
"God Damnit!" Zeng Yu kicked a pillar next to him, sending it flying into the wall on the other side of the room.

Jin Wang was standing at the entrance, looking at the bottomless pit that was left where the tombs once used to be.


"There's nothing we can do. You have other responsibilities now, focus on them. Lead us out, the mission is over," he said with his back towards Zeng Yu.

Zeng Yu looked at Jin Wang in anger, but held back so as not to start a fight, "I know," he mumbled and looked at the remaining seventy people or so.

"Let's go," he shouted, getting everyone's attention.

The coffin room had just collapsed and Hao Xuan along with two Red Legion members, and three from Hyson's group had fallen into the empty space.

About ten others had some injuries here and there, but nothing serious.

They got up and started walking deeper into the tomb through the lone hallway.