

Both Hao Xuan and Sin jumped back and took out their respective weapons while facing the door. Sin had two long daggers, one in each hand. They were shimmering with a dark light and if one didn't directly look at them, they seemed to disappear and meld with the surroundings. Hao Xuan could only imagine how difficult it would be to fight against someone like that, whose weapons weren't even visible during the fight.

"Assassin?" he asked looking at her daggers, making her smile in return.

"Daddy?" a quivering voice asked from the door as the figure slowly came closer to them.

"Stop! Who are you?!" Sin raised her daggers and pointed them at the small figure, ready to attack.

"Mama!" the figure shouted and came running at her. Sin didn't hesitate for even a second and slashed towards the moving figure while jumping back once again.