Chapter 15

(A/N Notes: So how fast can you read and understand? I can read as fast as the guy listing the side effects in medicine commercials. Please, come in)

Today was the day of the sports' festival between Yama high and Tani high that was being held on the premises of the former this year, and right now it was the basketball match


"Nice pass, Takeru!"

"Whatever! Just dunk the ball already!"

"On it!"

The boy then went towards the basket to make a score, but he was intercepted by an opposing player and had the ball stolen

"Thanks for the ball and the score!"

"On your dreams, playah"


"Think quick!" *Steals the ball*

Takeru was swift to steal the ball back to his team, and because he could more or less see that he wasn't able to pass to anyone of his team, so he decided to go for a gambling shot


And with a shout, he threw the ball towards the basket, and through the good ol' luck the ball went inside the rim without touching it

"Did I miss it?"


The team commemorated his score, but not Takeru since he wasn't using his glasses, so he didn't know if the ball went in or not, so he didn't know if it was his team or the opposing who were commemorating winning the first half of the game

*Whistling sound*

And with the sound of a whistle, it signaled that the start of the half-time


When Takeru sat down on a bench, he felt his exhaustion kicking in because again his team only knew how to attack, so he had to take the brunt of the defense while he also covered the backline whenever his team attacked to foil any counter-attacks

"Very good team, let's keep pressuring them until we win!"


All the other players of his team were better suited for long games and didn't have to defend their sides by themselves. So they were all hyped up because they were winning, while Takeru only looked at them with reproval eyes because he knew that he would only get more exhausted after the half-time ends. And that was exactly what happened...




"Y, yes!"

The guy who just receives the ball went and managed to make a score giving Takeru's team a 2 points advantage, after the half time had ended the opposing team managed to tie with them, and the only thing stopping the opposing team from making more points was Takeru's fierce and desperate defense, that was making him really short-tempered

"Good shot man!"

"Thanks, dude!"

"Don't slack off, you idiots!!!"

And the opposing team managed to make a score on their counter-attack, tying the game again. Then Takeru's team once again made a reckless attack, that result in another successful counter-attack for the opposing team

"you guys have more ten seconds!"

The P.E teacher who was acting as the arbiter said so, and Takeru who was already fed up from having the short end of the stick finally snapped at his team

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" *Steals the ball*


He stole the ball from his teammate right underneath their basket and shot it right towards the opposing basket, making his team and the opposing team panic as they went after the ball. Then the ball hit the back of the rim, then hit the front, hit and bounced on the backboard, and began spinning on the hoop, with the opposing team desperately trying to prevent it from falling inside the rim, and while his team tried to stop them, and then... The ball stopped spinning on the rim and fell inside, giving Takeru's team three points

*Whistling sound*

And right after it fell inside the rim, the game ended. Making Takeru's team commemorate their win, while the opposing team cried for their loss at the last possible second

" " " "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" " " "

" " " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" " " "

And Takeru who already knew his team would only tire him more picked up his glasses, and went towards one of the outdoor taps of the school, without being noticed because both teams were attracting all the attention. Aside from Yuriko who was watching his game, but was mostly paying attention to him playing, decided to get up and follow him

And Himari who was also watching the game, notice her self-proclaimed rival leave the bleachers, so she also got up to follow Yuriko


"Puhaaa!... Haa... *Sigh*... I hate those guys"

Takeru was drinking the water from the outdoor taps as he cursed his stupid teammates, then he scooped some water with both hands and soaked his face, then he pushed up his front hair that was drenched in both water and sweat, at that moment he heard the sound of someone taking a photo


When he looked at the source of the photo, he saw, although blurry, a tall figure with long grey hair


"Hello, Takeru-kun"

"Did you just take a photo of me?"


"Then would you so kindly delete it?"


" "..." "

They were both silent as they happily smiled at each other

"Delete it"


"I said for you to delete it!"

Takeru tried to grab Yuriko's phone, but she raised it with one hand, while the other held one of his arms

"And I said that I don't want to"

Though they were clearly struggling against each other, they were also having fun, then Yuriko's back touched a wall making her get pinned down between the wall and Takeru

"So you won't delete it, huh?"

"No, I won't"

"... *Sigh*... Okay, then... But I'll need something in exchange for you to keep it"

"And what would that be?"


Takeru then used their position and kissed her on the lips and after a few seconds he let go of her lips

"I think this will do"

"Y, yes..."

He had turned, grabbed his glasses, and left. Yuriko who stayed there was blushing and making a cute embarrassed face, as she used the wall to keep herself standing, she then looked at her phone and saw the photo she took of Takeru and his photo of him squinting his eyes without his glasses and a face and hair dripping of water, made him look cool and handsome, making her heart skip a beat when she looked at it

When Himari reached the corner, she only ended up seeing the two kissing, before she hid behind the corner with a surprised and embarrassed face

(A/N Notes: The ML lookin' cool... But not for long!)