Chapter 13

(A/N Notes: It looks like, we're ahead of schedule boys)

"Phew... Today was tiring, and the old man looked more pumped up than usual... At least I still left on time"

Right now it was 6:30 AM, and Takeru was almost in front of his apartment building entrance, and in front of the entrance he...



Accidentally met his with Yuriko, and they both looked away from each other, Yuriko with a slightly embarrassed face and Takeru with a troubled face

"... *Sigh*... Yuriko-san..."

"! *Twitches* Y, yes, Takeru-kun?"

"I'm really sorry for yesterday!"

"Eh!? N, no! Y, you d, don't need to be! It's fine really!"

"Yes, I need it! And because it was my fault for causing this weird situation, I'll do anything you ask me to do! *Bows down*"

"Huh!? *Blushing more intensely* N, no, really! I forgive you! so you don't need to do that!"

"Yes, I need to!"

The two were on an impasse since she was trying to make him stop and he wasn't backing down, then an idea came to her

"T, then since the f, finals of this s, semester are coming, h, how about t, the one w, who scores l, lower overall w, will have t, to do s, something that the o, one who s, cored higher asks?"

"... Okay, that's fine by me"

"G, great! Then w, we better get c, changed soon..."

"Yeah, you're right"

And the two entered the apartment, Takeru was feeling relieved as if he just got rid of a heavy weight on his shoulders, while Yuriko was feeling flustered both because she knew what she felt for him and because of what the old lady told her. And they entered their apartments

At Yuriko's place

She undressed the clothes she was wearing and went to take a shower

"... Anything I ask..."

Then she ended up thinking of her and Takeru kissing on the lips, and that made her face turn beet red

"!!!" *Fall to her knees*

She then held her cheeks as she felt even more embarrassed

"... Am I really so in love with him?... ... ... But this is quite the pleasant feeling to have... Alright!"

She then steeled herself to get back up, finished taking her shower, put on her uniform, and finished doing all the other things she needed to do before leaving for school

And she left her apartment

"Ah! Good morning, Takeru-kun"

At Takeru's place

He was undressing so that he could take a shower

(A/N Notes: Dense yet, not dense, oh! The sarcasm)

He took a quick shower, put on his uniform, and did everything he needed to prepare before leaving

Then he left his apartment

"Yes, good morning, Yuriko-san"

Later during lunch break

She was going towards the student council room to have a quick look at the suggestion box, but she was stopped

"Y, Yuriko-sama?"

"Hm? Yes, how can I help you, ojou-sama?"

"Fueh! E, Eeeerrrmmm... Huuummmmmm..."

"C'mon! If you can't ask her directly then only show her the picture!"

Another who was accompanying the other said so

"Ah! You're right! Uwaaaah!!!... Y, Yuriko-sama! Who's this person giving you a lap pillow???"


The girl had hurriedly picked her phone and almost dropped it, and in her flustered state she asked Yuriko as she showed a photo of Takeru giving her a lap pillow for a pretty far distance, and that made Yuriko blush a little

"*Inhales*... He's just a friend of mine, why do you ask?"

"Ah! I, i, i, it's just because y, you w, weren't particularly c, close to the boys a, and yesterday s, some of us saw y, you and y, your friend l, like that and... T, thought y, you two w, were going out"


"B, but s, since y, you two a, are only f, friends... W, we're s, sorry f, for thinking t, that..."

"Don't worry, I don't blame you for thinking that. Now if you excuse me, I'll be going"

"Ah! Y, yes! Yuriko-sama"

And Yuriko went back on going to the StuCo room, she picked the letters inside the suggestion box and entered the room that was empty. She sat down, and a trembling smile formed on her face as she blushed

<... We really appeared to be going out in that photo... I really want to go out with him... But I should wait for a little more, because of what he had said to me back then>

She was waiting for the right time to say her feelings to him so that she wouldn't cause another misunderstanding (A/N Notes: Ah! Yes! The right time! *looks at the time in my wristwatch*... Oh yeah! I don't use a wristwatch)

Last day of school before the test week

Yuriko and Takeru were in the school library

"And this how you do this, do you get it now?"

"... I think I do"

"That's great! I'm sure, you'll do great on the test Takeru-kun"

"Thanks, and good luck for you too, Yuriko-san"


The two were getting along as always

The day after the tests



The two were looking at the results of their tests in silence as while they were both standing beside each other, and one thing was already made clear... That beating Yuriko in the tests was nigh impossible, since she was at the top of the class with 100 points in all of her tests. As for Takeru, he had done somewhat better than in his midterm tests

"... W, well... At least you did your best..."

"... Were the tests difficult for you?"

"... No..."

"Of course they weren't, you perfect prince!" (A/N Notes: Language!)

Takeru then sat down and looked away from her as he sulked


And that only pleased Yuriko more

"... *Look back at the tests*" *Peeks at Takeru* "..."

Yuriko looked down as her cheeks turned slightly as she felt fidgety (A/N Notes: If you guys need me, I'll be at my bunker, don't search for me)

"T, Takeru-kun?"



"... ... ..."

He wasn't answering her, no matter how many times she called him, but instead of getting angry or sad, Yuriko just kept finding him even cuter the more he acted like that

"..." <... I think this much will be fine...>

Yuriko resolved herself, and she began to slowly approach Takeru, then she touched his shoulder and called him again



Yuriko closed her eyes and approached her face towards Takeru

"... *Sigh*..." "What is it, Yuri- !?!?!?"

He stopped his act and turned to ask her what she wanted, and then he felt something soft touching his lips and saw Yuriko's face too close to his. He became unable to move due to his surprise, and he began to feel his face turning really hot as his embarrassment only grew

"..." *Opens her eyes a little* "... !?!?!?"

When she opened her eyes to see why he wasn't saying anything, her eyes met with his eyes, and she immediately noticed she ended up kissing him on the lips, making her embarrassment skyrocket as her face turned completely red

Then she gently held Takeru's cheeks and properly kissed him on the lips, even if that made her even more embarrassed than she was already, then after kissing him she let go of him

"..." *Looks away in embarrassment* "I, I, I, I, If y, y, y, y, y, you e, e, excuse m, me, I, I, I'll b, be leaving!- KYAAAAAAA!!!"

When she tried to leave, Takeru grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards himself, making her fall on his lap

"T, T, T, T, Takeru-kun?..."

"You have quite the guts to just kiss me and try to run away..."


When Yuriko saw him looking and talking to her as if he was angry, she immediately turned blue

"And it appears I'll have to teach you a lesson"

"W, w, w, w, what do me-... !?!?!?"

Her face turned red and she felt her embarrassment coming back up with everything it got as she saw and felt Takeru kissing her on the lips as she sat on his lap. Then after what felt like an eternity for her, Takeru stopped kissing her lips

"You're looking like a very cute princess right now, Yuriko-san"


Her face was beet red as she looked completely defenseless on his lap, and so was Takeru's face as he began regretting to have pulled Yuriko for a second kiss, she hid her face with her hands so that he couldn't see it and he looked up to hide his blushing face from her, and both of them wanted to dig a hole and bury themselves out of embarrassment

(A/N Notes: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??? Those two dorks managed to assess their feelings for one another without taking a hundred chapters, a beach chapter, a hot spring chapter, and without an annoying and unnecessary male love rival and female childhood friend from the ML, and a bunch of chapters of them brainstorming if their feelings, is actually love and not some other feeling, a quick break up and them they coming back, for them to finally kiss and end the story without satisfying anyone because everyone already quit from reading about two dense motherf*ckers who never go anywhere without the plot pushing them to do so!... Haa haa haa... What was I going to say again?)