
Hao Xuan's party arrived at the new tomb. It was about five times as big as the one they had fought the creatures in.

The science team quickly got to work while Hao Xuan stood at the entrance staring at the massive hall. The setting was identical to the other tombs with thousands of giant coffins placed throughout the hall with either, one or several statues in front of every coffin.

He walked up to the biggest coffin there was and inspected it closely. There were no seals or anything else around it. The lone statue in front of it was of the same creature he had seen before in the temple.

It looked like a giant brain with nerve endings coming out of it, forming legs. But this one was different because it wasn't four-legged like the one in the temple, instead, it had four appendages in the form of arms and legs. If the other one was described as beastly, this one was definitely more human-like.