
(A/N Notes: As I said, I'll be ending this story here. I might, and probably will come back to this story in the future, but to prevent this story from going in a downhill direction and becoming bad and repetitive because I tried too hard on keeping it going. I decided to end it here, I know it's abrupt, but as I said last time, I think this is the right decision for both me, you the reader, and the story as a whole)

A few years after

"I didn't think, it was already this day"

"Me too"

"Time surely flew by in the blink of an eye..."

"Yes, it did..."

" "Because I was with you" "

Yuriko and Takeru said to each other at the same time and smiled at each other as they enjoyed their wedding ceremony, with their relatives and friend getting drunk and commemorating it more than the couple in question

"Well, well, well... If it ain't today's stars enjoying themselves"


"... I saw and heard you clicking your tongue, Takeru"

"Shut up, Ichiro"

"Are those the words you say to the guy who helped you on your marriage?"


The two glared at each other as they were literally a few moments from getting into a fistfight

"It has been a while, Yuriko-san"

"Same here, Sakurako-san. And I see that you and Ichiro have been working hard lately"

"Yes, we have"

Sakurako rubbed her belly that had grown considerably since the last time two had seen each other

" "Ow!" "

Yuriko and Sakurako looked towards the two who made the sound and saw a new participant in the "arena"... It was, Takeru and Ichiro's cousin, Yasu. And he had just karate chopped their heads

"Bongiorno, Yuriko"

"Yes, good to see you, Cicilia-san"

Cicilia went to where Yuriko and Sakurako were, as she carried a baby in her arms

"By the way, Yuriko. Where's your daughter?"

"She's with my parents over there"

"I see, so how have you been?"

"Now that you asked..."

The three girls had a peaceful talk, while their husbands all had their usual petty cousin squabble

Some years later

"Uwah!" *Ploft*

Takeru had fallen heads down on the cold snow of the Alps


Followed after by Sakurako also falling down head down on the ice right by his side. The two got up right on time to see Yuriko and Ichiro snowboarding like pros down the mountain

" "..." "

"I think we should take the aerial Tramway"


The two gave up trying to go down the mountain the cool way

"Aren't you two going to snowboard?"

Cicilia asked Takeur and Sakurako

"Nah, we're going to die if we do that"

"I agree with him"

"Hmm... Then how about you two use the snow sled for two?"

" "..." "

Takeru and Sakurako looked at each other

"Sounds good for me"

"Me too"

"Great! I'll pick a sled for you two"

And Cicilia grabbed a snow sled for Sakurako and Takeru, they got in the sled with Sakurako on the front and Takeru behind her, and when they were about to slide down the mountain, they gave up on the last second

"Yeah, we're not going to do this"

"Yup, let's get down the safe way"


"... Is that so? I understand, not everyone can go down my home country Alps like that"

Cicilia said so with a slightly saddened face


And Yasu seeing his wife like that, gave Takeru and Sakurako the little push they needed to slide down the mountain, literally

*Puts his boot on Takeru's back* "..."

"... Yasu... Don't" *softly*

"..." *slightly pushed Takeru's back with his leg*

Takeru and Sakurako quickly began to gain speed


As the scream of the two echoed through the mountain

"... That was pretty evil of you"

"But I only did that because I love you"


Cicilia blushed and looked away, then she put her snow googles and skied down the mountain

"Thought so that would happen..."

And Yasu went to take the aerial Tramway to the mountainside

At the mountainside

"You're pretty good"

"I should be the one saying that"

Yuriko and Ichiro were praising each other for their snowboarding skills

"So wanna go for another race?"

"Only if you wanna lose again"

"Haha, you just bought a fight with the wrong person, girl"

And the two went towards the ski lift to snowboard down the mountain again, but before they could do that


" "Hm?" "

They heard two screams echoing, that were getting stronger, then they saw who the ones responsible for it. As the snow sled got closer to the mountainside and the terrain inclination got more gentle, Takeru and Sakurako slowly lost speed and stopped right in front of Yuriko and Ichiro

" "..." "

When the two saw Takeru and Sakurako very to each other and clinging to each other, their jealousy raised rapidly, while Takeru and Sakurako basically had their souls leaving through their mouths. When they were finally able to get off the sled, the two immediately hugged their wife and husband, Takeru hugged Yuriko while Sakurako hugged Ichiro respectively, and only let go of them after an intense time alone later on

"Whew... Hm?... ... ..."

Cicilia who had just skied down the mountain and saw the two idiotic couple hugging, felt a little envious, only for she herself to be hugged from behind by Yasu

"You want to be hugged as well, ain't I right?"

"... Yes..."

Cicilia blushed and hugged Yasu back

A few years later

"Mom? Dad? I need your help for so-"

Yukiko who was calling for her parents, Takeru and Yuriko, saw the two passionately making out in the living room

"..." <... I think we'll be getting a new family member soon>

Both She and her little sister, Yukiko, got used to seeing their parents like that from time to time, so Yumiko simply returned to her room to solve her problem by herself. Nine months later, she and Yukiko got a little brother

(A/N Notes: I only managed to get this out by using an idea I wanted to use, but that I wasn't able to… So yeah, not the best ending… And I don't have any idea on how to make it better)