Horde Part 5

The pitter-patter of the raindrops resounded throughout the city. The rain seemed to have picked up and now there was a strong wind and thunder accompanying it.

Kuo, Hash, and Maddy stood atop the walls along with Hao Xuan and waited for the Horde's arrival.

"We found it, captain," Hao Xuan's badge rang and a message popped up. It was from Cav.

"Alright, continue as discussed. Secure it in case we need to use it in an emergency. Are the beast cores primmed and ready?"

"Yes, they have all been placed in the most optimal locations."

"Good job. Send its location to Kuo and others."

Galena was in a state of emergency right now. All the civilians had been told to get ready and prepare enough rations for a several days long journey.

Hao Xuan looked at the time and sighed, "Any response from HQ?"

"Not yet sir," Kuo replied through the badge.
