's body. She really didn't deserve Kiara's kindness, but she didn't know a sensation quite like her embrace. It was always so warm and safe.

She held on until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Axel hugged her from behind, trying to comfort her, but Kiara backed away in fear. What was wrong? Kiara stared at Axel for a while before running back to Julian and asking him, "Where's papa?" Prince Lameckus told her how their father was at the palace, but the memory of Kiara killing Chadwick ran through Britney's mind at hearing "papa".

Kiara's papa wasn't King Winston. Then it hit her. She was looking for Chadwick, but he was already- "Chadwick is busy right now," Rebecca lied, "He left you here with us to play. Don't you remember?" She didn't remember, but she went along with it anyway as they started playing with Rebecca's bouncy barriers.

Halley and Brandon joined in as their parental feelings towards Kiara took over while she was in this state. "I think it's best that we keep this amongst ourselves until we figure out how to reverse the effects of the water." Probably. That way, they wouldn't spread worldwide panic about the Dark Creator's magician's mind being reset back to 4 years old. Axel laughed at the possible headlines a story like that would bring, but Britney simply grew more and more suspicious of him.

He had been behaving strangely since their mid term break, but she couldn't put her finger on it. He was there in the flesh, but Axel didn't seem like the Michael she fell in love with. Rather he seemed more violent than usual and insensitive too. Kiara was also scared of him. It may have been because he approached her too quickly without any warning, but she seemed too scared of him for that to be the case.

Did something happen? Whether or not something did happen, Britney had to rain check those thoughts as Princess Mahogani arrived.

She released herself from Michael's arms and ran over to Kiara to cover her, as the eldest princess walked over. Prince Lameckus, clearly startled as well, asked her what she was doing there, and she replied, "I'm here to fetch you. All of you." Fetch them? How come? There was no way in abyssus she could've gotten the news so fast, so Prince Crispus carefully asked her to elaborate.

"I have been instructed to get Crowned Prince Crispus, Princes Lameckus, Jared, and William, Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong, Crowned Princess Kiara, Lady Chaeryoung, Kylian Louvre, Louis Johanssenn, Michaelangelo Sullivan, Nayeon Park, Brandon and Halley Markson, and Rebecca Spirko to the Palace of the South for urgent business per King Winston, Empress Si-eun, and Queen Mother Winona's request. Elaborate enough for you?"

What did they want? Considering the princess hadn't questioned Kiara's behaviour, Britney thought it was safe for them to go to the palace. The princes all thought the same as they all began to follow the eldest princess to the teleporters on the beach she arrived on. Kiara clung to Britney as they walked back to the waterfront. She was prepared to protect her, no matter what. Even as Kylian slipped something into her pocket?

"Kylian saved some water from the fountain," Louis quietly explained, "We're not sure, but the water may turn her back." There was no way of knowing, so they decided to just ask Julian about after this "urgent" business. She kept it safe in her pocket as she noticed how Princess Mahogani didn't say anything about him coming along uninvited. Was he really that powerful? More powerful than the kings and empress?


The nine of them stood there lined up beside all of Kiara's family and Britney's grandmother and father. They also didn't know why they were being summoned, and just mentioned how Prince Spencer was sent to get them as well. He apparently also didn't know what was going on, so they stood there in confusion as to this "big news"

Kiara stood right beside Britney, clinging to her arm, but the only member of her family who seemed to care were Prince Spencer and Prince Kingus. Prince Lameckus lied to them about why she remained away from them, and they bought it. Aside from them, none of the 35 members of the Myra and Onko royal and noble families cared about her. Britney finally realised how far their fear for the harmless princess spreaded as King Winston and Empress Si-eun walked into the throne room.

All chatter ceased as they walked in and all eyes were on the monarchs and the Queen Mother behind them. "Who are they?" Kiara asked quietly. The lady on the throne was Empress Si-eun. Kiara's aunt, sort of, and the man was … he was just … that was King Winston of the South Kingdom. She couldn't think of any way to explain to a 4 year old how her dad, who was sitting right in front of her, was the one who imprisoned her in the first place and put her through abyssus.

"The Saviours are no more." Mrs. Winona declared, "After their leader, Chadwick Myra, was killed, the organization fell apart." Britney turned to Kiara as Winona continued, but she didn't recognize Chadwick's name. Luckily for everyone present, most 4 year olds think their parents' names are mom and dad, so she didn't connect Chadwick to papa. If she did, the entire planet would've been destroyed.

That's why Julian tagged along! He must've been worried about the same thing. Leave it to the Light Creator's magician to think 10 steps ahead. "Hey," Kiara tugged at her arm, "isn't your last name Park?" Yea, it was, but how did she figure that out? "I asked the angry boy," Britney giggled at her description of Louis as she pointed to the doors of the throne room. "Then, isn't one of those ladies your sister?"

Her sister? But Britney didn't have a sister. She turned around, confused, as two people walked into the throne room: Princess Celestia Mariah Myra and royal assassin Park Soo-young?

M-mom? Britney couldn't believe her eyes as she watched her mother waltz into the room beside the lost princess. She didn't hesitate to run at full speed towards her in front of everyone in the room. She used to always run and jump into her mother's arms when she returned from a mission, so she couldn't contain the excitement and euphoria she felt throughout her body. A sense of fear ran alongside that joyousness.

Fear she was dreaming. Fear the dream would end. Fear her mother would once again disappear from her sight, never to return. She held on as tightly as she could as she called out to her lost mother over and over again. When Soo-young held her daughter in a grip weaker than her last, Britney's head became a mess of lightheadedness, disbelief, and elation. 엄마 was finally home!

"S-soo-young?" Yang Yang asked cautiously as he inched his way closer and closer to his wife and daughter. She smiled at him and he also dashed towards her as Britney refused to be separated from them. The three of them were finally together again, but no words were said as they held onto each other for their dear lives. Then again, I doubt they were even able to process what was happening anymore.

Yang Yang did try apologizing for something, but she hushed him before anyone could know what that was. Britney thought it was survivor's guilt after he had gone home without her, but it seemed deeper than that. Dad's guilt had already subsided years ago when he stopped his grueling training regime, but maybe mom's return had resurrected those feelings. What happened the day mom didn't come home?

Britney thought about asking her, but she didn't want to bring up any bad memories. She just wanted to hold her mom in her arms for the first time in 12 years. Soo-young, however, tapped on her head as she asked her to release her for a second, but Britney didn't want to let go. Yang Yang ended up prying her off her mother as she walked up to Grandma Bao and dropped to her knees.

She dropped her head to the floor below her as she bowed to her mother-in-law, thanking her for raising Nayeon thus far and for taking care of her husband. Grandma Bao knelt down beside her before telling her to raise her head. Soo-young did so obediently and was rewarded with a hug from her. Her tears poured as the elderly lady held her in her arms. The warmth of a mother's arms were something she didn't experience before her. She was the only mother she ever knew.

"My," she commented as her voice cracked, "Look at how thin you've become. We need to fatten you up! No daughter of mine is allowed to be this small." The rest of the gang smiled at the reunion. Britney waved to them, and they waved back. This was the greatest moment of her life. Her mom was finally home, and she was throwing Grandma Bao's hair pin at Axel? Axel!

The pin flew through the air at lightning speed before it stopped right in front of Axel's eye. Julian walked up to it afterwards and plucked it out of the air before walking over to Grandma Bao to return it. He politely bowed to her as he gave her back her hair pin and leaned in to Soo-young's ear before whispering. He had a serious look on his face, but it melted away as he moved away and welcomed her back with a smile.

Britney hadn't noticed, but her mom had her "work" look on her face. She had only seen it a few times on her, and it matched her father's. The last time he had that look was 8 years ago when a man tried taking Britney someplace else as she was waiting for her father. The look itself scared the man away and she could see why. Eyes filled with such murderous intent could make the scariest beast cry, so why did she stare at Axel with those eyes?

"Axel," Julian lied, "Looks like your hair temporarily awoke Mrs. Park's maternal instincts." His hair? Britney saw no fault in his dreamy, curly, soft, brown curls, though her view may have been biased. Regardless of how strange he was acting, Axel was her boyfriend, which only confused her more. What about him triggered mom? Was it really his immaculate hair? Or was it something more?

"He's right." Soo-young added, confusing Britney, "Your hair just looks similar to one of my captors. Sorry about that." Michael walked up to her and held her hand with both of his as he smiled while accepting her apology. Soo-young once again pulled her hand away from him and avoided his eyes as he tried to introduce himself. She seemed wary of him, but wariness became straight fear at hearing his last name.

Yang Yang's grip on her arm tensed up as well as he tried to convince everyone it was time for them to go home. "Soo-young has returned from the most traumatizing thing in her life, so I think we should take her home to rest." The monarchs agreed with the plan and concluded the meeting with their closing remarks. "Today is a marvelous day," King Winston said, "Because of Queen Mother Winona of the West's hard work, two families have been reunited. Thank you, Queen Mother."

The room erupted in thanks and cheers for the Queen Mother as everyone started to leave the room behind the monarchs. Before she left, however, Britney ran over to her and asked Mrs. Kiowa how she was able to find her mom and Princess Celestia.

"Almost immediately after you guys left my office on Friday, I got a call from a random location and no user ID. A man said some coordinates and I had some soldiers check it out. Next thing I know, the assassin and the princess are sitting in the Intelligence Center."

Did she know who the call was from? "No, but I assume it was an ex-Saviour who felt guilty." An ex-Saviour? Where had she heard that term before? Ex-Saviour, ex-Saviour, ex-Saviour. Winona told her to go home and not stress about it, but that word kept running through Britney's head as she tried to remember where she had heard it.


So, what happened after mom got kidnapped? Britney never thought she would get smacked on the head for asking such a simple question, but there she was. "Have some sensitivity!" her dad ironically yelled, but Soo-young was fine with telling them what had happened. "It's about time they know the truth about those Sullivans, Yang." The truth? Axel's parents? Britney and Grandma Bao were both confused.

"As assassins," Yang Yang started, "We always had to do what the client wanted. That was a given, after all, we killed people for a living. We would also kidnap important ringleaders from time to time, but when the royals requested us, it was 9 out of 10 times to kill someone." "And because we were assets of the royals," Soo-young took over, "We met and befriended the Sullivans somewhat. It was more of them trying to be friends with us, and us just accepting or ignoring their passes."

"Most of the time it was ignoring," Yang Yang explained, "After all, an assassin's private life is their greatest weakness." "In our case, that was you two." "One night, they invited us over for a small dinner party, where they asked us to help them catch a runaway test subject." "We had heard the rumours of them using people as lab rats, but we couldn't believe it when they admitted it." "We immediately declined the job, no matter how much money they tried throwing at us, until that devil mentioned your name, Nayeon."

Britney? Devil? Who were they talking about? "Doria Sulivan." Soo-young explained, "She implied she would hurt you and you, Mother, if we didn't oblige, so we did." "We resolved to get the job done quickly and get away from them once and for all." Who was the runaway? "Princess Kiara Elesius of the Kingdom of the South." Kiara? How was that possible? She was only introduced to the public at 6 years old. If she was a year older than Britney, that would've made her only 5.

"She was under Chadwick's private custody at the time," Yang Yang said, "And that's also how they caught wind of her existence. I thought they wanted her because she was the princess and heir, but after hearing her announcement at her birthday party, it made sense." So, did they kidnap Kiara for them? "That was the mission where mom was taken." Huh? The last time Britney said goodbye to her mom was Kiara's fault?

"Not at all," Yang Yang's voice rose with anger as he spoke, "Those damn devils leaked the information about the job to Chadwick and the last remaining remnants of the Saviours." "Outnumbered 10 to 1, we had to retreat, but we were surrounded. I managed to secure an escape route, but I covered your father as he made it through before they got me." Britney rubbed her dad's back reassuringly as her mom gave her account following that day.

"Mustollini tortured me for days before Chadwick and Aaron arrived and got the truth out of me. An assassin isn't supposed to reveal the name of their clients, but they had already screwed me over. Surprisingly, Myra ordered for my release and for them to do nothing about the Sullivans. Moore listened obediently, but Richard argued his decision, but it didn't do much to change his mind, which angered him."

"He assured them he would release me, but instead he knocked me out again, and when I woke up, I was in a sewage system, or somewhere underground with the same putrid smell. I occasionally heard news from the guards down there, but I never paid it any mind. All I could think about was you guys. For nine years, I only longed to see all three of you one last time before they killed me, but I constantly wondered why they never did."

"One day, they opened the hatch on the ceiling, and pulled me out of there. I used the opportunity to break away from the guards and run away, but once I opened the door to the outside, there was nothing but grass and flowers all around. The beautiful scenery calmed me down and made me drop my guard, but I should've known it was too good to be true as Richard approached me and knocked me out again."

"I woke up in a less smelly basement, and there was a little girl crying above me. I looked up at her, but I couldn't recognize her or figure out why she was crying. I looked around before quietly asking her, and she pointed to my arm. They had cut off my left arm while I was unconscious. My mid bicep was nothing but bandages and unfathomable pain as the anesthesia wore off. I initially screamed in agony, but that startled the girl, who reminded me of my Nayeon."

"For three years, I protected and took care of her as if she was you, and it felt like the Creators were giving me another chance with this child. A way to prepare me for when I saw you again, so I did my best with one arm until one day, she went into Obrussia. Her power almost destroyed the building, but Richard came in and did something to her and she calmed down. He also walked over to me, but I don't know what he did."

"I eventually forgot about the incident and tried helping the girl control her magic. Thankfully, she was gifted and she was soon able to heal my arm back to its original state a few days ago." A few days? Mom had no left arm for these last three years? How did she and this girl escape? "They just let us go." Huh? "One of them gave us coordinates and let us go. When we got to the place, soldiers arrived and saved the princess and I."

They let them go? Just like that? So Chadwick was responsible for the kidnapping itself, but it was Richard who kept them in captivity. Why would he go against Chadwick's wishes? Weren't Saviours supposed to be dangerously loyal? So many questions swirled around Britney's head as she tried to grasp the situation, but the biggest one was: Who gave them those coordinates? "A man in expensive clothing, but I didn't recognize him."

A man? Who could it be? Did she know him? Or maybe someone else in the group might've? Did Julian know? As Britney was trying to figure out the identity of this whistleblower, Grandma Bao asked her son, "Is that why you constantly beat up Nayeon when she was younger? To make her a strength instead of a weakness?" This was his intention, but it was news to Soo-young, who was, by the way, livid with hearing how he abused their daughter.

However, Britney was fine with it. She thought of it as tough love and was thankful for how strong it made her. Soo-young, on the other hand, didn't care how "strong you made her. How dare you treat our child like a punching bag?" Granted it was more like a sparring partner, Soo-young kept on scolding her husband as he sat there, knowing he deserved it. Grandma Bao and Britney took this chance to run away, but as they were leaving Soo-young warned them.

"Stay away from that Sullivan boy, Nayeon." she said as she held her husband by his collar. She replied with an obedient 'yes, mom' as she walked up the stairs to her room, debating her dilemma in her head. She dropped onto her bed and examined the small glass bottle of magic water she was given earlier. She lifted it up and stared at it as the moonlight made it glow in her hand. She couldn't seem to stop looking at it as she called her Magi to help her.

"Broken heart?" Hera asked, but Britney simply asked her if Axel had been behaving strangely. She had noticed his insensitive words and violent ways, and it really wasn't like him at all. He didn't even care when Kiara almost died, as if he knew she would be fine. If he knew what would happen, then why did he let the rest of them know? Not to mention how both Soo-young and little Kiara reacted to him. They both were scared of him.

His mannerisms seemed more obsessive than usual, and he kept on accidentally using too much strength while holding Britney's hand. Even the gleam in his eyes Britney had fallen for had seen to have faded away into cold, empty gazes. There was definitely something wrong with him. "So, what are you going to do about it?" Hera asked, but she had no idea. Should she just have talked to him? Maybe he needed her, but what if there was something wrong and he hurt her?

She shuddered at the thought of him hurting her. What was wrong with her? Since when did the daughter and pupil of an assassin fear pain? Plus Axel wouldn't hurt her. He promised. He couldn't hurt her, right? There was only one way to find out, and so Britney opened her door and tried sneaking down the stairs and out the door. She tiptoed and quietly put on her shoes, but she got caught.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" She turned around to face her grandmother, and tried lying to her. She did her best to avoid her eyes of truth, but she just couldn't and ended up telling her the truth. She was going to save Axel, and she wasn't going to let her stop her! " Be careful," she said, confusing her granddaughter, "The darkest hour is the one before the dawn."

Not understanding her words at all, Britney kissed Grandma Bao on the cheek before going on her way to the most expensive hotel in the city.


She looked up at the skyscraper as she realized she had her work cut out for her. Nayeon asked Hera to go find which window she had to get to, and she almost cried when she saw the Magi fly into the 42nd floor. However, she was determined to help Axel, and so her eyes glowed as she jumped as high into the air as she could. Floor one, two, three, four, five, she counted as she went higher and higher.

Thirty-six! She latched herself onto the window of the 36th floor as gravity started to take its effect and looked up at the 6 she had left to cover. She thought of going through the building itself, but that would take too much time, something no one ever seems to have. She unstuck her hand from the window and left the suction cupped glove on the surface as she did the same for her shoe. Britney balanced on the one shoe and glove and looked up.

Saltus. She leaped up from the shoe and glove and slingshotted herself up the remaining six floors before her eyes glowed once more and she threw her body through the glass, careful not to shatter it, and into the room. She had done it! Britney had surprised herself and the other person in the room, Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong. "I didn't think you would come for my help so soon." she remarked while sitting in a bathrobe at a desk.

Britney went to ask her for a favour, but she hushed her and pointed to her bed. She turned to look, and Lady Chaeryoung was sleeping. "Quietly, tell me what you want." the Grand Duchess said in her normal volume despite just telling Britney to shut up, but Britney wasn't petty about it and kept on whispering. She needed the Grand Duchess to transport her to Axel's dorm without anyone noticing. "That's it? I'm surprised someone of your caliber can't do it yourself."

It was another habit Britney had noticed. Before, scaring Michael was the easiest thing in the world, but now it seemed like Axel knew where everything was and could notice the smallest changes. Except the Grand Duchess's magic, of course. He seemed startled when she teleported them to the desert. Like he didn't see it coming at all. "Alright, I'll do it." Grand Duchess Ahn-Jong declared, "But in return you have to do something for me."

Britney accepted the bizarre request and questioned when it would be relevant. "One day." she replied, and Nayeon didn't seek any further explanation.


Had he seen Axel? Kylian hadn' t seen his best friend since he went out of their dorm a few minutes ago, "Why?" Kylian asked. Britney didn't explain anything to him except 'something's wrong with Michael'. Kylian had noticed the same strange behaviours, but had paid them no mind since he was more focused on Kiara. That's when suddenly he questioned why Axel would go out so late at night. Did he really want ice cream that badly? Or was he hiding something?

They both went to follow him to the convenience store, but they did so carefully. He hadn't left the dorm too long ago, so the two of them managed to catch up to him, but remained at a distance far enough for him not to notice them. They suspiciously followed the young magician as he turned the corner by the convenience store and went down a dark alley. They were right! He was hiding something!

Britney's instincts told her to turn away and stop following him, but she ignored the warnings and pressed on until she and Kylian were hiding behind storage containers on an abandoned pier. They watched Axel walk into a warehouse, and finally stopped to question whether or not they should go on. "We should just ask him about it on Monday." Kylian suggested, but Britney knew he wouldn't tell them the truth.

As they decided to go into the abandoned warehouse after Axel, the two of them felt someone grab their shoulders. "Look at what we have here." he said.