Virgin Wildcat

Sniffing the air Sessina abruptly came awake. The events of yesterday came streaming into her mind and with a jerk she sat bolt upright in the bed.

It was early dawn outside. She heard horses and in alarm she went out onto the balcony only to see her brother and father riding a wagon down the trail from the ranch.

What were they doing?

"Relax Sessina."

She whirled about to behold the Drifter sitting further along on her balcony at a table. There was food on the table.

It was the smell of this food that had awakened her. Staring wide-eyed at the man who had rescued her and who had intimately held both of her breasts in his hands, she felt a blush come across her from head to toe.

He was still here. He was going to stay.

As scary as that was for her there was also a feeling of intense relief as well. Feeling choked she did manage to get out, "Where are they going?"

"Just down the trail a ways to start building a gate that's within rifle range of the ranch house. See they've stopped."

Sessina looked and it was true. Her father had been in the process of building a gate there for years. It looked like he'd finally get it done.

"They'll be gone all day."

Sessina's eyes swung back to the Drifter. A shiver passed through her then as he added, "Not that it makes any difference. I'm told that this side of the house is completely soundproofed off from the rest of the living spaces."


I sat in my chair admiring the spectacular beauty of the girl before me. The flush to her face only made her more radiant against the backdrop of the early morning sun.

In a small sounding voice she asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

I was a man that believed in honesty and I was honest now whether it was the right thing to be or not, but if my thoughts were correct on the matter Sessina simply wasn't a girl you asked to do anything but rather you told her what was going to happen and one way or another you then made it happen.

"Well, first I'm going to feed you breakfast and then I'm going to take you inside and ram my cock as deep inside of you as I can get it. After that I'm most likely going to do it again and again as I rise to the occasion. Somewhere in the process of endlessly plunging and releasing my seed into you I'm going to lick, caress, and likely playfully bite every square inch of your body. I guarantee you that I'm going to be as thorough in my complete possession of you as any man has ever been with a virgin, so I suggest you come over and get some food in you, because there will be no time for it again until much later today."

The girl stared at me in a sort of dazed shock like she couldn't believe what was happening to her. I crooked a finger beckoningly, "Come here."

Slowly, her feet moved forward across the balcony. She came to her chair and stopped.

"No, I mean here."

With reluctance, she came closer until she was by my side. I reached up and started undoing the buttons of her blouse again.

Her whole body was visibly shaking. I felt sorry for her in some ways, but well, I wasn't going to stop.

I pulled her blouse off of her and the rising light of the sun showcased her smooth bare shoulders. The rise and fall of her chest was sharply pronounced by the rapidity of her breathing.

"There you go. I like a better view with my breakfast."

I stood up and she flinched backward a step from me. Reaching out I claimed her shoulders with the warmth of my hands and felt her shudder spasmodically beneath my grip.

I directed her to her pulled out chair and seated her down into it. Leaning down I deeply kissed into the soft skinned sweep of where her shoulder met her neck.

It was against her will to do so, no doubt, but I heard her moan softly. Smiling, I kissed my way up her neck and sweeping her hair to the side, I kissed the patch of skin behind her ear deeply and heard another moan escape from her.

Letting my hands sweep down her soft shoulders to her hands lying on the table I filled my lungs with the glorious spicy scent of her. Filling her hand with a fork I said, "Eat."

Hand shaking she did so even as I remained standing behind her looking over her shoulder in complete admiration of the ebulliently full mounds of feminine delight that were pressed up against each other beneath her chemise. She didn't know it yet, but she was going to feed me daily from those silken mounds of perfection.

Macy and I had lost a child near full-term, but in the process of advanced pregnancy and my insatiable need for Macy I had provoked her milk supply to come in early. Long after the loss of our baby and up to the day I had made an ill-fated decision to join in a war she'd had milk daily for me.

It was a taste I'd never forgotten, even as the time spent suckling it out of her had been the highest moments of quality time that I'd ever experienced in my life and for Macy the feeling had been more than mutual. She'd gloried in the ability of her body to feed me and she had done so proudly to the tune of orgasm after orgasm.

It was one of the sweetest memories of the past that I had of how Macy had gone from orgasm to orgasm as I suckled her often with one or more of my fingers buried in her sheath stroking away even as I consumed the nectar of her body made especially for me. I wanted this girl to experience what the joy of that pleasure had been like even as I craved the joy of what her milk would taste like.

I'd never been healthier in my life than that time that I'd spent with Macy. In a way the provoked good health in me had only inspired me to love her more.

I wanted to love someone like that again and this girl was the woman. In the process of my daydreaming my hands had slipped down to support the objects of my fascination.

Sounding choked Sessina whispered, "I don't think I can eat any more right now."

I glanced away from the swelling of her breasts laying supported by my hands with only a whisper of fabric separating my touch from her bare skin. Taking in her plate I saw that she had managed to at least eat half of it.

"Well then, I guess you're ready for my cock." I spoke the words into her ear almost directly.

Her body shivered and as it shook I turned her chair out to face me. She sat there before me in a mixture of shock and something else.

Excitement. Yes, that was it.

My gaze took in the twin heavily rouged points of her nipples as they pushed with passion against the cloth of her undergarment with an insistence that said they begged to be free. In a minute that would happen, but not right now.

Right now I needed to come and I'd already decided where it would be. Standing before her I reached out my hand and claimed her smooth jaw.

Her eyes were on mine and I spoke softly but firmly, "It's time to complete your meal. You're going to undo my pants and free my cock. You're going to then lean forward and lick my cock with that sweet little tongue of yours and then you're going to press your beautiful lips apart over the head of my shaft and take as much of it into your mouth as you can without choking. Then honey, you're going to suck upon it. You're going to suck until I explode my seed into your mouth and as I do that you're going to do your best to swallow all of it down your throat. The taste might not be to your liking now, but with time I promise you that you're going to daily come to crave it. Ready?"

Her head shook no even as twin tears streaked down her cheeks. I could not be swayed by them or I'd never gain mastery over this girl and mastery of her I would have.

Gripping her jaw I corrected the motion of her head's movement and nodded it up and down. I wiped the tears from her cheeks and let go of her head entirely.

Her gaze was fixed on my crotch directly before her.

"I'm waiting honey."

She looked up then and I saw a hint of anger in her gaze for the first time. She whispered something unintelligible and I lifted her chin with a finger, "What was that?"

Looking me in the eyes, she said then in a louder tone, "I said you're a real bastard."

Smiling, I said, "You don't know the half of it. Now hurry up before I get impatient and show you what a bastard can really be like."

Her hands rose quickly to my pants in clear evidence that the girl respected my ability to bring harm and that was good even as it was sad. What she didn't need to know right now though was that I'd never harm one hair of her glorious mane.

My pants fell away and I stepped out of them. The look on her face was priceless and one that made me swell to even larger proportions.

Her gaze fled from my groin up to mine and with fear she whispered, "I….I can't fit this! You're too…. I"

Taking her head once more in my grasp I gently said, "I assure you honey that your body will fit every inch of it wherever I choose to shove it, whether it's in your pretty mouth and your throat beyond it, your virgin sheath and even one day your tight ass. You'll take every inch of it for all the years of your life to come."

She seemed frozen in shock by my words and taking charge of her head I brought it forward. Turning her head to the side, I painted a copious amount of pre-cum drizzling from my shaft across her cheek and then I drug the head of my shaft across her lips.

She was breathing heavy and so was I, "Now sugar, it's time for you to do as I said or so help me, things will get out of control and believe it or not I really don't want that to happen."

I let go of her head as I waited on her. I felt it then.

I looked down as her little pink tongue came out to glide down the side of my shaft. It was an awe-inspiring sight that would have been made a lot better if there weren't so many tears streaking down her face.

As much as I didn't want to be a monster with her, every stroke of her tongue and the soft wet contact of her lips against me drove me to be more of one. As time went on the soft, inexperienced touches of her mouth and tongue became utterly maddening.

I simply couldn't hold on any longer. My hands came up and I seized her head.

Thrusting forward with my hips the thick head of my shaft parted her lips and scraped by her teeth, forcing her to have to open her mouth wider. Trembling, I fought the insane urge to stroke as deeply down the back of her throat as I wanted to, but I knew it would choke her and so with every nobler sense of control I possessed I gritted out as I remained stationary just within her mouth, "Start sucking and remember to swallow everything I give you."

The feel of her mouth was hot and then as her lips obediently constricted to clamp down upon my shaft I let forth with a groan of indescribable pleasure. I lost it then and began coming within the sweet enclave of her virgin mouth that had never paid host to another man's shaft before mine. My orgasm was long and when it was done, I pulled back from the sucking clasp of her lips.

Breathing heavy I looked down. Her head was now downcast.

Kneeling down before her I gazed into her face. It was hard to read her as the look on her face was quite enigmatic.

A thick trail of my semen had escaped her mouth and had run down to the one corner of her chin. Reaching a finger out I swept it up only to then sweep it in past her panting lips.

Dutifully she sucked my finger clean.

"Good girl." I leaned forward and kissed her with all the passion I felt for her that was already beginning to stretch my shaft back out with hardness.

Pulling back from the kiss I said, "It's time to make you a woman, honey. Think you can stand up?"

She nodded. I rose up to my feet and so did she.

Her face remained downcast. Kissing the top of her head I said, "Take my shirt off."

She did so obediently.

"Now take your clothes off."

Her breathing hitched, but she did as ordered. In the passage of a few minutes of undressing she was delivered of all coverings and stood barefoot before me in a display of feminine splendor.

Taking her hand, I led her into the bedroom. Reaching the bed, I lifted her at the waist and laid her forward across it on her belly.

In alarm she started to push up, but I was already over her on my hands and knees and growling into her ear I said, "Lay down."

She instantly slumped flat to the bed once more. Sweeping her hair to the side, I pressed a deep kiss to the silken skin on the back of her neck.

She was fighting not to moan and I overruled her by none too gently sinking my teeth into a grip of what I had just been kissing. There was no stopping her moan, then and with fascination I watched her fingers grip like claws into the bed's coverlet.

I released my bite and wetly licked the spot before dragging my tongue down her spine both licking and kissing as I went. Her breathing was heavy and as I reached the small of her back and pressed a deep kiss into it, she moaned more deeply than I'd heard her do yet.

It was a sound of pure beauty. Pulling my head back I gazed down upon her perfectly proportioned ass that was displayed beneath me in surrender and whistled, "Honey you are one beautiful girl."

I was really speechless for anything else to say as my head lowered to kiss first one cheek and then the other. My hands found them then and I delighted in the warmly contoured suppleness of her ass.

I knew it would scare her, but unable to resist I split her cheeks widely apart and lowered my lips to kiss wetly at the top of her crack and then made my way down it one kiss at a time until her tightly constricted bottom entrance was beneath my mouth. It was my turn to groan as I imagined in full how tight and hotly warm the flesh I kissed would feel upon my cock one day when I decided to invade her here and stake my claim to even the most tenderly vulnerable part of her anatomy.

I wetly probed with my tongue for a moment fully initiating her to what would occur one day in the future if my words from earlier hadn't been convincing enough already. She made no protest, but remained a quivering mass of nerves beneath me.

I let the full cheeks of her bottom glide closed and kissed her bottom entrance goodbye even as my thumbs stroked rhythmically along the crease on either side where the cheeks of her bottom met her lusciously appointed thighs that had the perfect fullness to them that a man could ask for. The spicy smell of a woman highly aroused against her will or not rose pungently to greet my ever lowering invasion of her.

I licked her sheath from behind and she abruptly cried out. I did it again and she started panting.

I'd wanted to go all the way to her perfect toes in my exploration of her, but right now I simply couldn't deny myself the joy of her receiving and feeling pleasure. I swept backward off the bed and gripping a hold of her I flipped her.

I groaned as I took in the sway of her passion laden breasts that I hadn't even gotten a chance to suckle yet, but right now the part of her that needed suckled the most was at the very core of her body. Pulling her forward as I knelt by the bed, I guided her soft and well formed calves to spill over the back of my shoulders even as my mouth fell open upon the hotly wet entrance of her womanhood.

Sessina screamed and with force her hands came to my head, but not to push it away. Chuckling, I swept my tongue into her tasting the essence of my wife for the first time.

I could truly become drunk on the taste of her and as she screamed and bucked against my mouth with orgasm after orgasm that is exactly what I did. Pulling back from the open wet heat of her womanhood, I breathed out in an appreciative sigh of wonder at what I saw.

"Only You, God, could make anything this beautiful!"

My gaze swept up the passion blushed body of a woman crafted for intense lovemaking. Her head was raised and she was looking at me even as her body shifted and rubbed rhythmically upon the sheets of the bed in clear evidence of the stark want for what only I could provide.

Her voice hoarse from the screams of pleasure that I had evoked out of her almost effortlessly for going on an hour now she begged, "Please! I…. Please!"

"Please what Sessina?"

Conscious thought looked difficult for her to manage right now. In frustration as her body continued to rub on the sheets she hit the bed with a fist and said, "I don't know, but just please!"

"Are you ready for me to make you my wife?"

Her body stilled and as her gaze came to mine through the valley of her breasts, she said with readied assurance, "Yes!"

I let her gripping thighs fall off from my shoulders and I rose up to stand before her. Her gaze immediately rooted upon my shaft that was dribbling again with the desire this woman effortlessly evoked in me.

"Okay, honey."

Her gaze rose to mine and shyly she hitched up further onto the bed and then she did the sweetest thing. She split her full thighs widely apart for me.

She was completely welcoming me to take her. It was sweet and yet my desire for her in the moment wasn't based in sweetness.

I wanted her. I wanted her savagely.

I didn't know how to express it though, because I didn't want to turn down the sweetness of her gesture. I was a man suddenly bound up by two conflicting desires.

To mount her as she was or to mount her as I most desired to. It was odd how I'd already come to the point of being willing to satisfy her desires over my own.

She must've seen the conflict in me, as she once more writhed on the bed with the superior passion, her body was endowed with, she asked, "I… do you want me to… a different way?"

Closing my eyes, I wiped at my sweaty face even as I groaned out, "Yes, I do."

She rocked my world then. She came up off the bed and before I knew it, she was pressed against me from toe to nipple.

My eyes flared open just in time to feel her arms come around my neck as she leaned up on tiptoe to kiss me. It was the kiss of a passionate woman and I groaned all the harder with the need to be in this woman and firmly dominating all the beauty that I saw in her.

Her lips broke away and pulling back her face even as her full breasts smashed their erect tips into my curly chest hair, she asked, "How do you want me?"

Gazing into her passionately infused dark brown eyes, I said just as darkly, "Like a stallion takes a mare."

Her already flushed face grew even hotter still, but she didn't break eye contact. Whispering, she spoke, "If you could please answer one question first before I… before I become your mare."

I grew still inside, "Yes, what is it?"

A tear slipped down her cheek, "I don't even know your name."

Feeling like the worst kind of awful, I said, "Aaron. It's Aaron."

"Aaron, as from the Bible?"

I nodded.

She nodded and then leaning forward, she kissed my chest over top of my heart.

"What was that for?"

Not looking up, she said, "Thank you for giving me pleasure. I…. I don't think many men would have waited as long as you have. Your touch…. your touch on me…. I can freely feel that you mean to give me the pleasure that you have. Thank you."

She looked up as even more tears came spiraling down her cheeks. Stuttering she said, "Thank you for coming back with me. Thank you for risking your life for my family and thank you for being again as you've been with me. I didn't know there could be so much pleasure. You didn't have to give it to me, but because you did, I know…. I see that I can trust you. I can trust you with everything that there is about me. I'll be your wife. I... I….. I'll be the mare to your stallion whenever you want me."

Still crying then from the high emotions she was feeling she turned away and exited my grasp as she mounted onto the bed before me, until at the very center she stopped to fully present me with the erotic sight of her ass at the ready.

This is what I had wanted the most. This open submission to me.

It was like both sweet wine and the strongest of all alcohols to view the preciousness of her willing submission to my possession of her. It was more than I deserved, but in a word, it was the perfect way it was meant to be between a male and his female.

Mounting onto the bed I came up behind a woman lusciously appointed for sex. I drank in the supple curved down arch of her spine that was in a word sublime.

I stroked my hands out onto her back and the arch of it became even deeper. She lowered herself onto her elbows and as my hands stroked across her back I gazed with heavy desire upon her ass as it was upturned and openly displayed before me.

My hands eased her thighs further apart and I made way into the space provided between her legs. I nudged my shaft into the open wet heat of her sheath's entrance from behind.

Groaning, I eased down as there was simply one more thing I had to do first. I had to give this sweet girl another orgasm.

My mouth opened on her even as my tongue licked deeply between the folds of her entrance even as my actions were in imitation of what an actual stallion would do to a mare before he mounted her. Sessina's body jerked, but she remained poised in the position that I had placed her in and even in this I read a submission of will.

I heard her though, as my tongue swirled and drank of her even as my finger began directly stimulating the little bud of pleasure to the front of her sheath that was currently swelled to complete fullness. Within moments she came apart at the seams and I relished the sounds of her delirious pleasure as she cried out into the covers of the bed.

Rising up behind her I positioned my shaft. Her head had fallen forward to the bed and with a savage need to make sure she didn't go anywhere in order to escape my possession I reached forward across her deeply arched back and wrapped my fist fully into her mane of dark black raven colored hair.

I pulled and her head craned backward up off the bed even as my other hand settled in a tight grip over her widely curved hip. There was no more waiting. I had no more gentleness in me.

I pushed forward with a will to dominate and met with the solid resistance of a very tight virgin. Wetly she gave way and then I was tearing through the sweet vestiges of her virginity and she was jerking against both my holds upon her, but it did her no good as without mercy, I opened her body up with the heat of my shaft until there was none left of me to press into her.

Oh, she was tight!

Enamored with the sheer glory of her passage of heat and wetly pressed constriction I pulled myself, partly out only to ram all the way back in again. I could hear her crying and I knew from the stiffness of her body that she was feeling anything but pleasure right now as I plundered her all the way to the gate of her womb.

My hold on her hair kept her back arched just right for my full possession of her and her hips weren't going anywhere. Savagely I made my way into her tight depths three more times and still she was pulling against my grasp on her hair.

Fully encased in her I released my grip on her hip and brought my cupped hand down hard on her right ass cheek that wasn't obscured by my groin. She jerked, but had nowhere to go.

I moved my hand gripping her hair to the side and her head turned to me partially and gutturally I growled, "Submit to me!"

She was violently angry I could see that. What a woman!

Hot words were rising to her lips and to forestall them I lifted my hand again in a clear threat to her ass and the words she'd been about to speak stopped. She stopped pulling against my hold on her hair too.

I let go of her hair and sure enough obstinate girl that she was, she started to try to pull forward and off of my shaft that gored her to the hilt. Shaking my head, I raised my left hand and brought it down with a spank to her left cheek even harder than the one before to her right cheek.

She cried out and all effort to move away from me stopped. It was brutal, but she had to learn.

Reaching forward I pushed and her shoulders crashed to the bed, but my shaft kept her ass held high. Taking a hold of both of her hips tightly, then I began to make my way fully in and out of the hot canal that would one day play host to the passage of my children.

Easing in and out as deeply as I wished to go I satisfied a deep urge of my being to be deeply in this woman and as I slowly filled her repetitively again and again her cries of pain and anger faded to something else.

I could feel her body, discovering the pleasure of being a woman filled by the thick shaft of her mate. Where there had been tears of pain and coughs of frustration suddenly there was the heat of a woman experiencing pleasure and pushing back against it in search for more.

I let myself go then and as I bucked dominantly into her then she clamped about me in a squeeze that made me see stars, even as with rock hard determination I shoved my way through the tightness of her orgasm to bury my shaft as deep as I could get it so that my spraying seed bathed the opening gates of her womb as we were both rocked to the cores of our being by our simultaneous orgasm. I emptied myself into her and with a groan of delight remained buried to the hilt in her still constricting sheath that pressed tightly all about me.

I'd been savage in my taking of her, but she was built to take it. I wanted nothing more than to remain pressed deeply into her as I was, but with the completion of orgasm also came the awareness of the need to care for what I had abused.

I pulled out and laying down onto the bed, I pulled her in against me. Her upper breast spilled across my rib cage as I brought her alongside of me.

She wouldn't look at me. I wondered for several long moments as to how much I may have damaged the relationship with my passion.

All my fears were erased, then when shyly she let her upper leg slide out over the top of mine in what felt more like a caress than anything else. I cozied her in against me a little more and before I knew it sleep had claimed a hold of both of us.