Chapter 56

(A/N Notes: A lot of things happened today, my dog, a corgi, was attacked by another dog, a chow chow, I had to put my hand inside the chow chow mouth to make it let go of my dog while my father kicked the f*cker, we don't know if the owner vaccinated it with all the necessary vaccines, I went to the hospital and me and my dog are doing relatively well for now after we both received first aid, it's now going to the veterinarian because of the f*cker who bit him

This might affect my original stories since I will need to take medicines that may wreck my stomach)

It was the afternoon of the next day, Yuriko and Takeru enjoy their time together at school without being interrupted and were now in their own apartments

"... Oh yeh... I forgot to tell mom about yesterday... Well, better late than never"

Takeru picked up his phone and called his mother cellphone

"Takkun? What bring you to call me? Did something happen?"

"... I'm going to be a father"


"I also asked my girlfriend in marriage"


"My girlfriend got pregnant because of me"


Emily got extremely surprised and confused at the very surprising and unexpected news that came one after the other

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You're going to be what!?"

"A father"

"... ... ... How many times did you two do it?"

"... Do you want by days or by... Well, you know... Coming?"

"... Days"

She was kinda scared to ask how many times her son came while doing that with his girlfriend

"Four, we did four times... With one of the days being for an entire day..."

"... ... ... I'll be going there as soon as I can, if possible I'll be there tomorrow, but I'll most likely be able to only go over there on Saturday"


"Also... Good job on taking responsibility for asking her in marriage after getting your girlfriend pregnant"

"Thank you"

"Mother, out"

"Bye, mom"

And they both ended the call

"... Huh?... This was easier than expected"

At the Tanaka household


Emily was pressing her temples as she digested everything that her son had just told her over the phone

"... To think it would be Takkun who would be telling me this... If it was the other two, I would get it by how prone to doing stupidities they're... But Takkun... ... ... At least, I'm sure he would make a good father... I also never met that girlfriend of his... I need to see if she isn't being a bad influence on him... Haa..."

Emily opened a bottle of ale and drank it directly from the bottle, she quickly drank everything

"Puhaa!... I think I need another two bottles of ale"

When she was unable to come up with a good answer she would always try to drown her worries with alcohol, sometimes it worked, other times she would just wake up naked on her bed with Hitoshi by her side also naked, without really remembering what happened, today it was the latter

Saturday, after school

Yuriko had just finished her duties and the student council president and was leaving the student council room when that guy appeared



Yuriko just ignored him

"So would it be possible for you to go on a date with me?"

"... Haa... How many times will you keep asking me out?"

"For as long as you accept me"

"*Sigh*... ... ... Say would you still ask me out if I were to marry Takeru?"

"... What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer me already"

"... No, I wouldn't because according to my father and my ideals stealing someone's wife is wrong!"

"I see, and what about if you found out that I was pregnant with his child?"


"Just answer me"

"Then no! Because I find it wrong to separate a child from its parent when there's no need to!"

"I see... I'm pregnant with Takeru's child"

"... ... ... Eh?"


The sound of something falling on the ground could be from behind Yuriko, but she didn't really pay attention to it, and instead just looked at Mitsuto with a happy expression as she revealed that she was pregnant with Takeru's child

"So if you excuse me, I'll be going back to Takeru"

"... ... ..."

Yuriko turned and left leaving Mitsuto stunned and speechless, as she walked she passed by another hallway, and on that hallway, there was a person on the floor, it was Daichi, his eyes were white as he was foaming from the mouth

Saturday, early morning

Emily was at the train station waiting for the first train that went to the city her son was residing at. Then someone also stopped right beside her

"Hm? Emily-san?"

"Huh? Ah! Kaga-senpai"

"It has been a long time"

"Yup, it has"

The two women who happened to study at the same university made an unexpected encounter, then the train arrived and the two entered as they put their talks up to date

About an hour later

The two arrived that their children's apartment and they were both surprised that it was at the same place. Then they got also got surprised, that their children were neighbors. They both pressed the intercom and waited for their children to receive them

The door of Takeru's apartment was open, and but the one who received Emily was a beautifully handsome and tall girl who was breathing roughly, and was only wearing a shirt and panties

"How can I help you?"


Kaga who knew that voice very well went over to Takeru's apartment front door and peeked her head from the side


"Huh? Mother?"

Then Yuriko was hugged from behind, she turned a little to see Takeru with a sleepy face as he hugging her


"Mmmm *nodding*..."

He only nodded to his mother call, then Emily and Kaga looked at each other

"She's your daughter?..."

"He's your son?..."

" "..." "

They got somewhat surprised at that weird coincidence

Some minutes later

Yuriko had put on a skirt, and cleaned herself a little so that she could look more presentable to Takeru's mother, and Takeru... He was receiving a lap pillow from Yuriko as he wasn't able to wake up, as she sat on the sofa, while Emily sat on the armchair, and Kaga sat on a chair

"So, I think we all know why we're here, right?"

" "Yes" "

Emily asked them so

"Before we start anything, can I get your permission to allow Takeru-kun to marry Yu-chan?"

"Hm? Ah, sure, sure. Takkun already promised Yuriko-san in marriage, right?"

"He did? Wow! He's definitely bold, what did he tell you, Yu-chan?"

"I, I don't want to talk about it"

Yuriko could only blush and get shy as she remembered his marriage proposal

< >

Both mothers agreed on Yuriko's reaction

(A/N Notes: This is all for today of my original stories everyone)