Chapter 17

(A/N Notes: ... Oh no... It's a summer story arc...)

The first day of summer vacation, early afternoon

A train had just arrived at the station of a certain town, then its doors opened, and a tall girl with long grey hair walked out from one of the train cars

*Deeply inhales* "Whew! It's nice to come back home sometimes... Oh! It looks like I'll have to wait for just a little more"

Yes, it was Yuriko who walked out of the train, and yes, she was back in her hometown for most of her summer vacations. She had just received a message from her parents, that they would take a few more minutes to arrive at the station to pick her up


She was messaging Takeru while she waited at the passenger drop-off area of the train station. And as always she attracted the gazes of many onlookers and passerby's attention just from standing there, and even more so since she was only wearing shorts, a t-shirt, a pair of sneakers, with her hair in her usual ponytail due to the hot weather


And after a while she noticed a familiar very expensive car approaching, and the car stopped right in front of her. Then she opened the car trunk, put her luggage in there, closed it, and went inside the car and sat and the rear seats

"It's nice to see you two again, dad, mom"

"Yes! It's nice to our Yuriko-chan safe and sound again!"

"Dear, let's get home first before acting like two idiot parents"

"Ah! Yes, you're right, honey"

"It's also nice to see that you two are still getting along well"

Yuriko said so to her father who was the one driving, while her mother was sitting on the passenger seat. And with that, she made her way back home


"... Well, it looks like she won't be picking up anytime soon, so back to work"

Takeru was almost finishing the cleaning of his house before leaving, he had already prepared his backpack with some of his clothes, his handheld consoles, a few games, and he also made sure to make cloud saves of his computer games, so that he could continue playing his saves over there. And after some minutes he finished cleaning

"It's early in the afternoon, huh?... I'll be only going back in the late afternoon, so... Let's waste some time doing something useless"

And he turned his tv on and kept watching anime until it was time to leave. And when he was about to leave, he gave one last check to see if everything was closed properly and if the fridge was empty, after doing that he left his apartment, locked it and made his way to the train station

That same day, early evening

A train just arrived at a familiar station of a certain familiar town, and when its doors opened, a boy with almost black, dark brown hair with a single streak of red hair near his left eye left one of the passenger cars

He looked at the most recent message from his mother that said that she and his father were already waiting for him at the passenger drop-off area. So he made his way there, and once there he greeted his parents

"Sup' dad, sup' mom" *Small handwave*

"That's how you greet your parent after not seeing us for months!?"

"... Haa... Hello, dad. Hello, mom"

And he hugged his father and mother

"That's way better!"

"Now, let's quickly go back home, so that we can start making dinner"

And the three entered the car and went back home...

And yes, Takeru and Yuriko families lived in the same hometown, but they never met before due to mostly because their houses were quite far away from one another, and they went to different schools before going to Yama high

The next day, early in the morning

"Meow! Meow! Meow!" *Slapping the human in the face to wake him up*

"Uuuuuugh... Okay... I'll put food for you, Pochi..."

Takeru was woken up pretty early because his cat was pestering him in his sleep to give it food. So he got up, put on his glasses, and went to give his cat food so that it would stop pestering him

"*Yawns*... Haa..." *Lays down on the sofa*

And since he had already gone downstairs, he just decided to go back to sleep on the sofa, for some minutes he managed to sleep until he was woken up again, but this time, it was because he felt a presence waiting in anticipation for him

*Opens eyes just a little* "..."

And he saw two big puppy eyes looking at him, it was his dog Tama, who was also holding her leash in her mouth

"... Haa... Fine... I get it..."

He got up and went back to his bedroom upstairs, where he picked his phone, wallet, and put on his outdoor shorts and a T-shirt. Then he went back downstairs and took Tama for an extra early walk


"*Light breathing*... *Opens eyes* *Blink blink* Fuwaaaahhh... ... ... What time is it now? *Pick phone*... It's still pretty early, but I'm not feeling sleepy or tired... *Stretching herself* Hmmm... I guess I'll do a morning walk"

Yuriko then got out of her bed and changed from her summer pajamas to her outdoor shorts and a T-shirt, but when it came to her hair, that was slightly messy from her sleep

"Hmmm... Should I go with my usual ponytail? *Making a ponytail* Or... A side tail? *Making a side tail*... Or twin tails? *Making twin tails*... ... ... No, let's not"

She undid the twin tails she making with her hands as she blushed a little in embarrassment

"Hmmm... I think I'll go with a side tail today for a little change... I wonder if Takeru would praise me if I passed by him today... *Blushing a little more* What am I saying, there's no way he's also here... ... ..."

She just went and quickly did a side tail, picked her phone and wallet, then left her house for a walk

Some time later

"T, T, T, Takeru-kun... C, could you p, please..."

"Five more minutes..." *Tightens his hug*

Takeru was hugging Yuriko as he slept while resting his head on her shoulder, and she couldn't help but blush and stay silent at that situation she found herself in

"... ... ...*Blushing intensifies* ... *Hugs him back*"

And in the end, she couldn't help but hug him back


Tama was the one who caused this situation because she was the one taking Takeru on an extra early morning walk and not the opposite

(A/N Notes: Next chapter... More new characters)