
"Good, very good!" Hao Xuan laughed.

He looked at Mu Taio and smiled, "Are you related to senior Qu?"

Mu Taio was taken by surprise at first but then he laughed snobbishly and looked back at his classmates proudly, "Look, even this madman treats my family with respect!" he thought.

"Yes, he is my father," he replied after a few seconds of gloating.

Hao Xuan shook his head, "Ahh, that's a shame. Senior Qu won't let me have his precious son. It's a real shame to have lost someone so talented out of the palm of my hand," he went up to Mu Taio and patted his head.

No one was expecting Hao Xuan to act so chummy with Mu Taio, especially the Mad Saints who knew he wanted his head. All of them were left speechless. If they didn't know any better they also would have thought Hao Xuan's lamentation was genuine.